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25 Natural Remedies And Tips To Get Rid Of Dark Lips

by Fashionlady
Remedies for Dark Lips

Home Remedies for Dark Lips

Which girl wouldn’t like to have rosy pink lips? In its pursuit, what all do we not do? From surfing the beauty and cosmetic sites to asking our friends for solutions, we are out and about for a solution. But with the passage of time, most of us tend to develop dark lips.

Ever explored the power of natural remedies to get dark lips out of the way? Our kitchen and grandma – both have plenty of suggestions and tips for it. Let’s find out the causes first.


  1. Addiction to Caffeine: Those of you who are die-hard lovers of tea or coffee often suffer from dark lips.
  1. Allergy: The allergy I am referring to is more towards certain types of lips products which can wreck havoc with your lips.
  1. Dermatitis: Women who are avid users of lip products – lipsticks, shades or gloss often come across the skin problem of dermatitis.
  1. Dehydration: Drinking less of water or constantly licking your lips can lead to dry lips.
  1. Sun Exposure: Harsh UV rays not only cause sunburns on skin, they can also affect the lip moisture leading to dark lips (if not nipped in the bud soon)
  1. Hot Food: Food items which are to be taken “hot” like soups, halwas, and other dishes can bring serious trouble to the lips.
  1. Anemia: Lack of sufficient blood in the human body is called Anemia. It can also lead to lip discoloration.
  1. Improper Diet: Bad eating habits can ruin your health and lead to discoloring of lips.
  1. Hormonal Imbalances: Yeah, hormonal changes which happen due to ageing can be responsible for the discoloration of lips.
  1. Lack of Lip Care: Our Face is always the focus area in terms of care. This often makes us neglect our lips which lead to dark lips.

Valid causes written above need effective remedies.

Read below.

Home Remedies for Dark Lips

Twenty five remedies to sort out your problem of dark lips.

1. Lemon

What all you need: Lemon slice, bit of sugar


  1. Before going to sleep, squeeze a lemon and apply the juice on your lips
  1. Do this remedy for 1 to 3 months

Optional Remedy 1:

  • To a thin lemon slice, sprinkle some sugar on the top
  • Now rub it on your lips
  • This will help exfoliate dead skin cells on the lips so that the new ones can appear. Apply this remedy daily for a few weeks.

Optional Remedy 2:

  • Make a mixture comprising of one-half tsp of lemon juice, one-half tsp glycerin and one-half tsp honey.
  • Apply it on your lips before you go to bed
  • Make this a daily practice to get positive results

How it works: Lemon is used to treat dark skin spots and patches, so it can be used to lighten dark lips, too. Lemon has bleaching properties which makes it a powerful remedy for dark lips.

Lemon for Dark Lips

2. Rose

What all you need: A drop of rose water and a few honey drops


  1. Mix a drop of rose water with just a few drops of honey
  1. Apply it on your lips – 3 to 4 times a day

Optional Remedy 1:

  • Mix 1 tbsp the paste of rose petals with 1 tsp of one teaspoon of either of these – butter, honey, or milk cream
  • Apply it on your lips and then gently scrub it
  • Repeat this remedy twice a week


Optional Remedy 2:

  • Soak some rose petals in raw milk for an hour
  • Grind the mixture into a paste
  • Add one-half tsp of honey and just a pinch of saffron to it
  • Now apply paste on your lips
  • Let it stay on your lips for about 15 minutes
  • Repeat it twice a day.

How it works: Rose remedy does ‘3 some’ to your lips – soothes, cools and moisturizes.

  1. Put fresh beetroot juice on your lips before you go off to sleep
  1. Then wash it off the next morning
  1. Make sure to do it daily at night

Optional Remedy 1:

  • Take beetroot and carrot juice
  • Mix equal amounts of it
  • Apply it on your lips
  • After 10 minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm water
  • Repeat it once daily for 1 to 2 weeks

How it works: Beetroot is gifted with natural bleaching properties which lightens the dark lips. And then there is the red color of the juice! It is so natural it is bound to turn your dark lips rosy. Try it and see the difference!


4. Olive Oil

What all you need: Extra Virgin Oil (EVO)


  1. Put a few drops of EVO on your lips
  1. Massage it gently
  1. Do this part every night before going off to sleep

Optional Remedy 1:

  • Mix one-half tsp of sugar with a few drops of EVO.
  • Apply and scrub it on your lips once a week
  • It will get you back your natural lip color and shine within 30 to 60 days.

How it works: Olive oil is not just meant for the salads but also for dark lips. It has essential nutrients which moisturize your lips, making them soft and beautiful.


5. Sugar Scrub

What all you need: 3 tbsp granulated sugar, 2 tbsp butter


  1. Make a thick paste by blending granulated sugar and butter
  1. Scrub the paste on your lips
  1. Once a week, do this remedy

Optional Remedy 1:

  • There is another way of making a sugar scrub – combine 1 tsp of granulated sugar, 1 tsp honey and one-half tsp almond oil.
  • Scrub your lips with it once a week

Optional Remedy 2:

  • This is the easiest one – mix some sugar with a cold cream
  • Scrub your lips with it before you fall off to sleep
  • Do it once a week

How it works: Exfoliation helps in removing dead skin cells which make the lips look dark and dull. And Sugar Scrub is an excellent exfoliation technique which delivers positive results.

Sugar Scrub for Dark Lips

6. Pomegranate

What all you need: 1 tbsp pomegranate seeds (crushed), rose water, milk cream


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl
  1. Apply the paste on your dark lips
  1. Scrub it for a few minutes (but gently)
  1. Wash it off with lukewarm water
  1. Do this remedy once a day

Optional Remedy 1:

  • Get pomegranate juice, beetroot juice and carrot juice
  • Mix equal amount of it
  • Apply it on your dark lips once daily.

How it works: Pomegranate is a good home remedy for treating dark lips. It also moisturizes dry lips and helps get back their natural pink color.

7. Cucumber

What all you need: Cucumber slices


  1. Rub a cucumber slice on your lips slowly and gently
  1. The whole idea is to push the absorption of the cucumber juice into the lips
  1. Keep doing it for 5 minutes each day

How it works: Cucumber is a skin –lightening agent. Naturally, it will make your lip skin get a lighter shade.


8. Strawberries

What all you need: A bowl of strawberries (or strawberry juice)


  1. Mix 1 tbsp strawberry juice with 2 tbsp petroleum jelly.
  1. Hey you! Your LIP BALM is ready.
  1. Now apply it on your lips two times a day.

How it works: Delicious-looking strawberries have essential vitamins and minerals to keep your dark lips healthy-looking and most importantly rosy pink.

9. Honey

What all you need: Honey


  1. The easiest way to combat darkness of lips is to apply honey on your lips and leave it overnight
  1. Next morning, wash it off with lukewarm water
  1. Repeat this remedy daily till to make your lips pink

Optional Remedy 1:

  • Make paste of one-half tsp each of yogurt, honey, and gram flour
  • Apply this paste on your lips
  • Leave it for 30 minutes
  • Then rinse it with lukewarm water
  • Do it daily till you see a ‘color’ change in your lips (for the better, of course!)

How it works: Honey is a natural moisturizer which softens your lips and brings back their natural pink color.

10. Almond Oil

What all you need: Few drops of almond oil, 1 tbsp honey


  1. Whenever you feel your lips are dry, mix 5 to 6 drops almond oil with 1 tbsp honey
  1. Within a matter of few days, you will find your lips becoming soft and smooth and getting back their natural pink glow.Optional Remedy 1:
  1. Take equal amounts of almond oil and castor oil
  1. Massage your lips with this oil-blend
  1. This will help lighten the darkness of your lips

Optional Remedy 2:

  • Like almond and Castor oil mix (mentioned above), mix almond oil and coconut oil in equal quantity
  • Apply a coat of this oil-mixture on your lips at night before going off to sleep
  • Do it daily to turn your dark lips into pink

How it works: Just like honey, almond oil has moisturizing and softening properties.


11. Potato

What all you need: Potato slices


  1. Cut a slice of whole potato
  1. Rub it on the lips before going to bed
  1. Repeat this remedy for few days/weeks to get pink lips

How it works: Taken by some as common man’s meat “Potato” is not just a good veggie but is also an effective home remedy for skin care.
Potato has “catecholase” – a kind of enzyme which removes dark patches. So, the lips look lighter and whiter.


12. Coconut Oil

What all you need: Virgin Coconut Oil


  1. Use the coconut oil as a lip balm
  1. Take few drops of coconut oil on your palm and spread it on your lips with your fingertip

How it works: Coconut oil has essential fatty acids to keep your lips healthy and hydrated.

Tip: Apply coconut oil on your dark lips before going to bed. Keep applying it as and when required.

13. Aloe Vera

What all you need: Gel of Aloe Vera


  1. First of all, extract the gel from an aloe vera plant
  1. Apply a thin layer of the gel on your dry and dark lips
  1. Rinse it with lukewarm water

How it works: Aloe vera gel has a flavonoid called ‘aloesin’. It is a polyphenolic compound which reduces the skin pigmentation process, thus causing lightening of the lips. It also rejuvenates the skin.

Tip: For best results, repeat this remedy once a day

14. Apple Cider Vinegar

What all you need: 1 tsp ACV, 1 tsp water and some cotton


  1. Firstly, dilute the vinegar in water
  1. Dab it on your lips using cotton
  1. Let it dry
  1. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm water
  1. Repeat this remedy daily

How it works: ACV is mildly acidic in nature. That is because it has alpha hydroxy acids which act as a natural skin-lightening agent and remove the pigmentation from the lips.

Tip: Never use apple cider vinegar for overnight application. Long exposure to its acidity can damage the skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

15. Baking Soda

What all you need: 1 tsp baking soda, lip balm or olive oil, water, toothbrush (optional)


  1. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water
  1. Smear your lips with this paste
  1. Using your finger tip or a toothbrush, scrub the paste on your lips gently for 2 to 3 minutes
  1. Rinse it thoroughly
  1. Follow it by applying olive oil on your lips

How it works: The darkness of the lips can be due to the accumulated dead cells. What Baking Soda is awesome – it exfoliates and removes these dead skin cells and brings healthy and pink skin to the lip surface.

Tip: Use the baking soda scrub remedy every alternate day

16. Turmeric

What all you need: Turmeric (Haldi), Milk and Tooth brush (this is an interesting addition)


  1. Mix enough turmeric and milk to create a paste
  1. Dampen your lips now
  1. Exfoliate them gently with a tooth brush
  1. Apply turmeric paste on your lips
  1. After a gap of 5 minutes, scrub off the paste gently
  1. Now put on your favorite lip balm
  1. Repeat it daily for a couple of weeks

How it works: Turmeric is one of the best skin-lightening agents so you can bank upon this remedy.

17. Fuller’s Earth

What all you need: Fuller’s Earth (dry powder) and honey


  1. Make a paste by mixing fuller’s earth and honey
  1. Apply this paste on the lips
  1. Let it stay for 5 to 10 minutes
  1. Wash it off
  1. Do it twice a week for best results

How it works: Clay was always an excellent beauty secret for women of yesteryears. Fuller’s Earth is the absorbent quality of the clay, which whitens the skin and gives a unique skin glow. That is why, the dark lips look lighter and bloody after application of Fuller’s Earth.

18. Mustard Oil

What all you need: Mustard oil and coconut oil


  1. Mix few drops of both the oils – mustard and coconut
  1. Apply it on your dark lips
  1. Let it stay for 2 minutes
  1. Now wipe it off your lips using a cotton ball

How it works: The home remedy of Mustard oil and coconut oil increases blood circulation to the lips making them soft pink and beautiful.

mustard oil

19. Ice cubes

What all you need: Ice cubes


  1. MASSAGE your lips with an ice cube
  1. Do it for 2 to 3 minutes
  1. Then pat your lips dry with a soft towel
  1. Use a moisturizing cream at the end

How it works: The MASSAGE THERAPY with the ice cube pumps the blood flow in the lips, making them redder and lighter.

20. Apply Lemon And Honey Mix

What all you need: 1 part lemon juice and 1 part honey, soft piece of cloth and some water


  1. Mix the lemon juice and honey (in equal parts)
  1. Your tan-removing lip serum is ready
  1. Apply this home-made serum on your lips
  1. Let it stay for an hour
  1. Then wipe it off with a soft and wet cloth
  1. Do this remedy few times a day on lips to get rid of tan and pigmentation.

How it works: The CITRUS EXTRACTS from lemon juice REMOVE the TAN while honey nourishes the lips making them pink.

Tip: The good thing is that you can keep the serum refrigerated and use it for a week.

21. Glycerin

What all you need: Glycerin, and a cotton swab


  1. Using a cotton swab, apply glycerin over your dark lips
  1. Do it before you go to sleep at night (and do it every night till you see the darkness of lips fade away)

How it works: Glycerin remedy helps retain moisture quotient thereby preventing drying of lips and darkening too.

22. Avoid Dehydration

What all you need: Drinking Water

How it works: Drinking less of water can cause dehydration. This in turn leads to dark and dry lips. So, drink lotsssss of water and keep your body well hydrated.

23. Know Your Brand

What all you need: Good quality lip care brands

How it works: Run-of-the-mill brands are out! Pick your lip products carefully. Poor quality and cheaper lip products lead to darker lips.

24. Raspberry

What all you need: One and half tbsp Raspberry juice, Honey and Gel of Aloe Vera.


  1. Mix the three ingredients in a bowl
  1. Make a thick paste of it
  1. Now apply the paste on your lips
  1. Scrub it gently
  1. Let the paste stay on your lips for 10 minutes
  1. Rinse it with lukewarm water
  1. Do this remedy 3 or 4 times a week

How it works: Raspberry (of the berries family) has minerals and vitamins which keep your dark lips rosy pink.

25. Toothbrush

What all you need: Soft-bristled toothbrush


  1. Use a toothbrush to massage your lips
  1. This will remove any dead skin and make your lips look glowing and fresh

How it works: This is the best way to switch over from dark to pink lips

More DIY remedies…..

Some More Homemade Recipes for you:

1. Turmeric and Milk

What all you need: Turmeric, Milk, and Soft tooth brush


  1. In a bowl add the ingredients – turmeric and milk
  1. Make a paste of it
  1. Pick a tooth brush with soft bristles
  1. Apply the turmeric and milk paste to the affected lips
  1. Massage it for 2-3 minutes
  1. Rinse it with water
  1. Pat it dry
  1. Apply lip balm

How it works: Turmeric powder, as you know, knocks off dirt, dead skin cells, and other impurities. Milk effectively moisturizes the lips.

Homemade Recipes for Dark Lips

2. Honey, Lemon and Sugar

What all you need: Honey, Lemon and Sugar


  1. Make a mixture of honey, lemon juice and sugar
  1. Apply it on the dark lips
  1. Let it stay the whole night
  1. Rinse it in the morning
  1. Then, apply a lip balm

How it works: Lemon is a skin lightening agent. That is why, it is an effective remedy for dark lips. Honey does the moisturisation part.

3. Raspberry, Aloe Vera and Honey

What all you need: The ‘trio’ of Raspberry, Aloe Vera and Honey


  1. Combine all the three ingredients in a bowl
  1. Make a scrub-cum-paste out of it
  1. Massage your lips with it
  1. Keep it on the lips for 10 minutes
  1. Wash it away
  1. Pat it with a moisturizing lip balm

How it works: You will be able to see the effectiveness of this remedy – getting back the pink color of your lips in few weeks time (if done continuously)

Homemade Recipes

4. Lemon, Castor Oil and Glycerin

What all you need: The three ingredients – lemon, castor oil and glycerin


  1. Mix all the three ingredients in a bowl
  1. Stir it thoroughly and make a paste
  1. Apply this paste on the lips at night time (using your finger or a toothbrush).

How it works: Lemon HEALS chapped LIPS. Castor oil protects the lips by forming a barrier. And glycerin is a dependable moisturizer.

5. Powdered Almond and Milk/Fresh Milk Cream

What all you need: 1/2 to 1 tsp Almonds (in powdered form), pasteurized milk (or fresh milk cream)


  1. In a bowl, make a paste of powdered almonds and milk
  1. Apply the paste on the affected lips
  1. Massage it for 2-3 minutes
  1. Allow it the dry time of 4-5 minutes
  1. Rinse it with water
  1. Do this remedy daily till you see visible results

How it works: Almonds are high in anti-oxidants, nutrients and vitamin E, B, B2, and B6, fatty acids etc.

6. Turmeric and Nutmeg

What all you need: Root of turmeric and nutmeg, cow’s ghee


  1. Put nutmeg pieces on a cloth tied over a pot of milk
  1. Boil and simmer the milk for 10 minutes
  1. Let the nutmeg pieces dry out completely
  1. Then grind them into powder
  1. Now grind the turmeric root into powder form
  1. Mix both the powders i.e. of turmeric and nutmeg
  1. Put small amount of desi ghee in the powder mix
  1. Your lip paste is ready
  1. Apply this paste on the dark lips and watch them get back to their pink colour

How it works: Both the spices – turmeric and nutmeg come with medicinal properties and make a great combo in treating dark lips.

7. Coriander and Cumin Seeds

What all you need: Coriander Seeds (roasted), Cumin Seeds, Candy Sugar


  1. Make 3 separate powders – roasted coriander seeds, cumin seeds and candy sugar.
  1. Now mix these three powders
  1. Store it in an air-tight jar
  1. In a cup of water, add 1 spoon of this powder
  1. Consume this powder two times a day

How it works: Coriander and cumin seeds are two ingredients used in Ayurveda to treat dark lips.

8. Tomato and Heavy Cream

What all you need: Pulp of tomato, heavy cream


  1. Make a paste of equal parts of tomato pulp and heavy cream
  1. Apply it on the dark lips
  1. Massage it for 3-4 minutes
  1. Rinse it with water
  1. Do this remedy frequently till positive results show up

How it works: Tomato has as an astringent property which lightens skin. Heavy cream on the other hand moisturizes the lips.

Last section of this blog is important. Don’t miss!

Best Homemade Recipes

Prevention and Tips:

Love your Lips? Give them the care they deserve.

Here’s how:

1. Remove Makeup: Always remove ‘lip makeup’ using a good lip makeup remover. Alternatively, you can use olive/almond/coconut oil.

2. Avoid application of lip care products with fragrances: There is always the possibility of synthetic products containing chemical elements which can not only irritate lips, but also make them dry and chapped.

3. Avoid licking your lips: Did you know, sucking or licking your lips can dry and darken your lips (instead of keeping them wet)? Also avoid, biting your lips.

4. No Smoking: Tobacco has nicotine which causes darkening of the lips and lip discoloration, apart from a whole lot of diseases including cancer.

5. Drink Less Coffee: Tea or coffee when consumed in excess can lead to dark lips apart from staining your teeth. So reduce their intake.

6. Use lip products containing SPF or UV protectors: If you are planning to be outdoors, then use lip products with SPF/UV protectors.

7. Minimize Sun Exposure: Sun exposure can cause lip darkening as there is an increased amount of melanin pigment in the lips. Go out in the sun less frequently.

8. Maintain Healthy Diet: Vitamin deficiency can lead to discoloration of the lips. So, have a healthy diet with lots of fruits and veggies. Also increase your Vit. C intake by eating foods rich in this vitamin, as it will help you get rid of lip pigmentation.

9. Go for Moisturizing Lipsticks: You need a correct lipstick that ensures your lips are moisturized all day long. Some lipsticks and lip balms have good ingredients such as Cocoa butter, Coconut oil and Olive oil which are essential for protecting your lips. Go for such kind of lipsticks.

10. Check your lipsticks: Excessive use of lipsticks (especially cheap ones of lower quality) can cause lip pigmentation. Buy good quality ones from reputed brands and use them less frequently.

11. Exfoliate: Gently exfoliate your lips by using some Vaseline on a baby toothbrush. Do it daily.

12. Drink More Water: This is the best way to make sure your body remains hydrated. You know the ‘thinnest skin’ is found on the Lips? Since they can easily become dry and chapped, drinking plenty of water can save you from this lip condition.

13. Avoid Chlorinated Water: This could be responsible for lip pigmentation.

14. Genetic: In some cases, black or dark lips happen right from birth. Cosmetic surgery can help correct that.
So which is the remedy you will be trying out on your dark lips? Tell us, comment and like.

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