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7 DIY Home Remedies For Baldness

by Fashionlady
Home Remedies For Baldness

Home Remedies For Baldness

Are you worried seeing those bald patches on your scalp? Do not stress! Hair can grow back when blood flow to the scalp becomes proper, which further stimulates the growth. When modern medicines were not invented, our ancestors used to cure their baldness with the help of ingredients available in their garden or kitchen. Starting from the root, what are the causes of baldness?

What Causes Baldness?

  1. Aging
  2. Iron Deficiency
  3. Temporary Hair Loss Due to A surgery or illness
  4. Changes In The Level Of Androgen
  5. Breaking Of Hair
  6. Autoimmune Diseases
  7. Deficiency of Biotin
  8. Chemotherapy and Beta Blockers
  9. Syphilis, sexually transmitted disease
  10. Hormone Imbalance
  11. Family History of Baldness
  12. Skin Diseases Leading to Scarring of Hair Follicles
  13. Patchy Hair Loss

7 Ways To Cure For Baldness

1. Massage The Juice Of Onion & Garlic On Scalp

The chemical component Sulphur boosts the production of collagen, which as a result helps in growth of hair. Both onion and garlic are rich in sulphur and have been proven a time -tested home remedy treating hair loss in women.

Method: Finely chop the onion and squeeze out its juice. Massage your scalp with this onion juice for about 15 minutes and then wash your hair.

For garlic cloves, crush them and mix them with coconut oil. Boil this mixture for 5 minutes and then stir gently. Let the oil and garlic mixture cool down. Now massage it on your scalp in a circular motion.

Home Remedies For Baldness

2. Take Beetroot Leaves In Use

Did you know that beetroot, rich in antioxidants, could prove to be an effective remedy for baldness?

Method: All you need to take some beetroot leaves and boil it in water. After the leaves turn softer, grind them into a smooth paste. You could also add either henna or raw turmeric to beetroot leaves while grinding to make a smooth paste. Now, apply the paste on your scalp and leave it for about 15 minutes. Thereafter, you can wash your scalp with lukewarm water.

[Also Read: Juice Therapy]

Baldness home remedies

3. Cure Baldness With Castor Oil

Castor oil, due to its minerals, omega-6 fatty acids, proteins, vitamin E and other essential nutrients, when massaged on the scalp improves blood circulation to the hair follicles. This helps in re-growth of the hair. Castor oil is also known to protect the scalp from any pathogens that cause hair disorders, infections, and bald patches or halt the hair growth.

Castor oil is first blended with other lighter or carrier oils such olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil etc. and then used on hair. When castor oil mixed with lemon essential oil or almond oil (any one), it boosts the growth of hair. You can also store the blended oil in a bottle for future use. The ratio should be 8 tablespoon of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon essential oil. Massage the mixture on your scalp on daily basis, may be a night before and let it stay the whole night. Next day, wash your hair with cold water and mild shampoo.

Hair Conditioner: You could add a few drops of castor oil to your daily hair conditioner, which you can apply on your scalp after shampooing. This will also enhance the hair growth.

You must also have a hot oil treatment for hair growth with castor oil. To do this, heat the castor oil in a bowl for a few minutes. Apply the oil on your scalp and hair followed by a massage to stimulate hair growth. Allow it to stay overnight. Next morning, you should wash your hair with shampoo. Do this on regular basis!

Castor oil for baldness

4. Apply Concoction Of Cinnamon, Honey & Olive Oil

To make this concoction, take 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and add 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of olive oil in it. Stir well. Apply and massage the mixture on bald patches present on scalp and leave it for 20 minutes. Now, you should wash your hair with water. This really works wonders!

DIY Home Remedies For Baldness

5. Fenugreek’s Magic On Hair

Fenugreek seeds are good source of nicotine acid and protein, which are known to trigger the growth of hair shafts and strengthen them. These seeds have been a part of age-old home remedy to treat baldness.
Hair Mask: To make the paste, grind 1 to 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. You can add some water if only necessary. Take this paste and apply it on your bald spots or patches. Let it remain for an hour or two before rinsing off your hair with water. Apply the paste at least 2 – 3 times a week. You will surely see the difference.

Method: To make hibiscus mixture, boil the flowers in water. Allow it to cool and then strain the solution followed by adding drops of lime juice. Now, the solution is ready to be applied on bald patches. You should apply this remedy after shampooing your hair.

[Also Read: Scalp Treatments]

Hair Care Routine With Hibiscus: Another way of making hibiscus a part of your hair care routine is to mix these hibiscus flowers in either sesame or coconut oil. Thereafter, grind to make a smooth paste. Massage this paste on your scalp and hair and allow it to remain for some hours. Now, you can wash your hair with mild shampoo and cool water.

Hibiscus & Amla: You could also include the gooseberry (Amla) and curry leaves in the concoction by boiling them with coconut oil and hibiscus flowers mixture. Strain the solution after its gets cool down. Now, massage your scalp with this oil. And wash it off after half an hour. Do this hair care practice on daily basis.

cure for baldness

7. Causing Hair Re-growth With Camphor

Camphor has been used to treat baldness for ages. It relieves you from the stress and tensions of daily life as it stimulates the feeling of relaxation in the head.

Method: Add four tablespoons of camphor oil in a bowl of curd (four tablespoon). After mixing them well, apply it on your scalp.

Camphor & Coconut Oil: You could also make the use of camphor for baldness treatment by mixing one teaspoon of camphor oil in almost half litre of coconut oil. Every night, you must massage your scalp with this oil and rinse off with water the next morning.

homemade remedies for hair fall

With regular application of any of these home remedies for baldness, you can observe hair growing back in a few weeks! Do let us know the results you will notice after trying these hair loss treatment for women!
There is no such thing as ‘prevention’ in the dictionary of baldness. Hence, we think precautionary measures are a closer way to the preventive measures in order to not increase intensity of balding.

Precautions And Tips :

  1. Avoid chemical shampoos, styling colours and anything with chemicals in excess
  2. Do not tie hair too tight. Results in breakage of hair.
  3. Regular hair straightening and styling will damage the hair and roots.
  4. Take a hair wash 2-3 times a week. Not daily.
  5. Use warm water for hair wash, instead of extremes.
  6. Do not use hair dyers. The excess heat in it results in hair loss.
  7. Comb hair only when dry. Do not comb wet hair.
  8. Drink lots and lots of water for good hair.
  9. Maintain a healthy diet and eat fruits.
  10. Use conditioners that are protein based, as they will help in hair growth too.

Images Source: pinterest

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