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Padmasana: Know How To Do It And Learn About Its Health Benefits!

by Fashionlady
Padmasana Pose

Are you a yoga enthusiast? Have you tried Padmasana to destress? If you are looking for more information on the Lotus pose you have come to the right page.

Padmasana Pose

“Sit in the Lotus Posture (Padmasana) on a seat (asana) made up of kusha (grass), the skin of an antelope or a tiger, a blanket or on earth and face either purva (east direction) or uttara (north direction).” -Gheranda Samhita

The Lotus pose or Padmasana is a graceful yoga pose that helps to strengthen the spine and abdominal muscles. Know more about the benefits of practicing Padmasana in this post.

What Is Padmasana?

When you meditate in the Lotus position, you not only gain calmness of mind but also say goodbye to various physical ailments. Just like the blossoming of lotus flower, padmasana or kamalasan leads to the overall wellbeing of the practitioner.

Things You Should Know Before You Try Padmasana:

Here are some things you need to keep in mind before you try the Lotus pose:

  • The padmasana requires a fair amount of flexibility of the pelvic muscles. Since too much pressure on them can strain them, you need to stretch them a little before trying the Lotus pose to avoid discomfort.
  • Want to but cannot do padmasana at your workplace? Then keep moving your feet in clock-wise and anti-clockwise direction at regular intervals for a few minutes.
  • Being a meditative pose, it is best to practice padmasana in the morning. You can also practice it in the evening.
  • Doing padmasana on an empty stomach is not mandatory, but if you are doing any yoga asanas before or after padmasana, then do have meals ideally 4 to 6 hours before or after doing padmasana.
  • Empty your bowels before doing padmasana.

Lotus Pose

How To Do Padmasana:

Now comes the important part – how to do Padmasana. This Hatha yoga on an average takes 1 to 5 minutes (longer if you are meditating). You should repeat it once with each leg on top. Make sure you are comfortable before you start it.

Padmasana For Beginners:

This yoga pose is simple to do if you are a first-timer. Just relax and focus right. Padmasana for beginners is not to be practiced just once, but for life.

  1. Sit on a flat surface on the ground. Keep your spine erect and your legs stretched out.
  1. Use your hands to place your right foot on the left thigh.
  1. Ensure that your soles are pointing upward, and the heels are close to your abdomen.
  1. Repeat the same sequence with your other leg.
  1. Now that both your legs are in a crossed position, and your feet are comfortably resting on the opposite thighs, make a mudra using your hands and place them on the knees.
  1. Remember that your spine should be erect and head straight at all times while you are following the Padmasana steps.
  1. Inhale deeply. Hold your breath for a few minutes. Then exhale.
  1. Do a repeat of these Padmasana poses with your other leg on top.


Advanced Guide:

Now here is a step-by-step tutorial for doing padmasana at an advanced level.

  1. Lie flat on your back. Make sure your legs are together and your hands are comfortably placed beside your body.
  1. Rest your palms under your hips so that they are facing the ground.
  1. Now bring your elbows close to your waist.
  1. Keep your legs in a crossed position in such a way that the thighs and knees are resting flat on the floor.
  1. Breathe in deeply so that it lifts your chest up and your head too, while the crown touches the floor.
  1. The weight of your body should be on your elbows, not on the head.
  1. Hold this position until you feel comfortable.
  1. Keep breathing normally.
  1. Now is the time to exhale and release the position. Lower your head first and then bring your chest to the ground. Straighten your legs and relax.
  1. Repeat this entire sequence with your other leg on top.

How To Do Padmasana

Precautions You Need To Take Before Doing Padmasana:

Here are some precautions you need to follow before trying out padmasana.

  1. Those of you suffering from an ankle or knee injury should not practice this asana.
  1. If you have undergone a knee surgery recently, then avoid doing padmasana.
  1. Have a sprain in the leg? Skip doing padmasana.
  1. Got severe back pain? Then abolish the idea of doing padmasana.

It is advisable to perform padmasana under the guidance of an experienced yoga professional.

Benefits Of Padmasana:

Padmasana benefits are not just one, but many:

  1. Calms the brain and relaxes the mind.
  1. Activates the spine, tones the pelvic muscles, and strengthens the urinary bladder.
  1. Provides a good stretch to the knees and ankles.
  1. When practiced regularly, the Lotus pose helps reduce menstrual problems and treat sciatica.
  1. Since it strengthens the pelvic muscles, this asana is helpful during pregnancy.
  1. A regular practice of Padmasana helps improve the posture.
  1. Restores energy levels.

Benefits of Padmasana

Saw the multifarious Lotus position benefits? Isn’t it an eye-opener?

Have you tried Padmasana before or are you a pro at it? How did it help you achieve your health goals? Do share your story and tips with other health watchers in the comments box below.

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