Are you suffering from a nagging back pain or weight woes? Are you planning to practice yoga to improve your health and wellbeing but are feeling clueless? Well, if you can relate to the above questions, worry no more. Check out this post to know all about Trikonasana.
What Is Trikonasana?
Trikonasana is a Sanskrit term. Trikona means a triangle and asana means posture.
The Trikonasana is called the triangle pose because it resembles a triangle. It is mainly focused on improving regular body functions. You should focus your mind while practicing this balancing pose.
Things You Should Know Before You Try Trikonasana:
Here are a few things you should keep in mind before trying the asana:
- It is important to empty your bowels before practicing trikonasana pose.
- Make sure to have a minimum gap of four hours between your meals. This will allow you to have enough time for digestion.
- In addition, the morning hours are ideal for practicing yoga. But you can perform it in the evening too.
How To Do Trikonasana
If you are a beginner, it may be a good idea to keep your back or heel straight against the wall to maintain balance. While performing the asana, it is important to ensure that your back is straight. And make sure you do not twist your body along the hips.
Trikonasana For Beginners:
Trikonasana for beginners last for 30 seconds. Repeat three to five times on each leg. The yoga routine strengthens the ankles, thighs, and knees. It can also stretch the ankles, thighs, shoulders, knees, hips, hamstrings, and vertebral column. Here are the Trikonasana steps that you should follow:
- Stand straight and place your legs about three and a half to four feet apart.
- Next, make sure to place your right foot outside at 90 degrees and the left foot at 45 degrees.
- Align the center of your right heel with the center of the arc of the left foot.
- Remember to balance the weight of your body equally on both feet.
- Exhale while taking a deep breath. Bend your body to the right while keeping your waist straight. Lift your left hand up and lower your right hand to the ground. Align both arms to form a straight line.
- Depending on your comfort level, rest your right hand on the floor.
- Quickly check your left arm. It should be stretched upwards and in line with the top of your shoulder. Allow your head to be in a neutral position and turn it to the left while looking at your left palm.
- Allow your body to bend sideways and not backward or forward.
- Stretch your body to the fullest. Focus on stabilizing your body. Take deep, long breaths. Relax as you exhale.
- Inhale and come up. Drop your arms to the side and straighten your feet. Repeat the same using the left leg.
Advanced Guide:
Once you are comfortable doing the Trikonasana for beginners, you can try the advanced position. But make sure you practice it under the supervision of a professional yoga trainer.
- You can move forward and lower the left arm behind your ears until it is parallel to the floor.
- Keep your shoulders straight.
Please remember to take the following precautions while practicing trikonasana:
- Do not strain the body as it may cause sprain or injury.
- You can bend your neck a little down if you feel any discomfort.
- Do not practice the asana in case you are suffering from shoulder, neck or back problems.
- This asana is strictly prohibited for those having cardiovascular, respiratory, spinal, cervical spondylitis or joint problems.
Health Benefits Of Trikonasana
The trikonasana benefits are as follows:
- Strengthens your knees and ankles.
- Tones the pelvic muscles and enhances the functioning of the reproductive organs.
- Provides relief from neck pain, backache, and muscle cramps.
- Improves the flexibility of the arms, neck, shoulders, back, thighs, and legs.
- Helps to trim the waistline.
- Boosts digestion and keeps stomach related disorders at bay.
- Improves the functioning of the nervous system.
- Helps in improving the alignment of the shoulders.
- Reduces anxiety and depression.
This article is written for your information purpose only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this post; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals/yoga trainers before trying the above pose.
All it takes for performing the triangle pose is following the above simple steps and plenty of ‘me’ time to relax and unwind. The asana provides a holistic workout for the mind and body.
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