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How To Stop Period Cramps?

by Fashionlady
How To Stop Period Cramps

How To Stop Period Cramps

On an average, 3 to 4 productive days of all women on this planet are reduced to the most dreadful days, thanks to the blessing of creation women have – periods. We fill our days staying curled up on the couch, spend nights tossing and turning on the bed, pressing our hands tight against our dear uterus. Only if we knew better than that. But here is your one stop full guide to combat period pain.

When Do Period Cramps Start?

For some, the cramps start a few days before getting the menstruation and the pain lessens once the bleeding starts. For others the uterus becomes a cactus bed as the bleeding starts, lasting at times throughout the 4 to 5 days, and for others just the 1st or 2nd day of periods.

When Do Period Cramps Start


Menstrual cramps are a result of contractions in the womb or the uterus, which is a muscle. If the contraction is too strong during this period, it presses against the nearing blood vessels and briefly cuts off the oxygen supply to the uterus, in turn leading to cramps and pain.

[ Also Read: Pain Under Right Rib Cage]


  • Aching pain, sometimes severe in your stomach
  • Feeling of a constant pressure in the belly area
  • Pain in lower back, hips, and inner thighs

Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps

1. Heat

What you need: Water, and a water bag

How to do: Fill the rubber water bag with hot water. When the heat comes down to a bearable temperature, press it against your belly for 10 minutes. Remove it, repeat after a break of 2-3 minutes.

How it works: Applying heat on the lower abdomen helps relaxing the contracting muscles in the uterus.

How frequent to use: You can use it for hours during the first two days of periods.

Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps

2. Garlic

What you need: Few cloves of garlic

How to do: Chop the garlic into fine pieces and boil them in water for 2 minutes. When the water turns lukewarm, gulp it down.

How it works: Its medicinal properties help soothing down the cramps.

How frequent to use: Twice daily


3. Ginger

What you need: A mid-sized thumb of ginger, honey

How to do: Grate the ginger finely, and add it to your morning tea with honey.

4. Basil

What you need: A bunch of basil leaves, honey/sugar

How to do: Wash the basil leaves and grind them finely. Add a teaspoon of honey to it and eat it. Follow up with a cup of water.

How it works: Basil leaves with its rich content of coffee acid that has analgesic, is boosted with pain-killing properties.

How frequent to use: Morning and evening everyday

5. Cinnamon

What you need: Cinnamon dust

How to do: Add half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon to a glass of lukewarm milk and stir well before drinking.

How it works: The anti-inflammatory, anticlotting and antispasmodic properties of this spice is magical in relieving menstrual cramps.

How frequent to use: Once a day, at bed time


6. Fennel

What you need: A teaspoon of fennel seeds

How to do: Soak a teaspoon of this easily available Indian spice in a glass of drinking water overnight. Strain the water in the morning and drink on an empty stomach.

How it works: Fennel seeds helps the uterus muscle relax because of its phytoestrogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties.

How frequent to use: Once a day

7. Blackstrap Molasses

What you need: 1 teaspoon of Blackstrap Molasses

How to do: You may take 1 teaspoon of Blackstrap Molasses with tea, coffee or milk.

How it works: Being rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium and vitamin B6, blackstrap molasses dissolve blood clots soothing down the muscles of the uterine walls, resulting in lessened cramps during menstruation.

How frequent to use: Once a day

Blackstrap Molasses

Source: wonderwardrobes.com

8. Chamomile Tea

What you need: A teaspoon of dried chamomile flower, a teaspoon of honey, water

How to do: Boil the dried flower in 2 cups of drinking water till it comes to 1 cup. Strain the water in a cup of water, add a teaspoon of honey and stir well. Imbibe slowly.

How it works: Consumption of chamomile tea rises the urinary levels of glycine that relieves muscle spasms. Glycine acts as an effective nerve relaxant also.

How frequent to use: Twice daily

9. Parsley

What you need: A bunch of parsley, water

How to do: Boil a bunch of parsley leaves in 5 cups of water. Drink it when its lukewarm.

How it works: Along with the numerous health benefits, Parsley is also beneficial is curing period cramps.

How frequent to use: Once a day

10. Flaxseed

What you need: Handful of flaxseed

How to do: Ground the flaxseeds finely. You may mix this with water and drink or sprinkle it on your salad and have it.

How it works: Consumption of flexseeds regularizes ovulation

How frequent to use: Every day during periods.


11. Papaya

What you need: Ripe papaya slices

How to do: You may eat the papaya cubes as a snack or make a papaya milkshake and drink it.

How it works: The ‘papain’ enzyme in papaya helps regulate and helps to ease out the flow during menstruation

How frequent to use: Once a day for a few days before the scheduled date

12. Having an orgasm

What you need: Well, I don’t know.. how about your man?

How to do: Would you really want us to tell you that?

How it works: Calms down the cramps, de-clots blood and eases out flow

How frequent to use: Suit yourself ladies

13. Mint Leaves

What you need: A handful of mint leaves, water

How to do: Add a handful of mint leaves to 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil. Strain and drink when it cools down.

How it works: Sipping mint leaves tea loosens the congested pelvic area.

How frequent to use: Once a day

14. Sunflower Seeds

What you need: A teaspoon of sunflower seeds

How to do: Soak sunflower seeds in a glass of drinking water. Strain and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning.

How it works: Sunflower seeds promote proper hormones which are prevalent throughout the entire cycle. They provide the nutrients and fiber required to aid the body metabolize hormones.

How frequent to use: Once a day

15. Sesame Seeds

What you need: Sesame Seeds and jaggery

How to do: Fry some Sesame seeds in a pan. Much on them in the mornings with jiggery.

How it works: Sesame seeds contain healthy fatty acids which relaxes the stomach muscles in turn reducing cramping.

How frequent to use: Once daily

16. Pineapples

What you need: Slices of pineapple

How to do: Snack on them as cubes or drink pineapple juice.

How it works: A natural muscle relaxer, pineapples contain bromelainm that help alleviate and reduce inflammation and reducing cramps during periods.

How frequent to use: Once daily

[Also Read: Pineapple for Moles Treatment]

17. Bananas

What you need: Bananas

How to do: You may eat banana as a whole, or add it to your cornflakes or oatmeal in the morning.

How it works: Vitamin B6 and potassium in banana stop you from retaining water thus evading chances of bloating.

How frequent to use: Once daily

18. Walnuts

What you need: Handful of walnuts

How to do: Munch on after breakfast

How it works: Walnuts, rich in the healthy omega-3 fatty acids, have anti-inflammatory that works toward relieving pain.

How frequent to use: Every day

19. Oats

What you need: A bowlful of oats, honey, milk, dry fruits of your choice

How to do: Mix all the ingredients and eat it for breakfast

How it works: Oats are rich in anti-cramping mineral magnesium and is the best source of dietary zinc that together alleviate painful periods.

How frequent to use: Every morning

20. Fenugreek Seeds

What you need: Handful of fenugreek seeds

How to do: You may soak 2 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of drinking water overnight and imbibe it early in the morning on an empty stomach.

How it works: With its pungent-sweet flavor, these little seeds are famous in Asia as a remedy for menstrual pain.

How frequent to use: Once a day

21. Fish Oil

What you need: Fish oil pills

How to do: After any one main meal, have a dose of it with plain water.

How it works: Omega-3 fatty acids, in fish oil, is known to have anti-inflammatory that calms down menstrual pain.

How frequent to use: once a day

22. Essential Oils

What you need: Any essential oil of your liking

How to do: Take any essential oil of your liking, heat them a little, and massage gently all over the pain prone area.

How it works: All these oils help cure pains in lower back, neck and lower abdomen by decreasing and suppressing inflammation in the uterus.

How frequent to use: Every day before bath

Note – Mixing more than one essential oil can be a little more beneficial than using just one.

Essential Oils


1. Walking

How it works: Low impact exercises, like walking in a comfortable pace, can greatly alleviate menstrual cramp. It gets your heart pumping blood rapidly to your body and all the muscles of your body are put to work and get active. Even the uterus muscle, thereby the pains are lessened.

Best time to do: Early morning and evening

2. Swimming

How it works: Swimming is another great way of getting rid of unwanted period cramps as the motion of swimming will stretch the abdomen muscles and curb cramps. Even the blood flow in the pelvic area is improved by it.

Best time to do: Early morning



1. Janu Sirsasana: Head-To-Knee Forward Bend

How to do:

  1. Sit on your yoga mat with one leg stretched out and another bent to 90 degrees and touching the inner thigh of the stretched leg.
  2. Grab the shin of the stretched leg and bend to make your head touch your knees.
  3. Be in this position for 30 seconds and recline.
  4. Repeat with the next leg.

How it works: It helps the muscles stretch and gain flexibility, there by calming the uterus cramps.

Best time to do: Early morning

Janu Sirsasana

2. Pasasana: Noose Pose

How to do:

  1. Sit in a squat position with your feet together; the buttocks must be towards the heels.
  2. Inhale and swing your knees to the left while turning you torso to the right. Exhale.
  3. Make your hands meet at the back of your body.
  4. Maintain this position for 30 seconds. Recline.
  5. Repeat with opposite sides.

How it works: It the groins, alleviates indigestion and flatulence and cures menstrual discomfort.

Best time to do: Early Morning

Noose Pose

3. Ustrasana: Camel Pose

How to do:

  1. Kneel on the floor with your knees apart.
  2. Turn your thighs a little inward while the shins and feet are firmly pressed to the ground.
  3. With your hands resting on your hips, try to arch your body as back as possible.
  4. Now extend your arms and place your palms on the back on your feet.
  5. Stay for 30 second, recline.

How it works: It stretches your entire body while opening the abdomen, throat and chest. It is also therapeutic for menstrual pain.

Best time to do: Morning

Camel Pose

4. Supta Padangusthasana: Reclining Big Toe Pose

How to do:

  1. Lie on your back with the legs extended.
  2. Raise your right leg and hold the big toe with your raised right hand, while resting the left hand on the left thigh.
  3. Now try to take your leg as far as you may toward your head.
  4. Hold the position for half a minute and break out of the position. Repeat with left leg.

How it works: Stretches the thighs, hips, groins, hamstrings, and calves

Best time to do: Morning/Evening

Reclining Big Toe Pose

5. Half Bound Squat:

How to do:

  1. Release from King Pigeon Pose, hop the feet forward, and bring your right between the knees.
  2. Try lowering the shoulder and bring the knee to hug your armpits.
  3. Your right forearm should be around your back and your palm should face away from the body.
  4. Now take your left arm as high as possible, try bending your elbow, and take the back left palm to the lower back.
  5. The right fingers should be through the left. Your right hand must hold your left wrist, and the left palm should face behind you.
  6. Hold this position for five second and come out of it.

How it works: It increases the stretch and flexibility of abdomen muscles, uterus being one of them.

Best time to do: Morning/Evening

Half Bound Squat

Source: popsugar.com

6. Arching Pigeon

How to do:

  1. Sit up from the seated straddle and bend your left knee.
  2. Try to extend the right leg behind you.
  3. Placing your hands on the hips, gently arch the back.
  4. As the hip stretches, lean forward, and place your hands on the ground at your front.
  5. Hold this position for five breathes, recline and repeat with other leg.

How it works: This Pigeon position stretches the hip flexors, glutes, lower abs and increases spinal flexibility

Best time to do: Morning/Evening

Arching Pigeon

7. Wide Child’s Pose

How to do:

  1. Sit on your heels, your big toes should be touching.
  2. Move your knees as part as possible.
  3. Taking a deep breath, lay on your torso between your thighs.
  4. The sacrum should be broadened across the back of your pelvis.
  5. Now narrow the hips points towards your navel.
  6. Stretch the tailbone far from the pelvis and lift your head away from the nape of your neck.
  7. The hands should now be placed on the floor, by your torso.
  8. Palms must be up while you release the shoulders on the floor.
  9. Maintain this position for 30 seconds and break out of the position.

How it works: Many women experience backache during periods, the child’s pose alleviate this pain.

Best time to do: Morning/Evening

Wide Child Pose

8. Reclining Twist:

How to do:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees placing the feet flat on the floor.
  2. Rest your head on a head support and arms by your side.
  3. Exhale while drawing your knees to your chest and hug them with your arms tightly.
  4. Now with your right knee drawn to your chest, extend the left leg along the floor, and your right arm out.
  5. Move your hips to the right.
  6. Rest your left hand on your right knee.
  7. Place your right knee on the left side of the body, while the left hand rests on your right knee.
  8. Swing your head to the right, hold this position for 15 seconds and come out of this position.
  9. Repeat with the other side.

How it works: It massages your abdominal organs including the uterus and strengthens it against menstrual cramps.

Best time to do: Morning/Evening

Reclining Twist

Source: canceraltsolutions.org

Foods To Avoid

  • Avoid drinking aerated drinks like your favorite cola
  • You will crave them, but chocolates and cookies aren’t your best friend during that time of the month.
  • Stay away from fried food like chips, French fries, pakoras, or your very inviting gol gappas.
  • As they usually contain arachidonic acids, as per the Huffington Post consuming dairy product during this time can trigger more cramps.
  • You cannot afford to clog your digestive track, a good idea will be to stay at an arm’s distance from refined grains or any food product made out of it.

Foods To Avoid

Prevention & Precaution

  1. Change your napkin at least 3 times a day to maintain vaginal hygiene and avoid chances of bacterial growth.
  2. Wash your public area every time you change your sanitary pad.
  3. While wiping, always wipe front to back. Wiping back to front exposes your vagina to anal bacteria.
  4. Try to take at least two baths a day to avoid odor. However, don’t use rash soaps on or in your private parts. Use a special wash designed specially for private areas instead.
  5. Avoid wearing tight and suffocating clothes. Throw in a comfortable attire that gives enough room to your bloated stomach to breathe in. Nothing compares to cotton clothes during that time.
  6. Vagina is susceptible to infections during this time. It is ideal to refrain from intercourse, if not, engage only in safe sex.
  7. Make sure your diet has adequate amount of protein and iron to make up for the blood loss.
  8. Get yourself a hot water bag and press it against the belly if cramps become insufferable. Change the water every 4 hours.
  9. Drink as much water as possible, preferably lukewarm to ease out the flow of clotted blood.
  10. Though, we’d not suggest you to have coffee, sipping on green or herbal tea, will help you escape the pain.

Drink water

When To Consult a Doctor?

  • After having tried all the above measures, if you fail to find any relief; and if the pain in lower abdomen becomes insufferable, without any delay visit your doctor.
  • If the time gap between two periods is too less or too wide, consulting a doctor and getting the uterus examined is the best option.
  • Abnormally increased blood flow can be hinting at a riskier medical condition. This must not be overlooked and be discussed with a gynecologist at the earliest.
  • If you experience spotting throughout the month, you better book that appointment with your doctor.
  • Some women complain of menstrual cramps even when they are not on periods. In such cases one cannot shun the possibilities of some abnormalities in the uterus. A doctor needs to be consulted without any further delay.

Consult a Doctor

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