Itchy thighs, chaffing or the infamous jock itch; it can happen to women too. In most cases it has been noticed, the itchy inner thigh condition for women is because of a rash, or an after-effect of an allergy that just bid the body adieu. But there are other physical factors such as poor genital hygiene or physical overall cleanliness of the body; that is responsible for rashes on the inner thigh in women.
Now that we know what an itchy inner thigh in females is, and what it feels like- we shall thus take a look at the causes that make the rash happen. Shall we?
List of 11 Causes of Inner Thigh Rash
The possible causes of inner thigh rash caused in women are-
1. Clothing
Bad clothing or clothing made from materials not natural, can be the lending factor towards chaffing and rash on the inner thigh. Synthetic, by nature doesn’t allow the body to breathe. Skinnies and tight pants made from unnatural synthetic materials cause more friction towards the skin and create sweaty patches to make the skin tender, which in turns cause the rash to appear. Opt for cotton instead.
2. Sweat
Heat, excessive sweating and tight clothing when coupled together leads to the skin turning tender, thus inducing thigh and groin rash over time. Opt for free flowing clothing that doesn’t allow the accumulation of sweat to happen.
3. Insect bites
The small rashes and bumps as seen on the skin could be due to mosquito bites, bed bug bites, and even home ant bites. These are rashes that do not last as long as they are mild. However, significant discomfort and itching could be experienced.
4. Fungal infection to be blamed
It could be jock itch, and is caused by a fungus named tinea Curtis. There is severe itching accompanied with the area turning red and inflamed in the inner. Sometimes, the rashes turn into blister like eruptions which have watery secretions too.
5. Heat Rash
A heat rash is a condition which would not allow the sweat glands to function properly. When the skin is not allowed to sweat on time and regularly, there is no excretion that happens. This inturn, turns into eruptions on the surface of the skin and thus heat rash is formed.
6. Shaving
Shaving can have an after effect when it is not done gently. In such cases, there will be massive itching without any visible eruptions. When you continue to itch, bumpy formations start to appear. These spots would turn into watery blisters if ignored.
7. Over working out
Working out is good for the body; however, over working-out, especially thighs exercises, coupled with tight fitness wear, you could end up chaffing your inner thighs. This can lead to inflammation and swelling of the skin, accompanied with blisters and rashes over time.
8. Contact dermatitis?
Contact dermatitis is caused because of products used on your skin, like soaps and lotions, creams also which have harsh ingredients that cause inflammation on the dermal layer of the skin. This can lead to itching and rashes, which in turn becomes contact dermatitis
9. Eczema
Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis, which is a rash that creates a lot of hypersensitivity for the skin. This is a condition that worsens when the individual has dry skin.
10. Check for allergies and STDs
Rashes can happen due to allergies too. In addition to that, STDs such as herpes, syphilis and warts too can be characterized by rashes found around the groin and on the inner thigh region too. This needs medical attention at the earliest.
11. Weight gain
Women that are overweight too or with weight issues can have chances of chaffing, since the thigh skin rubs against one another, due to friction. The skin perspires and gets tender because of the rubbing. This can lead to chaffing and rashes in the inner thigh of the female too.
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Now that we have seen a list of causes as to why we get inner thigh rash, let’s check on the symptoms before proceeding towards home remedies on how to treat the condition too, shall we?
Symptoms of Inner Thigh Rash
Here are a couple of symptoms to be aware of should you suspect inner thigh rash, check them out!
- The rash would be somewhat circular and bumpy on the surface of the skin; a ring-like formation in most cases with edges that are elevated.
- You would feel sensations such as pains and itchiness all through the day or at regular intervals
- Sometimes you would also feel burning sensations
- Apart from the inner thigh, you would notice the infection spreading towards the groin area and the anal region as well
- Redness and inflammation would be the norm, along with flaky skin in some cases.
- Discoloration of the skin – hyper or hypo pigmentation
When you do not give the inner thigh rash its due attention, complications would be the next thing to happen.
To get rid of the inner thigh rashes, look into your kitchen cupboard for home remedies, if the case is mild to moderate. However, do speak to your doctor before using any of the remedies mentioned below!
List of 21 Home Remedies For Inner Thigh Rash
We shall begin with a couple of pointers on lifestyle changes that would help do away with the inner thigh rash, and then go into home remedies that can be used.
Lifestyle must follow
Medical experts say that the rash which happens on the inner thighs can be avoided if you make minor alterations to your day-to-day lifestyle.
1. Stay hygienic
- Never ever sleep on damp and dirty bedsheets.
- Change your sanitary pads at least thrice a day.
- Never wear a damp or wet underwear
Hence, keeping yourself hygienic and clean always is a must, or else one would get chaffed skin or rashes!
2. Wearing undergarments that do not suit your skin
Rashes can happen because of allergies towards certain fabrics and materials. Wear undergarments mostly made of cotton.
3. Stay Dry
Stay dry as much as possible and wear plenty of loose cotton clothing, especially the lower half. This allows for more air flow and the sweat would be dried in no time, not allowing chaffing and rashes to happen in the inner thigh.
4. After Bath Care
Avoid taking bath for long hours and with hot water. Post bath, hydrate your body with a creamy moisturizer when the body is still damp.
Now that we gave you immense pointers on how a lifestyle change can help prevent chaffing of the inner thighs and rashes to occur, let’s take a look at the home remedies that can help with the same. Read on please!
Kitchen Ingredients you can use
5. Common Salt
Common salt is available in every home, and has very good uses too.
It can be used as an antibacterial agent to defeat inner thigh rashes.
Salt also has the powers to minimize the excess moisture in the skin issue because of the hygroscopic nature it has.
What you need
- Common salt
- Warm water
- Bucket
How to do:
- Place a teaspoon of salt in a bucket of warm water.
- Mix the water and dip into this a clean cotton towel.
- Dab the area where the infection is and allow the salt water to drain the pus from the blisters gently.
How Frequent to do : This should be done once or twice, everyday.
6. Baking Soda
Baking soda is another home ingredient that can be used to treat inner thigh rashes. This is because of its soothing properties and the drying properties it has.
What you need
- Baking soda
- Cup
- Water
How to do:
- Mix baking soda into a cup of water to form a paste.
- Make a salve potion quite thick with the same and apply it on the areas affected.
- Wait for twenty minutes and then wash off with cold water.
- Pat dry and let the skin breathe.
How Frequent to do : This should be done just once a day.
7. Garlic
Garlic for long has been a wonder herb in many kitchens across the world, and thanks to its anti bacterial and anti microbial properties, garlic now can be used to defeat the inner thigh rash too.
What you need
- Garlic pods
- Honey
How to do
- Crush a few pods of garlic.
- Add a tablespoon of honey and make a paste
- Apply the same on the areas affected and wait for twenty minutes.
- Once it dries up, apply cold water on the area to wash the place clean.
- Do this every day, just once.
If you feel a stinging sensation when applying the paste, there isn’t anything to worry, it is the allicin in garlic which is working its magic. The honey here would help hydrate and soothe the skin and also acts as an antibacterial agent too.
How Frequent to do : This should be done just once a day.
8. Onion
Onion paste can help soothe the rashed up area from swelling and inflammation, and also double up as a gladiator to defeat fungus that provokes more rash to happen.
What you need:
- Onion paste or juice
How to do
- Apply the paste or the juice on the area affected
- Wait for half an hour.
- Wash off and dry the area, and allow the skin to breathe.
How Frequent to do : This should be done just once a day.
9. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile can help get rid of the rashes pretty soon, and also help bring down inflammation too. This is best as a remedy to use if you have eczema.
What you need
- Chamomile tea bags
How to do
- Apply the chamomile tea bags which are wet onto the area that is affected.
- Wait for ten minutes and then remove the tea bags.
- Wash off with cold water and pat dry the area.
How Frequent to do : This should be done once a day for best results and relief to attain.
10. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has the power to beat bacteria and fungi, which is why it gives long lasting relief and succor from the inflammation and the pain. While it dries off the area soon, coconut oil also forms a coating over the area which doesn’t allow infection to enter or set shop.
What you need
- Pure coconut oil
How to do
- Apply a tablespoon of coconut oil on the area and wait all day.
- Before you enter your bath, gently massage the area with your finger tips very lightly.
- This helps dry out the area and also makes the skin smooth and nice too.
How Frequent to do : Do it till you relief from the rash.
11. Tea Tree Oil
To soothe the burning sensations of chaffing in the inner thigh or around the groin, one would need to use tea tree oil. The oil by nature is antibacterial and antifungal and can help bring in the relief you need.
What you need
- Tea tree oil (a drop or two is more than enough, or else you may end up aggravating your skin)
- Coconut oil
How to do
- Mix both the tea tree oil and coconut oil
- Apply on the affected area
How Frequent to do : Do this Once a day.
12. Olive Oil
Olive oil has antioxidants that can help the skin free itself from irritants and inflammation at large.
What you need
- Olive oil
How to do
- Place a tablespoon of the oil on the rashed up area.
- This would form a coating and prevent infection from setting in, and also heal the rashes too.
How Frequent to do : Do this thrice a day.
13. Neem
Indian lilac or neem can be used for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and can rid the inner thighs of the rashes too.
What you need
- Neem leaves
- Warm water
How to do
- Put a few leaves in a bucket of warm water
- Leave it for ten minutes.
- The natural oils from the leaves would get extracted into the water
- Bathe with this water, the irritants would be shown the door.
How Frequent to do : Do this regularly.
14. Coriander
Dhaniya or coriander can be used to get rid of the inner thigh rashes too. If you have dry to normal skin, flaky skin too, coriander can be the potent agent that helps solve the pains. The antibacterial properties and soothing touches of coriander can help go a long way!
What you need
- Coriander leaves
How to do
- Grind a few leaves to a paste
- Apply the paste on the area affected.
- Wait for half an hour and then wash off.
How Frequent to do : Do this twice a day and the rashes would soon go away.
15. Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol is anti fungal and anti bacterial, both of which are much needed when you have inner thigh rash to deal with. The isopropyl amount in rubbing alcohol should be high; higher the better say medical experts.
What you need
- Rubbing alcohol
- Cotton
How to do
- Dip a cotton ball into the solvent and dab onto the affected area.
- Don’t wipe but just dab and wait.
How Frequent to do : Do this many times a day and the rashes would heal soon, because the area would dry off!
16. Oatmeal
Oatmeal isn’t used for diaper rash only, adults can use it for inner thigh rash too. There would be a difference noticed, since oatmeal bath can help exfoliate the skin
What you need
- Water
- Oatmeal
How to do
- Place a cup of water into a cup of oatmeal and form a paste.
- Bathe in this mixture.
How Frequent to do : Do this Once in a day.
17. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is best as an anti bacterial agent and an anti fungal agent to use on areas infested with rashes.
What you need
- Apple cider vinegar
- Cotton
How to do
- Apply a little ACV with a cotton ball, and dab the area with it.
- The ACV would spread all by itself
The rashes would die a natural death in a day or two, and there would be no more threats of an infection to deal with.
How Frequent to do : Do this thrice in a day.
18. Mint
Mint brings to the body the coolness we need and plenty of relief too.
What you need
- Mint leaves
- Cotton gauze
How to do
- Paste a few mint leaves
- Freeze the paste overnight.
- When it turns into an ice block, place the cube in a cotton gauze and gently apply over the affected area.
This will help soothe the infected area, bring down the rate of infection and also helps minimize the pain and inflammation too.
How Frequent to do : Do this Once in a day.
19. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps strengthen the immunity system and fight the bacteria and fungi that caused the rash to die as well, internal to external.
What you need
- Freshly squeezed Orange juice
- Cotton
How to do
- Dip cotton into the freshly squeezed orange juice
- Dab and apply the same on the affected area
- Relax for ten minutes.
- Wash off and pat dry.
Vit C can be found in fruits and veggies, and in supplements too. Should you wish to have it orally, consume them as per your desires.
How Frequent to do : Do this Once in a day.
20. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is very effective in providing a soothing effect to the affected area, while keeping the skin hydrated at the same time.
What you need
- Aloe vera leaves
How to do
- Extract the gel from the aloe leaves
- Apply on the rash
- Allow the same to dry and then wash it off.
How Frequent to do : Apply the paste at night and wash off the next morning. This should be done without fail before bedtime each night.
21. Listerine
Listerine is not only for a clean and a good smelling mouth; it can be used as an antibacterial agent and an anti fungal agent too, to clean the rash and chaffing from the inner thighs as well.
What you need
- Cotton
- Listerine
How to do
- Dip a cotton ball into the Listerine and then dab it on the affected area,
- Listerine brings a lot of soothing touches to the inflamed zone too.
How Frequent to do : Do this thrice a day.
We thus have given you an ample list of lifestyle changes and home remedies to use which can help deal and ward off inner thigh rashes. Let’s take a look at the precautions to maintain as well, shall we?
If you suffer from chaffing and inner thigh rashes, here are precautions to use-
- The areas infected- inner thigh to the groin especially should be very clean and kept dry at all times. This can be done by proper washing, towel drying and with the use of medicated talc.
- Avoid reusing the unwashed clothing pieces.
- Sharing of clothing and towels, personal pieces to wear etc shouldn’t be done.
- Try not getting sexually active when you have skin rashes in the inner thigh. Too much rubbing and friction can cause pain, and swelling. And in turn, it can spread infection to other parts of the body, on you and your partner too.
- Always ensure to use an antiseptic when you wash your clothes. This helps kill the bacteria and the fungi that are hidden within the fibres of the clothing.
While here were some of the commonly used preventions of inner thigh rash, we would now want you to know when to visit a doctor! Read on please!
When to Consult Doctor
When there is an exposure to allergens or irritants to a certain portion of your thighs, over time it would develop into a rash.
If you have a feeling that the skin rashes on the inner thigh are not going away even after a week of doing everything possible, it would be time for you to visit a doctor. A dermatologist would be the best person to check with!
Stay healthy and be safe from rashes!
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for reading purposes only. We would strongly advise not using the remedies stated here as a substitute for what your doctor prescribes. Please note, your doctors words would take precedence over what is written here and elsewhere online!
Images Source: pinterest
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Thank you so much for this hard to fin and thorough info. I will be following you religiously.