Adho Mukha Svannasaba is pronounced as A-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAS-anna. The name is derived from a Sanskrit word-Adho means forward, mukha means face, Svana means dog, and asana means posture. The asana is alike to a dog bending forward. It has a number of benefits that makes it worth it to practice daily. Even beginners can get started with this routine easily.
How To Start Practicing The Adho Mukha Svanasana:
Before you start practicing this asana, make sure your stomach is empty. Early morning or few hours before a meal would be a perfect time to start with this routine. This can give you ample time for your food to get digested in case you decide to perform it after meal.
Also, this asana is most effective when performed in the morning.
For a beginner, the asana style that is suitable is ashtanga yoga. The duration is one to three minutes. The routine strengthens legs, arms, and back.
Steps To Do The Adho Mukha Svanasana:
Here are the step-by-step instructions you can follow:
- Stand on both legs and hands, making your body taking a table-form.
- Exhale and lift your hips gently. Straighten elbows and knees until your body gets into an inverted V shape.
- Your hands should be aligned with the shoulders, and your feet to the hips. Ensure that your toes point straight.
- Put pressure on your hands to the ground and straighten your neck allowing your ears to touch the inner arms.
- Hold this position for few seconds and bend your knees and return to starting position.
It is best to seek help from a professional trainer or practitioner before you begin this asana. Do not practice this asana if you are suffering from health issues like high blood pressure, damaged retina, carpal tunnel syndrome, weak eye capillaries, and diarrhea. Pregnant women should practice this routine with great precaution. It is best to seek the advice of a health practitioner before you start practicing the asana.
Tips of Downward Facing Dog Pose For Beginners:
If you are a beginner of practicing this asana, here are several tips to keep in mind:
- If you are confused about whether you are doing the asana right, then keep these tips in mind. Note that if your joints remain stressed or are unstable, then you need to keep tab on how well it is aligned. Begin again, keeping your knees right underneath your hips and hands beneath your shoulder.
- You may practice standing against a wall to get the routine right initially. Stand three feet apart keeping your legs wide apart. Place your hands until you reach the torso level. Your arms should align to the ground.
Benefits Of Adho Mukha Svanasana:
The benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana are many. Here are some of the benefits we have listed:
1. Strengthens Abdominal Muscles:
The inverted asana for this routine is known as the dog pose. We all know that this routine is beneficial for abdominal muscles and spine. The routine also has same benefits on abdominal muscles. It is also helpful for stretching and strengthening muscles.
2. Improve Blood Circulation:
As mentioned above, the asana is an inversion. The head is tilted towards the heart and the hips are lifted. There is a turnover so blood circulation flows, which boost circulation.
3. Improve Digestive System:
This routine allows the abdomen system to compress the digestive system organs, including the spleen, liver, and kidneys.
4. Tones Hands and Feet:
The body weight shifts to the hands and feet when you do this asana. Hence, it keeps the limbs toned and balanced.
5. Lowers Anxiety:
This asana can relax your mind, and reduce anxiety. When the cervical spine and neck are stretched out, you will automatically feel your stress releasing out.
These are the benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana and how to perform it. We hope this info gives you clarity on ways to do it.
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