There is a common concern among all the first-time mothers of whether their breast milk is sufficient for their baby or they’re unable to supply adequate quantity required for the new born. While some new moms are unable to feed their babies sufficiently, in this post they will find top 5 home remedies to increase breast milk production.
Usually insufficient production of milk causes due to consumption of birth-control pills, specific illness, deficiency of nutrition, certain hormonal changes, cracked nipples that lead to irregular breastfeeding and wrong posture of holding baby during breast feeding.
foods to eat to produce more breastmilk
Here are top 5 home remedies and food to increase breast milk production. Continue reading!
1. Applying warm compress on breasts
Sometimes due to poor blood circulation, mammary glands are unable to supply sufficient milk to the nipples. Therefore, warm compress on breasts before feeding your baby helps improve the blood circulation.
How to apply warm compress –
- First you can start by massaging your breasts for 5 minutes
- Now use a clean cloth dipped in warm water to gently massage the nipple area
- Press the breast against the chest while you massage the area around the nipples
- Continue massaging for 10 minutes and then lean forward and nurse your baby
2. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds are considered among the best home remedies to increase breast milk production. They help stimulate the mammary glands because of the presence of phytoestrogens. These phyto chemicals boost function of modified sweat glands (mammary glands).

Source: pinterest
How to consume fenugreek –
- Soak one tablespoon of these seeds in one cup of water overnight
- Next morning, boil the water along-with the fenugreek seeds for 3-5 minutes
- Now strain the solution, and drink the water every morning to get best results
3. Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds perform the role of galactagogue, a substance that boosts lactation. Apart from increasing breast milk production, fennel seeds also help in digestion and prevent colic pain in new born babies as well.
How to consume fennel seeds –
- Take one cup of hot water and add one tablespoon of fennel seeds to it
- Now cover the cup with lid for 30 minutes and then strain it
- Drink this water twice daily for a month
- You can also add fennel seeds to your cooking
4. Cinnamon
Even our Ayurveda recommends pregnant women to consume cinnamon as it helps increase breast milk production. Furthermore, it also helps delay early conception.
You can consume cinnamon by –
- Mixing a pinch of cinnamon powder with one-half teaspoon of honey
- Add cinnamon powder to a cup of warm milk
Consume cinnamon daily before going to bed for one or two months for best results.
5. Garlic
Garlic is an excellent galactagogue that boosts lactation. Nursing mothers who consume garlic feed babies for longer time. Plus, garlic tends to add flavor to milk.
How to consume garlic –
Apart from adding garlic to cooking that’s common in Indian cuisine, you can also follow this procedure –

Source: healthyfoodhouse
- Grate three large garlic cloves
- Now boil the grated garlic in one cup of water till the quantity is reduced to 1/4th
- Now add one cup of milk to the mixture and boil it again
- Cool it and mix one half teaspoon of honey to it and strain it
- Drink the milk daily in the morning
So here are the top 5 home remedies to increase breast milk production. During feeding and nursing the baby, make sure you have invested in good nursing bras too, which will help you be available every time your baby needs its food.
Hope these tips helps!