Not everyone is blessed with flawless skin. There are many women who suffer from various skin problems. Face is the first thing that people notice about you. So obviously you would want to look radiant. We all want to look radiant and glowing all the time. But unfortunately, not all of us are fortunate enough. Two of the many problems that most of us women face are, dark circles and under eye puffiness. There are a couple of reasons why this skin problem occurs and reoccurs.
A poor lifestyle and lack of proper nutrition contribute to the occurrence of dark circles and eye puffiness. Lack of sleep, smoking and poor diet are also a few common reasons why this happens.
How to get rid of these problems forever?
When you head to the kitchen next time remember that the solution to your skin problems lies right there in front of you. There are some vegetables that have proven results for dark circles and eye puffiness. Let us talk about the top five vegetables that will vanish all these blemishes in an instant.
1. Parsley
Parsley is recommended for those who suffer from dark circles around the eye area. It is known for brightening your eye line. Using it just once a week will work its magic on you. For making a parsley contained eye mask, you would be needing one bunch of fresh parsley and two tablespoon of plain yogurt. Grind them together until a smooth paste is formed. Apply the mixture to your eye area and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.

2. Cucumber
Cucumbers are known for its cooling properties. It is great for tired and baggy eyes. For making cucumber eye mask, you can take two tablespoon of cucumber juice. Mix one tablespoon of powdered milk to make a smooth paste. Leave it to chill for 30 minutes. You can add few drops of water depending on the thickness of the mixture. Now apply this mixture on your eye area and leave it for ten minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

3. Potato
Potato is best recommended for all eye problems. Here’s how you make homemade potato eye moisturizer. First of all peel the potato and grate it well. You will need just ½ raw potato. Take 1 tsp of urea free moisturizer and mix it with the grated raw potato. Apply the mixture around the eye area. Use damp cotton to cover your eyes. Keep it for ten minutes before rinsing it off with cold water

4. Mint
Mint leaves you with that tingly cooling sensation whenever you use any product that has mint as its main ingredient. As an under eye remedy, it works like magic and is the simplest to prepare as well. Simply chop and crush a twig of mint leaves. Apply the paste under your eye and leave it on for 20 minutes. Doing this twice a week will lighten and finally diminish the dark area and puffiness around your eyes.

5. Carrots
Another top remedy for dark circles is carrots. Carrots have always been recommended for healthy skin and body. It has vitamin A and iron that add nourishment to your eyes. You can simply have it during your meal time or have it as a drink. It is healthy either ways. It not only purifies your skin but also bring about a healthy glow. So include carrots in your diet every single day. The results will be there for you to see.

These five vegetables have always been recommended for dark circles and under eye puffiness. Use it to see the glowing results.