Foam roller exercises benefit our body in a lot of ways. It decreases muscle tension, lower neuromuscular exertion, and decrease post-exercise discomfort. Foam rolling can also be performed before a workout session to improve mobility without affecting performance. In addition, the routine can also be good for decreasing muscle fatigue and improving performance. Now let us help you understand the concept of foam roller exercise better.

What is Foam Roller Exercise?
Foam roller exercise is a self-massage practice for improve the soft tissues of our body like fascia and muscles. This routine can be beneficial for calves, upper back, lower back, and hamstrings. However do not try this exercise on sensitive body parts like neck, stomach, and groin.
Benefits of Foam Rolling:
Foam rolling is also termed as self-myofascial release which helps to ease off muscle tension and make body tissues flexible. Trying the foam roller exercise releases targeted points. Trying these routines along with stretching can release unrestricted tissues and relieve pain. Foam rolling also improves your range of motion as the joint muscles are not tight. Most trained professionals may suggest you to try foam roll before you begin your normal exercises to revive your sore joints and post-workout to avoid soreness. One tip to remember is if your pain is sharp, and lasts for more than a week, then consult a doctor. Health practitioners can advice on serious muscular injuries while physical therapist can examine your movement to identify the problem.
Foam Roller Exercises for Everyone Who Loves a Quick Workout:
All set to try the foam rolling routine? Try these five most loved routines which only take about 10-15 minutes. Try it before you begin exercise or post-workout. Repeat routine on each side five to ten times for maximum benefit.
1. Back:
This foam roller exercise is ideal for those people who sit for a long period of time. They are more prone to back pain, stiffness, and soreness.
Lower back pain is a common problem and doing the foam roller exercise can provide instant relief. Trying this routine daily can help improve muscle stiffness and tightness.
Step-by-step Directions:
Sit straight and place the foam roller on your back. Rest your hands behind for balance. Hold the abs in a taut position and start bending your knees slowly to move the roller back and forth starting from lower back to shoulder blades.
2. Quads:
The routine improves mobility and decrease muscle soreness.
There are four types of quadriceps muscles and they are all attached to the knee cap. Doing this exercise can improve knee flexibility and hence lower the stress imparted on the knee cap. Additionally, it can also release tension from upper leg and improve hip mobility.
Step-by-step Directions:
Lie down straight on the floor and place the foam roller under your hips. Lean your right leg and use the roller up and down starting from hips to knees. Switch leg position as you move forth.
3. Butt:
It is ideal to try this routine after a rather tiring day of being seated for hours or before a workout session. You may also opt for the foam roller routine after a heavy leg work-out for releasing tension and improving blood flow from your butt.
Most people have trouble activating the glute muscles. Foam rolling exercise helps to improve the mobility and range of motion of the lower body. It also improves the blood flow from butt muscles and activates the gluteals which makes it easier to try sports related activities like running.
Step-by-step Directions:
Sit flat on the foam roller. Cross your legs and lean forwards the right hip. Keep your body weight on your hands for balance. Roll one side of the butt cheek over the roller. Repeat the same with the next.
4. Calves:
Try this routine first thing in the morning for improving ankle stiffness after being seated all day or to improve blood circulation after an intensive leg work-out to treat soreness.
Limited ankle activity and taut calves can slow down our movement. The foam roller routine for our lower leg can lessen the leg restrictions, boost sports performance, and improve the mobility of the ankles
Step-by-step Directions:
Sit straight with your legs stretch out, hands positioned on the floor behind for support. Keep the foam roller under the calves to gently roll up and back your legs starting from knees to ankles.
5. Hamstrings:
Does your job require you to sit all day? Then you should try this routine as it loosens tight hamstrings. You can also try the foam roller exercise after an intensive leg work routine to lower post-exercise soreness.
Foam rolling exercise can greatly improvise the hamstrings. It can loosen up upper leg area, decrease stress on lower back, and improve the mobility of the hips
Step-by-step Directions:
Lay on the foam roller using your right leg. Bend the left knee and cross both legs. Place both hands on the floor. Use the foam roller up and down starting from knee to under right butt side. Switch the legs as you move along.
These foam roller exercises are an inexpensive routine and can be done in few minutes. Hence you can try it daily before workout or post-workout to achieve full benefit.