Pimples ruin the better part of our teenage, and leave scars to shadow our early twenties. A bad case of acne and chafing pimples even followed me till my late twenties. My skin was extremely sensitive and I couldn’t apply any ointments either. That is when I turned towards these home remedies and was greatly befitted by them. Allow me to share these secrets with you.
Here is the List of Homemade Face Mask DIYS
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Face Mask:
When it comes to remedy for acne, Apple cider vinegar proves to be a power house that kills the bacteria which is the root cause of acne.
What you will Need:
- Half a cup apple cider vinegar
- Cotton balls and water
How to Apply:
- Wash and pat dry your face.
- Now add the half cup of vinegar to 1.5 cups of water and stir well.
- Dip a cotton ball in this solution and dab it on the acne effected area.
- Keep it for about 15 minutes and rinse off.
How frequently can it be used:
This concoction can be used twice a day.
Note: Don’t forget to follow up with a moisturizer.
2. Overnight Garlic For Pimples:
The antibacterial properties of garlic makes it an amazing cure for acne and chafing pimples.
What you will Need:
- Few cloves of mashed garlic
- 1 tsp of honey
How to Apply:
- Add both the ingredients to form a smooth paste.
- Apply on the pimples at bed time and leave it overnight.
- Wash face the next morning.
How frequently can it be used:
You can apply this paste every night
3. Oatmeal Face Mask For Acne:
Oatmeal is known to have that unreal soothing effect that reduces any and every inflammation caused by breakouts and helps reduce the redness they leave.
What you will Need:
- 2 tbsp of oatmeal
- 1 tsp honey
- Half a cup milk
How to Apply:
- Soak the oatmeal in milk for 20 minutes and beat the softened cereals to form a paste.
- Add a teaspoon of honey.
- Spread this face pack on evenly on your face and allow it dry for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with running water.
How frequently can it be used:
The oatmeal pack can be used twice a week.
4. Baking Soda Face Mask For Acne:
The mild antiseptic properties of baking soda fight the fungus, bacteria and any other impurities in the pores of our skin that lead to breakouts.
What you will Need:
- 1 tspb aking soda
- 1 tsp honey
How to Apply:
- Mix equal amount of baking soda and honey and scrub your face with this granular paste for 5 minutes in gentle circular motions.
- Rinse off under tap water.
How frequently can it be used:
Twice a week
Note: Never use baking soda all by itself and do not overexpose your skin to it. Also, remember to moisturize your face right after removing sodium bicarbonate from it.
5. Egg White Face Mask For Acne
An easy and inexpensive way to fight acne is to slather your face with egg whites. They are boosted with vitamins and proteins, which combat acne and rebuilds your skin cells.
What you will Need:
- 1 egg white
- Juice of half a lemon
How to Apply:
- We suggest you squeeze in the juice of half a lemon in the egg white to kill the stink of it.
- Then with your fingertips apply it on the pimples.
- Leave it till it dries and turns white, and then wash it off with your regular facewash.
How frequently can it be used:
You may use this twice or thrice a week.
6. Cucumber Face Mask For Acne
Cucumber is great for soothing the burning effect of acne and aids in fading the blemish. When added to lemon juice, it acts as a bleach too.
What you will Need:
- Half a cucumber grated
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 tsp honey
How to Apply:
- Mix all the ingredients and apply evenly on your face.
- Allow it to seep in for 20 minutes then wash it with plain water.
How frequently can it be used:
It can be used as regularly as every day or twice a week.
7. Avocado And Honey Face Mask
The beneficial vitamins and nutrients in avocado works toward toning down acne. When blended with honey, it acts as a natural moisturizer too.
- What you will Need: Half an avocado
- 2 tsp of honey
How to Apply:
- Blend the avocado with honey to form a smooth paste and spread it all over your face.
- After 20 minutes, as the pack begins to dry, wash it off with lukewarm water.
How frequently can it be used:
You may use this face pack twice a week.
8. Banana Peel Face Mask
Lutein, present in banana peels have a generous quantity of antioxidant that clears up acne from the very roots of it.
What you will Need:
- 1 banana peel
How to Apply:
- Don’t toss the banana peel after gulping down the fruit.
- Instead, rub it in circular motions all over your face.
- Let it work on your face for 30 minutes, before washing it off.
How frequently can it be used:
There are no side effects, you may use this trick every time you savor a banana.
9. Avocado And Lemon Face Mask
As we mentioned above, avocado is packed with natural goodness that fights ace. Lemon when added to avocado brings its antioxidant and bleaching properties.
What you will Need:
- Half an avocado
- Juice of half a lemon
How to Apply:
- Beat half an avocado in a thick and smooth paste and squeeze in some lemon juice to it.
- Load your face with this paste and allow it to work its magic on it for 20 minutes before washing it off.
How frequently can it be used:
It can be used twice a week.
Note: You may add a teaspoon of honey if you’d like to, however, it’s not a must.
10. Almond Milk Face Mask
Almond milk is loaded with proteins, it also cleanses the deep pores of the skin and leaves it free of impurities.
What you will Need:
- 5 to 6 almonds
- Muslin cloth
How to Apply:
- Soak these almonds in water overnight.
- Make a paste in a mortar the following morning.
- Wrap it tightly in the muslin cloth making a pod and dab the pod on the pimples so that the milk from the almond paste squeezes out.
- This can be left on your skin till it dries and then rinsed off.
How frequently can it be used:
Can be used daily.
11. Avocado And Lemon Face Mask
As we mentioned above, avocado is packed with natural goodness that fights acne. Lemon when added to avocado brings its antioxidant and bleaching properties.
What you will Need:
- Half an avocado
- Juice of half a lemon
How to Apply:
- Beat half an avocado in a thick and smooth paste and squeeze in some lemon juice to it.
- Slather your face with this paste and allow it to work its magic on it for 20 minutes before washing it off.
How frequently can it be used:
It can be used twice a week.
Note: You may add a teaspoon of honey if you’d like to, however, it’s not a must.
12. Papaya Face Mask For Acne
Papain, an important enzyme present in papaya lessens inflammation. It also prevents pus formation in pimples and that makes it a great remedy for acne.
What you will Need:
- 2 to 3 dices of ripe papaya
- 1 tsp honey
How to Apply:
- Beat the papaya dices and honey to form a smooth mask.
- Cover your face with this mask and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Washing off with running water will be enough.
How frequently can it be used:
Use it twice a week for faster results.
13. Honey And Cinnamon Face Mask For Acne
With its antimicrobial properties and moisturizing elements, cinnamon and honey make a killer combo to fight stubborn pimples.
What you will Need:
- 2 tsp honey
- 1 a tsp of cinnamon
How to Apply:
- Add 2 tablespoons of honey to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and blend them thoroughly to form an even paste.
- Apply this mask all over you face and leave on for about 15 minutes.
- Rinse off completely with running water.
How frequently can it be used:
Applying it twice a week is best
14. Egg Yolk Face Mask for acne
All the vitamins and proteins present in egg yolk kills the acne forming bacteria leaving you with clean skin.
What you will Need:
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 egg yolk
How to Apply:
- Beat up the egg yolk and add few drops of lemon juice to kill the reek.
- Apply it only on the pimples and leave it till it dries. Wash it off with your regular face wash.
How frequently can it be used:
For best results use thrice a week
15. Gram flour Face Mask for acne
Gram flour is an excellent natural exfoliator, using the same regularly will lessen occurrences of acne and clears the pores of skin freeing it from impurities and pollutants.
What you will Need:
- Half cup gram flour
- Half cup raw milk or unflavored yogurt
How to Apply:
- Mix the gram flour with the raw milk to form a smooth batter and even it out on your face.
- This mask will take about 20 minutes to dry.
- Wet it with water, wait till it’s moist and then wash it off.
How frequently can it be used:
You may use it twice to thrice a week
Note: Avoid talking when the mask is drying, it may result in wrinkle formation.
16. Avocado And Honey Face Mask for acne
Avocado is packed with minerals and vitamins that help calm down acne, honey with its soothing and moisturizing properties adds to the benefit of this mask.
What you will Need:
- Half an avocado
- 1 tsp honey
How to Apply:
- Beat a ripe and soft avocado with a teaspoon of honey till the two ingredients are mixed evenly.
- Apply this paste all over your face and keep it for half an hour. Wash it under running water.
How frequently can it be used:
Use it twice a week
17. Strawberry Honey Face Mask
Fused with vitamin C, strawberry offers a strong fist against acne, dries it out and uproots it while honey backs up the skin with tons of moisturizing elements.
What you will Need:
- 2 strawberry
- 1 tbsp honey
How to Apply:
- Mash the ripe strawberries and then blend them smoothly with a tablespoon of honey.
- Resist feasting on it, instead apply the paste on your face and keep it on for 20 minutes before you rinse it off with lukewarm water.
How frequently can it be used: Use it on weekends.
18. Orange Peel Face Mask For Acne
The vitamin C, present in orange and its peel, kills the acne causing bacteria and promotes growth of new healthy skin cells.
What you will Need:
- Sundried and powdered orange peel
- Fresh milk
How to Apply:
- Form a face pack with two teaspoons of powdered orange peel with fresh milk. Spread it evenly on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes.
- Rinse off with running water.
How frequently can it be used: Once a week is fine.
19. Lemon And Honey Face Mask For Acne
Lemon with its antibacterial properties and honey with its inflammatory elements forms an easy and irreplaceable remedy for pimples.
What you will Need:
- 1 tsp honey
- Juice of half a lemon
How to Apply:
- Mix the juice of half a lemon with teaspoon of honey.
- Dot it on the top of your pimples and leave it on for 15 minutes.
- Wash it off with tap water.
How frequently can it be used:
You may apply this mask daily.
20. Tea Tree Oil Face Mask For Acne
Tea tree cuts through the dead skin cells and sebum and unblocks the pores. Its antibacterial properties then destroys the acne causing bacteria.
What you will Need:
- 1 tsp tea tree oil
- 1 tbsp rosewater
- Cotton balls
How to Apply:
- Mix equal amount of tea tree oil and rosewater.
- With a cotton ball, dab this on the affected area at bedtime.
- Leave it on for the entire night and remove with a mild face wash in the morning.
How frequently can it be used:
Use it every night till you see results.
[Also Read: Tea Tree Oil for Ear Pimples]
21. Sandalwood Face Mask For Acne
Sandalwood has been used since ages to clear acne. They can dry up the acne instantly without leaving and scars.
What you will Need:
- Sandalwood powder
- Raw milk
How to Apply:
- Mix two tablespoon of sandalwood with some raw milk to form a smooth paste.
- Spread it evenly on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes.
How frequently can it be used:
Use it before bedtime every night.
Note: Do follow up with generous moisturizing
22. Milk, Turmeric And Honey Face Mask For Pimples
With all the herbal and antibacterial properties of milk, turmeric and honey, the trio works like magic on your skin.
What you will Need:
- Quarter cup milk
- Half a tsp turmeric
- A tsp honey
How to Apply
- Blend all the ingredients well and apply it on the affected area.
- Allow it to dry for half an hour and work through the pores.
- Wash it with a mild face wash.
How frequently can it be used:
Every day before shower
23. Honey, Lemon And Turmeric Face Mask For Pimples
All the three ingredients are known to have elements that look for the overall betterment of our skin. When applied together, they can treat pimples and help in fading the scars too.
What you will Need:
- 2 teaspoons of honey
- Juice of half a lemon
- Pinch of turmeric
How to Apply:
- Blend all the components well and smear it all over your face.
- It might take about 10 minutes to dry after which you can rinse it off.
How frequently can it be used:
Again, every day before shower.
[Also Read: Bentonite Clay Face Mask]
24. Tomato Avocado Banana Face Mask
This face pack is boosted with vitamin C, proteins and other natural goodness that help skin get rid of impurities that result in acne.
What you will Need:
- Half a tomato
- Half an avocado
- A quarter of banana
How to Apply:
- Beat up half a tomato juice with the pulp of half of avocado, and then add the banana to this paste and make it smooth.
- Now slather your face with this nutrition enriched mask.
- Wash off after 30 minutes.
How frequently can it be used:
Twice a week will be enough
25. Tomato, Rice Bran And Fresh Milk Face Mask
The face pack will not only clear acne, but with the generous amount of vitamin C, the tomato, rice barn and milk face pack will accelerate the fading process of the scars and improve your complexion.
What you will need:
- Juice of one ripe tomato
- 1 tbsp rice bran
- 1 tbsp fresh milk
How to Apply:
- Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste and apply on your clean skin.
- It will take about 20 minutes to dry, after which you may wash it with regular running water.
How frequently can it be used:
You may use this face pack twice a week for good results.
26. Milk and Honey or Yogurt
One of the easiest remedies for pimples. The components are available in every kitchen the concoction hardly takes a minute to be made.
What you will Need:
- 1 tbsp milk or 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 tsp honey
How to Apply:
- Beat the two ingredients of your choice till they are evenly mixed.
- Apply on full face.
- Let it sit for 15 minutes.
- Rinse off with tap water.
How frequently can it be used:
Using this face mask twice a week will result in fast remedy.
Face Mask Tips for Acne:
- Apart from these face masks, you may also rub a slice of orange or grape.
- Make sure you apply these face masks on a clean and dry skin so that dust or impurities do not stall the mask from functioning.
Avoid exposing your skin to sun for at least 1 hour after applying and removing any face mask.