The weight-loss industry is one of the biggest industries of nutrition. Everyone around you wants to lose weight and people are actually ready to go to any lengths to get that size zero figure. People are going for crazy diets, insane workouts just to achieve the figure of their dreams. The latest fad now to hit the market is amla juice for weight loss. In this article we will talk about can amla juice help weight loss? Read on to know more:
What’s So special About Amla Juice?
Amla also known as the Indian gooseberry is a very rich source of Vitamin C. Some amla might be very sour and some might be tangy, but once you gulp down some water and immediately you will feel a burst of sweetness in your mouth. Amla juice is also known for its anti-oxidant properties and anti-aging properties. Many of the Ayurvedic medicines use amla majorly as their ingredients. If we start rattling about the health benefits of amla juice we could fill up pages. It is known as one of the most potent superfoods because of the advantages it has for the human body.
How Can You Use Amla Juice For Weight Loss?
Amla Increases Your Metabolism:

The major reason people lose weight or maintain their weight is with the help of food. Thought exercise plays a major part, you will also need to keep a watch on the intake of your food for best results. Amla works to speed up the metabolism of your body and hence the food that you eat digests better. Most people who have stubborn fat have a slow metabolism that cannot keep up with the food they eat. As such, the body tends to store the carbs as fat. When you have a fine metabolism, the food is digested better and quicker and all your nutrients are absorbed by your body.
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Amla Juice Keeps You Satisfied For Longer:

Having amla juice as a part of your diet is a great idea because it can act as a way to keep you full for long. Amla is very high in the various dietary fibers. Fibers are very good for the body and can fill you up quickly and at the same time keep you full for long. If you start drinking Amla juice, it can also reduce the number of calories you are having in a day. You are full for longer and hence the minimum calorie requirement becomes lesser.
Amla Juice Helps To Flush Out Toxins From Your Body:

Amla juice acts as a great detoxifying agent. It is very rich in anti-oxidants which stop the free radicals in your body. Hence you are able to function better and also your aging process slows down a considerable extent. When you drink amla juice, all the toxins in your body are flushed out. As a result not only your skin and hair look great but you are prepping your body for a healthy functioning.
Amla Juice Enhances Digestion:

Just like Amla juice works to enhance your metabolism, it also helps your digestion process. When all the digestive processes in your system are working fine, you will be able to enjoy your food. Digestion also plays an important role in aiding weight loss.
DIY Amla Juice For Weight Loss:
Now that you know how beneficial amla juice is for your body, here is a simple amla juice recipe that you can incorporate in your daily life. You will just need a few elements to make this juice:

Ingredients: Amla juice, lemon juice, cumin, cinnamon powder and honey
Recipe: Mix all the above ingredients together and drink this concoction early in the morning before you begin your day. Have this daily to see a significant change in your weight.
So you see, Amla juice has tons of benefits. Drink amla juice for a healthier and better self and at the same time also lose weight!