Beetroots go by many names such as beets, beetroots, garden beet, chard, sugar beet, red beet and blood turnip. They are a nice addition to the dinner plate, in terms of looks and earthy sweet taste. But their benefits extend to beauty as well. Besides all of the health benefits that beetroot has to offer, you do not necessarily have to consume the beet in order to get on the healthy track. None-the less, we all know the beetroot juice benefits that our grandmother’s always told us about. By just incorporating beetroot powder as an ingredient, your skin and body is able to enjoy beetroot benefits. Take a look how.
Beetroot Benefits for Skin
For the Face:
Lip Scrub: If dry and parched lips are troubling you, try a beetroot sugar scrub.
Method: Get two medium sized beetroots, add 5 tbsp. of white sugar, 1 tsp. brown sugar, 1 tbsp. of coconut oil and 1/2 tsp. honey. Simply mix these ingredients together in order to get beautiful, smooth lips.
Acne Fighting Face Mask: Beetroots not only fight acne and pigmentation issues because of the high iron, vitamins and mineral content in it but also give skin radiance by leaving a healthy pinkish colour to your face.
Method: Mix fresh grated beets with about 1/4 cup’s worth of sour cream and apply on face as a mask. Once it dries, rinse thoroughly with cool water.
Facial Toner: Chop one beet and ½ cup of cabbage, and combine it with ¼ cup of water in a blender. Mix well until it’s liquefied. Then apply it on your face with a cotton ball to wipe off the impurities.
Blush: If you want to add a little hue to your cheeks, use beetroot powder as a blush. It’s a natural tonic that is all healthy, and all beautiful. You can either use it plain or mix it with arrowroot powder to make makeup at home in a jiffy.
Beetroot for the Hair
Natural Hair Dye: Beetroots double up as a natural colorant without using chemicals. Mix pure beet (beetroot) juice with henna powder to add a reddish chestnut hue to hair. For highlights, simply douse hair in the juice and wait for about an hour before rinsing it completely.
[ Read How to make hair color last longer ]
Blood Circulation: Beetroot juice benefits extend to also providing with carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and Vitamin B and C. All these nutrients enable blood circulation in the scalp thereby promoting healthy hair growth. Hence, the health benefits of beetroot are plenty.
Itchy Scalp: Beetroot juice helps to eliminate scalp dryness and itchiness. Its enzymatic properties destroy excessive dead cells and dry conditions of the scalp. Beet juice mixed with vinegar will cleanse the scalp off its dandruff.
[ Read How to get rid of Dandruff at Home ]
Beetroot For Health
Blood Pressure: Beet Juice promotes cardiovascular health, by reducing the bad cholesterol and increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the body.
Cures Anaemia: Beetroot has sufficient amounts of iron that boosts haemoglobin and cures anaemia. The nitrates found in the beets improve blood circulation which is very beneficial for heart and brain. This helps prevent dementia to a larger extent.
Improves Vision: Beetroots are packed with carotenoids which help improve vision. If you are aiming for better eyesight, avoid eating cooked beetroot as the carotenoids in it will tend to lose their effect during cooking.
Prevents Cancer: Beetroot has been known as an effective alternative medicine to prevent cancer. The cancer fighting property comes from the betanin compound which is present in the beets. Besides removing cancer-causing toxins, beets also avert the formation of cancer cells in the body.
Delays Aging: Beetroots are superb when it comes to keeping wrinkles at bay. It helps minimise fine lines thereby providing a flawless skin complexion.
Include the power of beetroots in your diet and see how the quality of your life improves.