Jeans have been a wardrobe staple for ages now. Be it a girls’ wardrobe or a boys’ wardrobe, one of the first things you might stumble upon are a pair of jeans. Now, there are jeans available in a lot of different shapes, sizes and color and every person has their individual choices regarding the jeans that they wear. Be it the solid royal blues or the washed ice blue denims, you have a wide variety of options when it comes to jeans. And guess what? You may not always like the same shade. At times, experimenting with different shades can do miracles to your outfit. Also, alternatively, you could just lighten some dark colored jeans to add some freshness to your wardrobe and also have not have to part with those most comfortable overly used pair of jeans, that your mother threw out almost a million times.

Guessing how? Here is where we step in. There are a number of ways so as to help you with tips on how to lighten jeans. More the number of methods, more the confusion and what you might end up with is a pair of abnormally colored jeans that you would eventually have to throw out. No matter how many memories you have attached to it.
So, we thought, we should come out and help you out on this. After all, no one wants to part with their favorite jeans. In this article, we are going to do exactly that, we are going to help you figure out how to lighten jeans.
[Also Read: How To Bleach Jeans]
To lighten the color of dark jeans, you are going to need a few things, they are stated as follows:
- First and foremost, a washing machine
- A packet of bleach
- The most obvious one, your dark hued jeans
The best way to lighten jeans
If you want your dark jeans lightened just half a shade or so, just wash your jeans in hot water. It might do the trick. But, beware! Jeans generally tend to appear darker than dry jeans, so it is best that you dry them before deciding if you like the present shade or would like to go with a more lightened shade.
If you want your jeans lightened by say, two shades at least, this is one of the proven methods to do it. Follow the steps as closely as possible for best results:
Step 1: Fill the washing machine with water and remember to set it on a large load as you will need a lot of water.
Step 2: Add in about half a cup of liquid Bleach to the water and swirl to mix it.
Step 3: Put your jeans in the water and swirling it a circular fashion.
Step 4: Allow your jeans to soak in the solution for about fifteen minutes before draining the water solution from the washing machine.
Step 5: Now, set the washing machine to cold and wash the jeans without any detergent.
Step 6: Finally, dry the jeans off and check the shade. Ideally, the jeans should be about at least two shades lighter, but, if you prefer them even lighter, you can simply repeat the process till you get the correct shade.
A few pointers to keep in mind if you want best results
You have to remember a few things if you are planning on going with the process stated above.
- Bleaching your jeans will weaken the fiber-make so the jeans may not be as sturdy as before. Beware that lightening jeans yourself can be a bit dangerous, as you’ll be working with bleach, which will lighten anything it touches.
- Using gloves is an absolute must when working with bleach as after all it’s a caustic liquid and it will burn your hands.
- If you do finally decide to make your jeans lighter, it is advisable that you decide just how light a color you want so you don’t have to face much conflict when getting the perfect shade for that customized pair of jeans.

To sum it all up
Light colored or stone washed jeans can cost you a fortune, but, if you know the right method to lighten the color of dark jeans, you can make your own fashion statement.
Seems interesting already right? Go on and try it, and you don’t have to limit yourself to just jeans. You could try this on your denim shirts, jeans shorts and denim jackets too.