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Running Tips For Beginners: All You Need To Know Before You Head Out!

by Fashionlady
Running tips for beginners For Women

Running tips for beginners

If running is your way to stay slim and trim, then this post is definitely for you. While there can be nothing as refreshing as a morning run, there are a few pointers you must keep in mind, if you are a beginner. So, here are a few running tips for beginners. Follow these and ace your morning run like a champ!

Beginner Running Plan

Before you go all out and start running like you are being chased by a dog, here’s a little running workout plan that will help the beginner in you to turn into a pro!

1. Start With Brisk Walks Or Jogs

While it can be very tempting to go all out and about and run as fast as you can, it can only lead to stress or might even backfire. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. So start off with brisk walks or jogs. Also keep in the mind the time. Do not start off with one or two hours straight. Instead keep it short and simple. To begin with, a 15 or 20-minute brisk walk or jog will help you get on the roll.

Start with brisk walks or jogs

2. How Much Is Too Much

The main goal of your running is to gain stamina and strengthen your body muscles. But, too much of anything is good for nothing and this holds true even for running. Do not stretch yourselves to run beyond what your body can take. This can lead to physical exhaustion and also make you lose motivation for the next day. So, start off on a slow note and take it up gradually. Anything done over a period of time becomes easier for the mind and body to take.

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3. Don’t Overdo The Shopping

Running does not have to come with pricey shoes or classy outfits. Keep it simple! In your hunt for the best beginner running shoes, you might just end up concentrating more on your clothes and shoes than the workout itself. The only thing you need to remember is that worn-out shoes can be a leading cause of injury, and often wear and tear get neglected by the naked eye. So, go to a specialty running shop where you can get help finding a pair that offers the support and fit that your feet need. Never shop by fashion or price. The money you spend will pay off in the form of hundreds of pain-free comfortable miles. Replace your shoes every 300 to 500 miles. You could also pick up some clothes made of technical fabrics that wick away moisture from the skin so that sweat does not become a big deal.


Beginner running plan

Map Your Route

While some may like running on the same roads everyday, a few others enjoy a location change. Depending on what you like, pick your favourite route so that the exercise becomes more fun. If you have friends living around that area, ask them to join in. While roads are always there, jogging tracks are ideal for beginners. They are flat, traffic-free and distance measured, so you can keep tab of the kilometers or laps you have covered.
Map Your Route for running

Take Breaks

Once you get a hang of it all you are free to run however fast you want to. Nevertheless, once you are tired or feel uncomfortable, take a break. Walk, jog or do stretches in between to regain stamina and energy. By taking walk breaks at the regular intervals that are scheduled for the day, you can ensure that you’ll finish each workout feeling strong.

Take Breaks from running

Watch What You Eat

Running is not just about maintaining the speed. You also need to watch your diet. Eating an unhealthy meal will not only make you sluggish but will also let you become more lethargic, and your running is sure to take a beating. So ensure you add a lot of proteins, vegetables, fruits and liquids to your diet, in order to make running a routine.

Beginner running tips

Be Patient

Lastly, changes do not happen overnight. Many of the positive changes that are happening when you start exercising won’t be visible in the mirror or on the scale. Remember, weight loss and muscle tone will happen only if you are consistent. So hang in there and wait it out!

Beginner Running Tips

No matter how smartly you prepare to start off your running routine, a few tips will always come handy. Here’s what will help you beat the running blues and let you enjoy the workout.

Beginner running schedule

3. Get Water

Water is the key to maintaining your stamina levels during your run. So get more of it. Make sure you take a few sips in-between your run. However, if you are running for longer hours, like 45-60 minutes, then get a sports drink as your body needs electrolytes to get fuelled. Electrolytes are lost in your perspiration so make sure you carry one in hand to avoid fatigue.

Running form for beginners

4. Warm up

This is one thing which most of us tend to take lightly. Warming up is essential than the running itself. Stretches, slow walk, breathing exercises etc are a must before you take off on the track.

Warm up

5. Get Rest

Last, but definitely not the least, make sure you rest. Letting your body rest is as important as the workout itself. Any workout causes little micro tears in the muscle tissue and your body needs time and rest to repair these. If you do not rest well, your body might not take the proper time to repair well before your next run, causing you to feel sore, tired and sluggish.

Running form for beginners for women

So, follow these simple yet effective running do’s and don’t’s and watch how this exercise turns out to be fun and motivating!

Images Source: pinterest.com

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