Summer means that the beach is calling. For that, you need a beach-perfect body. And how do you get that? Ordinary workouts won’t do. The answer is summer workouts.

8-Week Summer Workout Plan To Beat The Flab:
Before we dive into it, it is important to know that summer exercises are not as easy as blowing a birthday candle. It is going to take some hard work, and you may feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. But, no pains, no gains!
Here is the 3-part summer workouts plan, split into 8 weeks.
1. Motivation and Goals:
Nothing is achievable without a plan. And, this applies to the summer workout plan as well.
Step 1 – Set Goals:
Before picking up your dumbbell, be clear in the mind about your end objective – your goal(s). Is it to lose weight? Or gain weight? And how much? Be specific on what “size” you want to be (not size zero).
Since it is an 8-week summer workout plan, you need to plan accordingly. Losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is a reasonable goal, provided you work towards it. This means by the end of the 8th week, you will have lost 8 to 16 pounds, which is fine as far as weight loss goals for summer go.

Step 2 – Motivati-On:
With the right motivation, anything is achievable. Just willpower is not adequate to sustain a long-term nutrition-and-exercise program. Sit down and think about why you want to flaunt a toned body this summer. Is it because you have an upcoming family gathering ahead of a wedding, a high school reunion, or your own wedding?
Step 3 – Set a Deadline:
Now is the time to use a calendar. Map out progress points all along your summer fitness plan. This will help you keep a track. It will also help you avoid crash dieting.
What if you were to set up rewards at every progress point?
It will certainly keep you motivated towards reaching your goal. Pedicure or a massage? Yes, that can be a reward.
Step 4- Record Your Stats:
Set a baseline – meaning, document your beginning. Keep recording the fitness timeline from start to finish:
- Weight: Get on the “dreaded” scale
- Body Fat: Get it measured by a pro. It will get you the most reliable and accurate readings as you go along the summer workout plan
- Measurements: Take out your measuring tape. It will help you keep a track of your weight loss
- Photos: ‘Before’ and ‘after’ pics. It will show you the progress of your weight loss.
- Clothing: Wear a type of clothing (top, pants etc.), which is tight now. Then try it out after a few weeks, when you are mid-way in your workout. It will show you the progress.
Step 5- Get, Set, GO!
Now that you have prepared well, it’s time to take the next step.
2. Nutrition:
Fasting will not get you anywhere. Intermittent fasting will. It’s called time-restricted feeding (TRF). Anybody, except pregnant women and breastfeeding moms, kids, and teenagers can pursue TRF. You just have to eat within a specified time. No snacking all day long.
The Rules Of The Special Diet:
- Control your carbohydrate consumption (should be 40% less than your total calories)
- Eat meals with lots of veggies and healthy proteins
- Put in a complex carbohydrate to one of your meals daily
- Say NO to JUNK food
- Drink min. 8 glasses of water every day
- Avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners
- Stick to this plan for 6 days a week. You can take one day off in this week plan

Plate Management Rules:
- Proteins: You should aim for a portion of the size of your palm – approx 20 to 30 gm of protein. Organic, pasture-raised, and grass-fed options are good to go.
- Veggies: Fibrous veggies, like greens, celery, broccoli, cauliflower should be included in the summer fitness plan.
- Healthy Fats: Aim for a portion of the size of your thumb. Healthy fats include raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil etc.
- Smart Carbs: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa should be included in at least one meal on a daily basis.
3. Fitness:
The last and the most important thing to include in your summer workouts is the extent of fitness. Needless to say, you have to step out of your comfort zone and use these strategies to stay workout –motivated.
Besides getting the fitness gear, here are the ‘extras’ you need:
- A Workout Partner: When you get a he/ she companion, you will find doing summer workout plan easy-breeze. A workout partner gives you the social support during workouts, which is an added advantage.
- Schedule your workouts: Write them down in your calendar or planner. This is a good move.
- Hire a coach: He or she is the perfect person to guide you all along the summer fitness calendar
- Set a deadline: When you have done that, you will find it easier to reach your goal.
- Promise yourself an incentive: This will push you towards achieving your fitness targets.

Week 1 And 2: Move Your Body:
And how?
a/ Cardio:
- 3 days a week
- 20 to 30 minutes of light 20 min jog, group exercise class, and 30-minute bicycle ride
b/ Weight Training:
- 2 full body workouts a week
- Do chest, back, legs, shoulders, triceps, biceps, calves, and abdominals
Week 3 – 5: PUSH your body
And how?
a/ Cardio:
- 3 times a week, 45 min each
- 20 to 30 minutes of light 20 min jog, group exercise class, and 30-minute bicycle ride
b/ Weight Training:
- 2 weight lifting workouts a week but more intense
- Do chest, back, legs, shoulders, triceps, biceps, calves, and abdominals
Week 6-8: HIIT it hard
And how?
a/ Cardio:
- 3 high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts
b/ Weight Training:
- Weightlifting three days a week
- Upper and lower body workouts
This completes your 8-Week summer workout plan.

How did you find this summer workout schedule? Start it today, now that we are in the thick of summers, and see yourself in a new diva-licious figure.