Aha! There is nothing better than starting a day with a cup of black tea. Besides its aroma, the beauty and health aspect to it poses an interesting twist to this beverage. Well, you will be amazed to find out how black tea, when taken in liquid form or tea bags does wonders to rejuvenating your health and beauty.
[Also Read: Purple Tea – The Royal, Distinguished & Healthy Brew]
Tired eyes
Revitalizing your achy or puffy eyes is easy with black tea. To do that, soak two tea bags in warm water and put them over your closed eyes for about 20 minutes. The tannins in the tea do their job quietly to reduce puffiness and soothe tired eyes.

Source: yasabe.com
Sunburned skin
Forgot to dab sunscreen before leaving for work? Worry not. A few wet black tea bags when applied to the affected skin will take out the sting. Incidentally, this particular remedy works well for minor burns (such as those that happened from a teapot or steam iron) too. However, if the sunburn is big enough, drop some tea bags in your bathwater and soak your body in the tub to gain from the beneficial tea.

Source: yasabe.com
Gray hair
How de-motivating is the sight watching a few strands of gray hair shining in our scalp. It is not secret that most of us look for remedies on how to reduce white hair. We take recourse to chemical hair dyes that end up doing a reasonable harm to our hair. You can turn around the table by turning gray hair dark again without applying the usual hair colour. Place 3 tea bags in 1 cup of boiling water. Add 1 tablespoon each of rosemary and sage and let it stand overnight before you strain. To use, shampoo your hair the normal way and then pour or spray the mixture on your hair. Take reasonable care not to stain clothes in the process. Blot with a towel and do not rinse. Repeat this several times to get the desired results.

Source: teamajesty.com
Hair conditioner
If you are down in your spirit because of dry hair, there is a way out. Give a natural shine to your dry hair by using a litre of freshly brewed warm, unsweetened tea as a final rinse after you do your regular shampoo.

Source: deluxmag.com
Drain a boil
Boils on the skin are not only painful, they end up hurting our daily chores. Cover your pesky boil with a wet tea bag overnight and the boil should drain out without pain by the time you wake up next morning.
Bleeding gums
We are all aware of the importance of gum care. Having bleeding gums on a beautiful face is a sure disappointment. To stop gum bleeding, go wet a tea bag with cool water and apply it directly onto the affected site for instant relief.

Source: healthtap.com
Floor cleaner
Go about cleaning hardwood floors using black tea. Brew 3 tea bags with four cups of boiling water. Let it cool a bit, then use a funnel to transfer the liquid to a spray bottle. Spray it on your floor and wipe or mop to remove dirt. The tanning acids will get rid of any dust and dirt spots on the floor, and will give it a nice shine.

Source: wikihow.com
Glass cleaner
Black tea can clean glasses and windows too, apart from being a beauty tonic. Add 3-4 black tea bags to 4 cups of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and then pour the water in a spray bottle. Spray this tea water on the glass and then wipe using clean cotton cloth. It will clean the glass window to perfection without any streaks of dirt left.
Economical, easy, and efficient; black tea is a wonder tea with multiple benefits. Give it a try and rejoice!