Open your kitchen cupboard as something very useful and apt is lying inside, that has a punch of health and beauty benefits apart from its usage in household and cooking tasks. We are talking of Apple Cider Vinegar, a health tonic that works wonders in battling out our daily ouch-aa-ooh woes. Yes, there are a lot of apple cider vinegar uses, not just limited in your kitchen, but for hair and skin as well.
Let’s see how to use apple cider vinegar.
Summers bring a perennial problem of sunburn. Apple cider vinegar comes to the rescue. Add a cupful or two to your bath water. This will help neutralise the sunburn effectively.
One teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar proves its worth in stopping hiccups. Try it out and feel the change.
Sore Throat
Use germ-busting apple cider vinegar to ward off the infection. Most germs can’t survive in the acidic environment vinegar creates, so mix 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp cayenne pepper and 3 tsp clover honey in a glass containing warm water and gargle after every hour. The vinegar and honey have antibacterial properties that helps break the mucous and sinus congestion.
Looking at our disbalanced eating habits, indigestion is always there to trouble us. However, apple cider vinegar has the solution to facilitate our digestive problems. Mix 1 tsp of the vinegar with 1 cup of warm water or tea and drink it 30 minutes before a meal. This helps combat constipation. If you find the concoction not upto your like, then add a dollop of honey.
Lowers Cholesterol
A Japanese study revealed that half an ounce of apple cider vinegar a day lowered cholesterol in people.
Stuffy Nose
The apple cider vinegar has potassium that thins mucus whenever you are down with a cold. The acetic acid in it prevents bacteria growth, which could cause nasal congestion. Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink to help sinus drainage.
Weight Loss
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar suppresses your appetite. Scientists are of the theory that apple cider vinegar interferes with the body’s digestion of starch, which means fewer calories enter the bloodstream.
Dandruff Remover
Why take recourse to shampoos for dandruff removal when there is a natural way to do so. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray it on your hair once you shampoo them, allow it to rest for 15 minutes and rinse. Repeat this twice a week. Apple cider vinegar is one of the perfect home remedies for dandruff to vanish in thin air.
Skin Cleanser
Apple cider vinegar can do amazing wonders to your skin. Apply a clean cloth soaked in this vinegar to your face. You will feel a rush of smooth skin and reduced fine lines. Apple cider vinegar makes a great natural toner too. Its antibacterial properties help keep acne under control, and the malic and lactic acids found in apple cider vinegar soften and exfoliate skin, reduce red spots, and balance the skin pH.
[Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Moles Treatment]

Teeth Whitener
Apple cider vinegar is one of the inexpensive home remedies for white teeth. To remove the stains on your teeth, apply the vinegar on your teeth and then rinse with water. Don’t repeat it too often as it can break the tooth enamel.
Leg Cramps
Developing leg cramps is a sign that your body has low potassium levels. Since apple cider vinegar is high in it, mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon honey to a glass of warm water and drink it. This will help relieve leg cramps during the night.
Fades Bruises
Since apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties, dabbing an apple cider vinegar compress on a bruise can help fade the discoloration.
Apple cider vinegar benefits are numerous, and was used by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, for several things. It’s been used throughout history, and is still just as useful today.