WAKEUP! It’s time for fitness and fun; what a pleasant morning and lying around in bed is so sinful. Let’s get physical darlings, and for this you’d need to grab your hula-hoops. Bring back the memories with mom as a kid, when you were in pigtails and a pretty pink tutu skirt, wearing a hula around your waist; trying your best to rotate. Head out for some fresh morning air, the dew on your feet and plenty of fun ways to play with the hula-hoops, thus keeping you fit and active too. Here are 5 fun ways to have a great time with the hula-hoop; believe us when we say, in a month you’d notice the sexy waist and yes, this is one of the many easy ways to make your tummy flat!
For those who are unaware of what we’re talking about, do read tricks and tips of hooping for beginners. We bet, you’ll soon start hooping like a pro.
Basic Hula-Hooping!
Don’t be intimated by the hula-hoop; there are no pro tricks to learn. Place the hoop around your lovely waist at first, take a deep breath and swivel away. Let the hoop spin around your waist; slow at first and gradually increase the spins. Longer and faster at a later stage; if need be, play some music. This action helps perk up the pelvic muscles and increases blood flow to the various organs in the body.

Source: timeinc.net
Shake that hip
You wouldn’t have a hard time doing this; in fact, the hips help swivel better than the waist. Your glutes get the most benefits out of this and so would your abs too. Wear a pair of shorts, comfortable for the act. Place your feet apart from one another, and this would help maintain the balance too.

Source: timeinc.net
Tone the arms
This is one of the perfect ways to lose weight from arms. Not the standard ones but the smaller arm-sized hoops should be great for the arm exercises. Large hoops are for body toning only. Now place on either arms which have been stretched out straight and long, hoops on each. Spin both arms clockwise and the longer you can do this, the better it would be. Switch directions every 50 seconds; and work the arms until tired.

Source: weekendnotes.co.uk
For your legs
Make those long legs, sexy! Hula hoops can help tone the legs too. Stand straight with a leg raised; 90 degrees bent angle. Now place the hula around the thigh, let it spin for 10 seconds or more. Take the other leg and do the same routine for 10 seconds. If you cannot stand and do the same, lie down on a flat surface with one of your legs raised at 90 degrees, and continue.

Source: mpora.com
Squat and hoop
Sounds quirky, doesn’t it? However, we guarantee you a laugh while doing this act. Widen your stance the way you normally would for squats. Hula hoop using the basic steps to begin with; using your waist. While doing so, slowly lower down and squat, whilst still hula hooping- now slowly stand up straight, while the hula spins. Do these ten times, up and down.

Source: modernmom.com
Hula Jumps
Be very careful while doing this; if done wrong you could trip and fall- injuries could happen. But the easy way out is to emulate skipping using a jump rope. Hold the hula rim as though you are holding a jump rope. Larger circles are best to use; which means lesser ducking while going through the hoop.

Source: amazonaws.com
Work it out girl; give it your best shot. Start with thrice a week, and gradually increase. Speak to your doctor to know if you need any precautions; should you be suffering from underlying ailments.