A lot of us are constantly searching for new and better ways to relax and release our tensions at the end of the day.
Did you know that a relaxing foot soak can actually have a calming effect on your system and bring a host of other benefits too?
An Epsom salt foot soak has a very good effect on your body and can help detoxify you too. This article will give you some really good ways on how to get the most out of a foot soak by using something as simple as epsom salt.
Epsom Salt Nutrition Facts and Benefits
The reason why a lot of people suggest that you should use Epsom salt is because of the immense benefits it has on your body. Epsom salt is very rich in an important mineral – magnesium that can improve the health conditions of your body. Magnesium gets easily absorbed by the body and helps to calm you down. The use of an Epsom salt foot soak can also increase the amount of serotonin in your body which is calming and sleep-inducing. As a result it will make you happy and relaxed. Here are some other benefits of using Epsom Salt foot soaks:
- It helps to improve your cardiovascular health. Epsom salt helps with your cardio vascular health by increasing the circulation inside the body and also lowering any kind of inflammation. It will also help in increasing the elasticity of your arteries
- Your blood pressure reduces significantly when you are using these foot soaks
- Regular Epsom Salt baths will also help to reduce toxins from the body
- Muscle aches, cramps and other kinds of pains will reduce significantly
- Your blood sugar levels will be on check
- Any foot fungus or infections can also be treated with the help of an Epsom Salt foot soak
Epsom Salt Recipes for Soaking Foot
Now that you have read all the various benefits that an Epsom Salt foot soak can have, here are some recipes of foot soaks that can help you calm down and relax after a long day at work.
1. Epsom Salt Foot Soak with Lavender
Things you need:
- Epsom salt
- A good quality lavender oil
- Warm water
- A large bowl to soak your feet in
- Mix Epsom salt, five drops of lavender oil in the tub full of warm water.
- Mix thoroughly.
- Make sure that the water is not too hot and you are comfortable soaking your foot in the warm water.
How it works: Epsom salt has a high quantity of magnesium that is an important relaxation mineral. Sweet-smelling lavender and Epsom salt combined together can have a very soothing and calming effect on your body. If you have trouble sleeping at night, this is the best recipe for a calm sleep
How long the process takes: If sleeping is a problem every night, then you will probably have to repeat this foot soak every night for best benefits
Tip: Make sure to use a very high grade or high quality lavender oil as this will make the potion very potent and hence have a great effect on calming and inducing sleep.
2. Epsom salt foot soak with olive oil
Things you need:
- One cup Epsom salt
- 2 tbsps of olive oil
- Water bath
Directions: Take all the ingredients and mix them thoroughly in the water bath. Now dip your foot in this bath and let it soak for at least 20 minutes. Wash off with water and pat your feet dry.
How it works: This combination of olive oil and Epsom salt is very good for those who have dry skin on their feet. Olive oil is highly moisturizing and when combined with Epsom Salt, it also helps to calm down your senses and at the end of the foot soak you are left with baby soft feet
How long the process takes: For extremely dry skin, this foot soak could be repeated every night or you can use it once a week too
Tip: Mix the olive oil thoroughly and make sure you use lukewarm water for better results
3. Epsom salt with different essential oils
Things you need:
- Vitamin E oil
- Lavender oil
- Spearmint oil
- Vetiver oil
- Epsom Salt in a bowl of warm water
- Mix a few drops of each of the essential oils and mix it with the warm bowl of water.
- Mix all the ingredients well enough and soak your feet in it.
- After 20-30 minutes take your feet out and moisturize them
How it works: All the essential oils help reduce the odor of your feet. If you have smelly feet, this is your best bet. Not just that, you will also get a very calm and refreshing feeling. It will help cool down your soles.
How long the process takes: You can repeat it every night or use the foot soak recipe once a month for best results. It mostly depends on your choice.
Tip: Make sure you use warm water because this will help soak the Epsom Salt better.
4. Epsom Salt with Ginger and Hibiscus
Things you need:
- 2 cups of Epsom Salt
- Ground ginger
- Dry hibiscus powder
- Mix all the three ingredients together and store in an air tight jar.
- Use a spoon of this mixture in a warm bath of water and soak your feet for about 20-30 minutes.
- Pat your feet dry and use a small quantity of body lotion to moisturize your feet.
How it works: Ginger has anti-aging and stimulating properties. It will help to keep your feet squeaky clean. Adding hibiscus will impart a subtle floral fragrance to the foot soak.
How long the process takes: Once a week is a good way to use this foot soak and reap good number of benefits
Tip: If you do not get dry hibiscus powder, you can also make the powder yourself.
5. Epsom Salt and Baking Soda
Things you need:
- 2 cups of Epsom Salt
- 2 tablespoons of baking soda
- Warm water
- Mix the two ingredients together in the warm bath of water.
- Soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes and then pat dry.
- Moisturize as required.
How it works: Baking soda is immensely helpful when you have dry skin and you need to remove dead skin from your soles. It also helps to maintain the natural pH level of the skin and makes your skin look soft and supple.
How long the process takes: If you have really dry and scaly skin, this is the best foot soak to help you combat dry skin.
Tip: You can even mix the two powders together and store it and use it when required.
In short, Epsom Salt foot soaks are extremely beneficial and can help with your anxiety and strains. Not only will they bring calmness and help you relax, they will also help your body by flushing out toxins. Make sure you invest in a good quality Epsom salt and mix and match with all the recipes above as the need arises.
Images Source: pinterest