We girls love our skin to be soft and supple, and our boys love it too- on us. No matter how many creams you use, there is still something quite amiss that doesn’t allow the softness to come through. Here are a couple of ways which are completely DIY on how to make skin plump; read on!
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What Is How To Make Skin Plump And Plump Skin Meaning?
The moment we say how to make skin plump, we think of the fat and unwanted weight. Let’s do away with that notion, because you can be athletic and fit, and yet have a lovely plump face with plenty of softness too. The notion of plump skin meaning thus has to be not of the stereotypical types, and one that will actually make heads turn in hauteness galore.
To Get Chubby Cheeks Do This
1. Give your face a good massage with pure olive oil, twice a day before you head into the shower. Olive oil massages help with plenty of blood circulation, which actually helps plump up the skin and remove the dirt, oil and grime too.
2. If you don’t want to use the olive oil method, there is another way to plump up the cheeks and that would be by blowing balloons. This would be a fun thing to do- blowing ten balloons per day, helps exercise the zygomatic bone and doesn’t make the face look too lean and thin too.
3. You may also use a cup of aloe vera juice to rub onto your face. Rub it as a massage ingredient and ensure that the juice is ice cold. The coldness factor makes the capillaries of the blood run amok, and without causing any harm expand and contract as you apply pressure with your fingers over your cheeks. Wash off thereafter. There is no harm doing this thrice a week, twice a day!
4. You can go back to school for this one, but remember the English vowels our teacher taught us? They can help us get plumb cheeks too. A E I O U- pronounce the letters one at a time taking deep breaths and exhaling deeper each day. Doing this twice a day makes sense, since it helps exercise the chin and the cheeks, along with the zygomatic bone!
5. Collagen needs to be spot on with the face structure and texture, which is why you need to get a collagen fix the DIY way from now on. This helps plump up the skin and you don’t have to spend a bomb for the same. An egg white should be rubbed on the face once a day and massaged deep into the skin for five minutes for a week everyday. Watch how the collagen and the elastin in the egg makes your cheeks nice and full.
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6. Moisturizing with SPF 40 and above makes sense too, since the harmful UV rays of the sun steals the radiance and the oils of the face and makes the skin dry and dull- even for oily skin lasses too. Hence use a high end moisturizer which brings back the plump feel- try one with plenty of vitamin C in it!
7. Exfoliate with honey, milk and bananas- 1:1:1- a gooey paste on the face brings in all the vitamins and minerals our skin needs. Apply the paste as a mask and wait for ten minutes before washing it off. Do this everyday to exfoliate the dead skin cells, allowing new virgin skin cells to come up and for the blood to circulate well.
8. Antioxidants are a must to help plump up the cheeks, which is why making a paste of berries (any dark berry) in a bowl and applying it all over the face and the neck for half an hour, once a week, would make the skin radiant, soft, smooth and plump too. Antioxidants help fight wrinkles and free radicals, which means no more worrying about ageing signs too.
So here were many DIY skin plumping treatments and skin transforming tricks that one can use at home, without spending a bomb. Try them from today and let us know what the experience in a week is like?