The Housefull 3 movie recently won the HT most Stylish award for ‘The Most Stylish Film’ at Delhi. The starlets are definitely justifying the title with their fashion statements at every promotional event. Although we miss Nargis, Lisa and Jacqueline are filling in the void pretty well with stylish avatars.
Lisa Haydon
Recently, at one such promotional activity, we spotted the actress, Lisa Haydon looking simply adorable, just like a girl-next-door.
She suited up in a retro fashion, picking a jacket from Mason by Michelle Mason, crop top from Bebe, over Alexander Wangny pants. She simply slid into a pair of black ankle strap sandals. She went easy with her makeup and accessories. She tied her long locks into a high ponytail.
She went all black again with her succeeding promotional look. She dressed up in a Mason by Michelle Mason crisscross sheer top over an Alice and Olivia shimmer skirt. It definitely looks challenging to carry the outfit as gracefully as her. She strapped her feet in a Steve Madden Heels.
Loveleen Ramchandani, the hair and makeup artist gave her a ruffled hair and earthy touch-up finishing her look gorgeously.
Jacqueline Fernandez
If it is true that the starts dress according to their persona in the film for their movie promotions, then we think Jacqueline would be playing a sporty, chilled out and fun loving role.
She looked like a tennis star at a promotional event in a Dior dress. The crisp white sneakers underneath added the sporty finishing touch to the outfit. Shaan Muttathil, the hair and makeup artist tied up her hair into a pony. Looks like Jacqueline has taken to promoting Dior along with her movie, as most of her outfits or accessories during the promotions are from the Dior label.
She was spotted today at the movie promotions looking like a red hot rose in a Gauri and Nainika outfit. This looks similar to the blue outfit from the same label donned by her recently. It looks like the dress was tailored just right for her. The shrug style collar pattern looks pretty unique and interesting. And the black rose applique adds the buzz to the ensemble.
She stepped out in a pair of Aqua Zurra metallic heels. Shaan Muttathil, the hair and makeup artist gave her pony tailed hair a soft quiff. He chose Dior makeup for the simple base and added dramatic eyes to complete the look.
Tanya Ghavri, the mufti-faceted stylist with so many celebrities to work with, did a commendable job on the Housefull 3 beauties. Kudos to her!
What your take on their styles? Share with us your comments in the section below.
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