Did you know that nature is the best medicine that you can have? It’s inexpensive, readily available and of course without any synthetic additives, thus making it the undoubtedly the best medicine in the world. Since time immemorial human beings have utilized the bounties of nature for their benefit. One such amazing natural product that can really change the way your hair looks is the use of guava leaves.
[Also Read: Guava Leaves For Skin]
Many of us might be blissfully unaware of using guava leaves for hair. In fact, many of us might not have given any thought about the benefits of guava leaves. If you have a guava plant at home, after reading this article, you will really start appreciating guava leaves benefits!
Guava Leaves For Hair
Guava leaves are an extremely important source of Vitamin B Complex (Which in turn contains- Riboflavin, Niacin, folate, Thiamine, etc.), which helps in the growth of hair. Guava leaves also work very well to prevent hair loss.
The best thing about guava leaves is that they are so readily available! Most people are unaware of the great guava leaves benefits, so there are hardly any buyers. So you can just pluck guava leaves from the nearest tree and incorporate guava leaves into your daily hair care regimen! However, if you do wish to buy guava leaves, you can do that too. Just ask your local fruit supplier to get some next time he is around your home. Trust us, guava leaves can really change the way your hair looks and if you are losing hair (which most of us are going to suffer from, one day or the other), you will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of change your hair will undergo once you start using guava leaves. Read on to know some of the ways of using guava leaves for your hair:
Scalp Treatment Using Guava Leaves’ Water
For this method, you will need to take some guava leaves and boil them in water for about 15-20 minutes. Once the water starts to boil, let the guava leaves stay in them for some time and then let the water cool down.
Now strain the leaves from the water. This is your guava leaves’ liquor. Once the water has come down to a cooler temperature, use this liquor on your hair. Carefully massage this onto your hair starting from your roots and then going down to the ends. Massage gently and allow this guava leaf tea to soak your hair completely. If you feel there is a chance that the water might drip from your hair, use a bathing cap and secure your hair. For best results, use this liquor at least twice in a week and let it remain in your hair for about 2-3 hours-The more the better! Rinse off with lukewarm water.
[Also Read: Natural Home Remedies for Hair Growth That Works]
Hair Growth Potion Using Guava Leaf Paste
Another way to grow your hair is by using a paste made from guava leaves. The process is the same- Collect some guava leaves. Grind the leaves to a smooth paste. The consistency and the colour of the leaves look just like that of henna. Once you get a smooth paste, apply this all over your hair. If you have longer tresses, apply the paste and gather all your hair in the form of a bun at the top of your head. This will ensure that the paste does not get too messy and your hair is secure. Let the paste stay for at least half an hour and wash off with lukewarm water.
For best results you should use this paste at least twice in a month.
So here are our best tips to use guava leaves for your hair. Cheap and effective right- You just need to stock up the leaves and use it for your hair! Voila- good-looking hair is just around the corner!
1 comment
Now having a hard time asking or collecting guava leaves as a conditioner. Now thinking of buying new ones from walking vendors?