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Health Benefits Of Pandan Leaves

by Fashionlady
Pandan Leaves Benefits

Pandan leaves, commonly known as screw pine leaves belongs to the pandanus genus, is a native of South east Asia, and is mainly used for culinary purposes as it has a distinct flavor to it. Because of it strong aroma, Pandan leaves are used to enrich the flavors of food. If you are wondering what do pandan leaves taste like, well, what vanilla is to the western world, pandan leaves are to Asia. While the leaves or its extract is added to rice dishes, some desserts and confectionery to enhance their flavors, it is also used as a food colorant. The whole leaf also is used to wrap meat, chicken and even fish before it is steamed or barbecued.

Health Benefits Of Pandan Leaves

Source: opentaste.sg

However, not many are aware that Pandan leaves have many other uses other than just cooking. The leaves are used as air freshener, insect repellent and even as a token of love. Pandan leaves also possess several health benefits. According to studies, the bitter chemical compounds present in pandan leaves consists of flavonoid, polifenol, alkaloid and saponin. Not just that. The compounds also contain anti bacterial properties.

Pandan Leaves Health Benefits:

Let’s take a look at the top 10 health benefits of Pandan Leaves.

1. Reduces High Blood Pressure:

One of the best health benefits of Pandan Leaves is it treat hypertension or high blood pressure. Tea made of pandan leaves is said to normalize the blood pressure. Drinking pandan tea regularly has shown positive effects on the heart as well.

  • Add 3 grams of pandan leaves to 2-3 cups of boiling water.
  • Let it boil till the water is reduced to half its amount.
  • Drink this concoction twice a day – in the morning and evening.

2. Cleanse The Scalp Off Dandruff:

Dandruff is a result of oily scalp, using wrong hair products, stress, frequent hair wash, among many other causes. However, it can be treated if not cured completely by using a shampoo made from pandan leaves. Besides this homemade shampoo is also said to nourish the hair.

  • Take 10-12 dried pandan leaves and crush them to a coarse powder.
  • Add water to this powder to make it a smooth paste.
  • Massage this paste onto the scalp.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Use regularly to get rid of dandruff.
Pandan Leaves

Source: independent.co.uk

3. Treats Hair Loss:

Pandan leaves benefits for hair are one to too many. These leaves help treat hair fall and promotes hair growth.

  • For this recipe, you will require 1 pandan leaf, 10 leaves of hibiscus, 5 plum aralia leaves, a handful of false daisy leaves, 10 jasmine flowers, and rose petals.
  • Wash all the ingredients well and place them in a aluminium pot consisting of hazelnut oil, coconut oil and sesame oil.
  • Bring the mixture to boiling.
  • Filter the concoction and apply on hair and scalp.
  • Wrap the head with a warm towel for the oil to seep in nicely.
  • Leave overnight and shampoo the next morning.
  • Repeat this home remedy at least thrice a week for good results.

4. Relief From Pain:

The laxative properties present in pandan leaves help relieve various kinds of pain including headache, chest pain, and even joint pain caused by arthritis. While pandan tea is said to bring in some relief, alternatively you can –

  • Take a few pandan leaves and chop them to pieces.
  • To the chopped pandan leaves add half a cup of coconut oil.
  • Let the mixture boil, while continue to stir well.
  • Let it cool.
  • The concoction can be used as a massage oil on sore areas.

[Also Read: Health Benefits Of Guduchi]

5. Helps Cure Insomnia:

Studies have proven that pandan leaves help treat sleeplessness or insomnia, as they possess alkaloid compounds that has a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body.

  • Take a few pandan leaves and brew it in boiling water.
  • Add a table spoon of honey to the concoction.
  • Sip on it while still warm.

6. Used For Darkening Hair:

Yes, you read that right. Pandan leaves help blacken hair and regain the lost luster caused by pollution and various other environmental factors.

  • Wash 7-10 pandan leaves and chop to pieces.
  • To 1 liter of water add the chopped leaves and bring to a boil till the water turns green.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Next day, add the juice of 3 noni fruits to the green water.
  • Use this mixture to shampoo your hair, post which you can rinse your hair with clean water.
  • Do this at least thrice a week for optimum results.
Pandan Juice

Source: friedchillies.com

7. Helps Relieve Anxiety:

Anxiety is a common problem most people face these days. It not only leaves you restless but also has a very negative effect on the whole body, leading to various diseases. Pandan leaves are said to have a calming effect on the body. Hence it’s also used to treat insomnia. To suppress anxiety, at least temporary,

  • Take 3-5 pandan leaves and chop them to thin slices.
  • To a cup of boiling water add the thinly sliced pandan leaves and brew.
  • Let it coo, post which strain the concoction.
  • Drink the water all at once atleast thrice a day for a calming effect on the body.

8. Treats Weak Nerves:

Weak nerves often lead to severe cramps. Pandan leaves are said to promote healthy nerves in the body.

  • To 3 cups of water add 3 chopped pandan leaves to it.
  • Let it boil till the water is reduced to 2 cups.
  • Let it cool. Strain the mixture to separate the leaves from the water.
  • Drink this concoction twice a day, in the morning and evening.


9. Cures Diarrhea:

The antibacterial and anti microbial properties present in pandan leaves help cure stomach infection, including diarrhea.

  • Pandan tea made from the leaves of the plant. (Please follow the recipe above).
  • Drink this tea every morning and evening till you find relief.

10. Reduce High Body Temperature:

Fever is cause when there is an infection in the body. Pandan leaves are said to possess anti bacterial properties, as a result it can eliminate any kind of bacterial infection in the body.

All content mentioned in the article is created purely for informational purposes only. It is not a replacement for any kind of professional medical advice. Please seek your doctor’s guidance regarding your health or a medical condition.

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