Don’t we just love painting our nails, in colors bright and vibrant or maybe sultry and dark? And when time allows, we get all creative with nail art too, isn’t it? Now what if you have the time and suddenly discover that you’ve run out of your favorite nail polish hue? Wouldn’t that be like a dampening effect on your fashionista spirit? Don’t let that happen to you dear heart, because there are ways to instantly DIY and make your own favorite nail polish hue! Here is a way to do that, and it would teach you how to make nail polish, which means, no more running out of your favorite nail polish ever.
[Also Read: Top Best Long Lasting Nail Polishes]
Simple Ingredients And A Little Time
The ingredients in how to make nail polish are simple enough to procure and you wouldn’t have much running around to do as well. So if you are ready and would like to learn how to make nail polish at home, here’s your chance. Grab a clear nail polish, your eye shadow palette, some glitter used in art and craft, paper sheets and toothpicks. Before we begin on how to make nail polish, we would advise since it is your first time, you shouldn’t buy an expensive clear nail polish- grab the cheapest one for practice sake.

How To Make Nail Polish At Home Explained
Take a deep breath and find a comfy chair to sit on, spreading your ingredients across the table and getting your palms sanitized first. This is a DIY recipe which helps you have nail polish for months, and you could use various shades from the eye shadow palette to conjure your nail polish hue.

- For the top coat, you would in a small bowl pour in the clear nail polish to form the base or the top coat. Pour every drop of the base into the bowl and wait for a second.
- Now choose a tablet of eyeshadow hue from the palette. For example, if you like matte or powdery pink, choose that or else a shiny shimmery pink too can do. We leave the choice of hues and colors to you. Crush the tablet by scooping it with a spatula out of the eyeshadow palette and then pouring it into the bowl which already has the top coat. As you do so, you have got to start mixing the top coat and the eye shadow with the spatula, so as to avoid clumps. It is going to be trial and error until you get the hue and shade you want, so keep mixing- we here would say, observe and get creative with the shades and colors you want to use.
- The next step is an optional one, but if you want the fairy glitter effect to come onto your nails, you may add a little pearl powder or silver glitter. Mix well once again and allow it to rest for a second.
- Now pour the mixture into a nail polish bottle and keep it in the freezer for an hour to set. Use thereafter as and when you want to use.

What You Need To Remember!
When learning on various Ways to Make Your Own Nail Polish color, we would advise following the color wheel. Please refer to our post on the color wheel to know which colors compliment and which contrast the shades on the wheel.
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Sometimes colors when mixed too much with white, gray or black can create lighter or darker tints, tones and shades. This is why it is important to understand the color wheel very well before making your own nail polish at home. To have neutral colors, you would need a combination of secondary colors and tertiary colors on the wheel; mixed and applied. Too much glitter in the mix can make the nail polish look grey at the beginning; it is normal and doesn’t reflect the same later on.

Have fun ladies and do write in with your own Nail Polish only Ingredients and recipes to share with the sisters of fashion around!