Your Tanning Parlour Guy Wouldn’t Tell You These!
Does Posh Spice have a real tan or is that her natural skin tone? What about Sofia Vergara, agreed she is a Colombian hottie and a Hollywood celeb now, but is that her real skin colour or a tan? And there is a list of Hollywood celebs we could talk about and name, which would be a never ending saga.
While at the parlour you would ask for a tan shade, two-tone less or more, depending on the skin tone you have been born with or the look you want, some people just overdo it, making it look so unreal.
Fake tan can be spotted with the crease lines on the forehead, the neck and the region around the eyes, the wrist zone and the cuticles too. However, there are tanning parlour with experts around, who know how to fake it to make it so realistic, even the best of eyes are deceived.
Should you want to have the fake tan on you, here are five easy DIY steps to learn and abide by. Read on and be well-informed on how to do a fake tan at home.
Whole exfoliation to begin with
For a smooth and a very flawless look, and an even look too, exfoliating all over to begin with is a must. This process removes dead cells, dirt and grime, which brings back a healthy glow to the skin. Be gentle with the face while exfoliating, especially around the eyes, using a scrub that is OIL FREE. For the body though, a loofah immersed in warm water is enough for the exfoliation act. But ensure the end rinse is with cold water, or else the open pores (warm water results) would end up with more forumla absorption on certain parts of the body which would make the tan appear uneven and cakey!
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Pay attention to key areas of the body
The knuckles, your palms, tiny cuticles, the feet and the elbows are areas where a lot of attention needs to be paid, since they house plenty of colour when thrown on them. It would be best to get them hydrated, so that a barrier between the tanner and your skin is formed, and a natural look appears. Use a very light-weight and an oil free moisturizer for the same.

Mitts for self-tanning
Streaks are formed when the fingers and palms are used, and a flowing faux tan wouldn’t appear. With the help of mitts for tanning, you would achieve not only a smooth and a flawless look, but complete coverage sans the streaks. Start by self-tanning the feet and be sparing while doing so, go upwards with vertical strokes and then use a small mitt for the face. A reputed tanning bronze serum can be used.

Glad that you are reading this article on how to get a fake tan, right? Who knew it was so simple and easy.
Grab a hair dryer
For the next step, you would need to be stark naked post the tanning session and allow the cold air from the dryer to blow all over your body. The process of drying would begin and get a little more sooner than the normal natural self-drying process. For the excess you see, especially on your palms, get the tan off with the help of a wipe (an oil-free wipe). Pay attention to the spots between your toes, the cuticles and the palms.
Finally, a good rinse should do
Check what the instructions say on the box. If a rinse is needed, do the needful. With the help of warm water, generously but gently pat your skin, and use a dry towel to tap dry. Do not be an aggressive handler, not unless you want streaks, patches and creases all over your body!

We hope these five easy steps would come in handy when you think of self-tanning, as much as we loved penning them down for you.
Coming back to the question, do you think most of the celebs abroad have real tans or fake tans? What’s your take on the same!