As humans, we do not understand or maybe fail to realize a simple equation of life- nature has its own role to play. People who don’t grow tall, often are too touchy and sensitive about their height, and are depressed about it. In this day and age, and thanks to the exploration and discovery of science, we can gain height even after twenty five years of age.
Refer to our tips on how to look tall in whatever you wear without heels on your feet too. Don’t lose hope, instead learn how to challenge the vertical decree!
- Sunlight
- Adequate Sleep
- Body Posture & Stretching
- Exercises
- Yoga
- Healthy Food
These simple tips could each benefit you contributing to your increase in height. Read on!
Lifestyle Changes To Look Out For
1. Sunlight
Vitamin D is important: The only source of VITAMIN D, so important for the body would be the rays of the sun. sunlight from five to eight in the morning would be the best, which is devoid of the harmful UV rays of the sun- a morning walk would thus do you good. It brings to the body the abundance of vitamin D.
2. Adequate Sleep
Proper Sleep. Yes, you like to be all over the place, but you should not be sleep deficient. Proper rest and sleep are equally needed, as much a day full of activity. As far as the basic requirement of sleep hours goes, growing children and teenagers need at least 8-11 hours of proper and adequate sleep every night so as to reach their maximum height. A good sleeping environment is an equal must. Try and stay away from disturbing noises, and strong, disturbing lights.
3. Body Posture
The growth plates on our limbs, hands and legs don’t close completely until you reach the age of thirty. The production of growth hormones helps stimulate more growth plates and this helps with height increase too. It is essential to maintain a good posture while sitting, walking, anywhere for that matter. Keep your spine upright straight. Don’t expect the plant t grow without proper care!
[Also Read: How To Look Tall]
4. Exercises
There are many ways to increase height with simple exercises, but we would want you to first start out with these and then with the permission of your trainer, could do other exercises for above 25 age group. Remember, patience is the key.
- Focus On The Spin
Since the spine is the core focal point of the body, it needs to be stretched when the exercise regime is on. This can be done before you sleep or before you step out of bed each morning and night. Stretch the body as much as you can, focusing on twisting the spine to a comfortable level. And then stretch forwards, holding to a count of ten. Repeat ten times and twice a day.
- Pedaling
It is a fact that cycling helps us lose weight, but can also help loosen neck joints too. If you don’t have a cycle, don’t worry, lie down and lift your lower body. Place your hands under the hip joint and straighten your legs in the air. Keep emulating the pedaling action for a minute. Take a break of five seconds and then repeat. Five reps are more than enough for the same.
- Head Rotation
Once again, we shall focus on the neck muscles here for stretching needs, and the simple head rotation decree can help. This always helps flex up the neck muscles, which can be done by sitting straight and trying to touch the chin as close to the chest as possible by bending your head. Move your head clockwise from the chest and make a circle motion, and then repeat anti clockwise doing the same. Repeat five times per direction and then relax.
- Stretch Away
Stretch as much as you can, especially when you just wake up, turn your casual small stretch on the bed to a longer one. Stretching exercises could help too. Get in touch with a trainer and ask him or her to help you with stretching exercises. In doing so, you would be motivating the muscles and the joints to stretch forward, and to help increase your height. But do talk to the trainer first, so they analyze which exercise in stretching would best suit your needs.
5. Yoga
A refreshed feeling leading you to a flexible body is what yoga does. For most physical body issues, plenty of yoga asanas have a solution and here a few to address your issue to increase height. These were two important yogic asanas amongst the many we found very beneficial for growth.
- The Suryanamaskara
Yoga can help you achieve height even after twenty five, and since we began with the topic of stretching; why not? The SUN SALUTATION exercise has been performed for many centuries by millions each decade across the globe, which involves twelve simple postures. You should follow it chronologically to increase bone and muscle strength, and also to elongate the spine and make the body flexible as well.
- The Talasana
The MOUNTAIN POSE as it is known, the Talasana is beneficial and very simple to use, which helps strengthen the body, the spine, arms and the back too. For this you would need to straighten up the body by standing upright with feet together. With your fingers, clasp both hands and take a deep breath; while doing so, stretch the spine and raise the hands above your head. At the same time lift your heels and balance on the toes. Stretch away as much as possible to form the mountain pose; slowly relax and exhale as you come back to your normal position. This should be done eight to ten times everyday.
6. Eat Healthy Food
We do know about how important it is to have the right diet and nutrition. You are what you eat says an old adage and that holds true with your height as well, not just your body fat index and weight. The improvement of height can be possible when the body is able to absorb basic nutrition- minerals and vitamins, nutrient too, which gets into the system and helps with height gain. It should also have amino acids and carbs, protein and essential fats that help increase height too. So let’s take a look at the foods we should be consuming to help with height gain.
- Ashwagandha
Why are we asking you to incorporate ashwagandha in your diet? The Indian ginseng as it is known is a super food that helps with height increase. Any of the herbal stores would have it for you to pick from. Two tablespoons of the herb with warm milk should be consumed everyday after meals. You can add jaggery to the same to sweeten it up for taste; but it would be best to have it for a month and a half, and then watch the results.
- A Glass Of Whole Milk
Milk has calcium, the main mineral that forms bones and strengthens it too. Bone growth happens when more calcium is brought into the body, which means height boost too. The protein too in milk along with the vitamin A found it in is needed for height increase. Try two glasses of whole milk daily!
- Dairy Produce
Dairy produce is a must which helps with height gain too, and not just milk in the same category, experts opine. Ice creams, cheese, paneer, whipped creams and more, they all have vitamins A, B, C and E in them, along with calcium and protein.
- Veggies And Fruits
We cannot emphasize on this enough, but you need a bowl of fruits and veggies to include in your daily diet everyday. This is because, fruits and veggies have plenty of potassium and vitamins, fiber as well. What you should be gorging on are cantaloupes and grapes, grapefruit and papayas, mangoes and passion fruit, watermelon and sweet potato, cabbage and berries, broccoli and peas, carrots too- mostly!
- Chicken
If you love chicken, chicken will love you back- with height increase! This is because of the high levels of protein found in chicken that helps with tissue and muscle increase, in return the bones are elongated since new cells are developed.
- Grains And Starches
Whole wheat grains help with more fibre and can reduce body weight, but can also help add tissues and cells to the body, vitamin B and iron, selenium and magnesium too. So you now can feast on whole grain breads, pastas and brown rice – starch comes through them with grains too.
- An Egg A Day
If you want more protein intake to help increase height, you need to have an egg a day. The white albumen of an egg is hundred percent the protein your body needs, but avoid the yolk if you don’t want fat to enter the body. B2 is also a vitamin found in eggs, also known as riboflavin, which helps increase height. An egg a day is good, but better would be three eggs a day. If you don’t like eggs, you could try soya beans that ditto the effect eggs have in height increase!
Of what use would it be to have every exercise done and all the gymming too, when you aren’t eating right?
We hope this post on how to increase your height after the age of twenty five comes handy? Also, do follow your doctors advice before you do any of the exercises or follow the diets.
Easy to do, but have your patience in place, since Rome wasn’t built in a day! If you want to share some of the tips you follow or something that worked for you, do write in.
Images Source: Pinterest
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