Pimples, Argh! Wish we just didn’t have them, and our hormones didn’t run amok – our face would have been so clean and clear, sans the redness, swelling and inflammation. It is irritating being called a tomato plant, thanks to the bunch of pimple beads all over our face. And if that’s not worse, the pain makes it horrible and brings down our self-esteem too. Worse still, if we pinch or pluck a pimple by mistake, the scars that stay behind are worst to deal with! But wait, did you know there are ways to learn on how to remove pimples in one day? Shocked are you? Read on!
How To Remove Pimples Overnight
So if you are really serious and would like to learn about how to remove pimples overnight, we bring to you a few tricks and hacks up our sleeves, which could help you.

Source: differentfemales.com
A Little Toothpaste
Your morning ritual has the answer, but this we shall do tonight. A little toothpaste needs to be applied on the troubled spot, and then washed off the next morning. Should you wake up at night and see that the toothpaste has fallen off, re-apply a little more, and let it be. The morning after would show you results.

Source: addictioncam.com
Juice Of Papaya
Take a raw papaya and juice it well. What you need to do next is to apply or smear the juice all over your face, the neck and the forehead, and wait for half an hour. Do this every night before you sleep, and let it dry. Wash it off the next morning. This is one of the easiest methods on how to remove pimples overnight.

Source: helenacesar.com
Grated Potato
Take a large potato and grate it well, extract the juice from the paste and apply it gently using circular motions all around the face and the affected areas. Wait for half an hour or until dry, and then wash off under cold water.

Source: healthyfoodsolution.com
Pimples Done Away With Garlic
A few pods are all that you would need for the overnight DIY pimple removal regime. Crush into a paste the garlic pods and apply it over the zits, warts and acne or pimple spots. Wait for half an hour and then wash off with cold water. Pimples cured and gone by the next day!
[Also Read: How to Remove Pimple on Nose]

Source: cooksjoy.com
A Little Egg White
One of the best ways to remove pimples in one day home remedies, would be applying the white of one egg on the face. The collagen of the egg when dabbed onto the pimple area for half an hour would help tighten and firm the skin, and remove the acne issues too in a few days.

Source: girliehealth.com
The Paste Of Aloe Vera
For around fifteen to twenty minutes, use the paste of aloe vera neatly applied all over the affected zones of the face. The natural plant extract is medicinal and helps do away with pimples, acne or microbial skin issues. This would be one of the safest ways to remove pimples in one day!

Source: 54health.com
A Pinch Of Fenugreek Seeds
Soak a few fenugreek seeds in water and wait till the next day. Remove the seeds in the morning and make a paste of it. Apply the paste on the face and wait for half an hour. Wash off with cold water and repeat twice a day for the next one week. Be happy with a glowing skin thereafter.
[Also Read: Benefits Of Spices For Health, Skin & Hair]

Source: spontaneoustomato.com
Sizzle Up With Steam
In a deep bowl, pour in boiling hot water into which you must add a few drops of aroma oils or the peels of citrus fruits. Keep the container right below the jawline and cover your face with a towel. Allow the steam to play its part in moisturizing the skin, removing traces of dirt, oil, grime and pollution too- culprits that provoke acne and pimples. Do this everyday for ten minutes and your skin wouldn’t have pimples anymore.
[Also Read: Hot Compress For Pimple]

Source: healingthebody.ca
A Glass Of Lemon Juice
Squeeze a large sized lime and extract its juice. Apply the juice as a face mask over the skin and wait for half an hour to allow the vitamins and nutrients to settle into the skin. Sleep away till the next morning, and then wash off with cold water.

Source: hdwallpapers.cat
Honey And Cinnamon
A tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon would help as a face pack to remove pimples soon. Apply the pack at night and wait till the next morning to dry. If the skin itches, there isn’t anything to worry about it. The next morning the pack would be dry and so would be the pimples. Wash your face and pat dry!

Source: healthnewslibrary.com
Three Drops Of Lavender Oil
Three drops of lavender oil for sensitive pimple prone skin in a tablespoon of water is a must to mix. With a cotton ball, dab the area with the mix and wait for an hour. Your skin would itch a little and there’s nothing to worry about the same. Wash off the next morning for best results. Do this every night!
[Also Read: Top 10 Benefits of Lavender Oil]

Source: sublimebeautynaturals.com
Using ice is one of the best home remedies on how to remove pimples in a day. Just wrap some ice cubes or crushed ice in a piece of cloth and press it on the affected area. Make sure to repeat the process couple of times. The ice helps in reducing the swelling, redness and inflammation of the pimples. This is one of the fastest way to get rid of pimples.
Tea Tree Oil
Use tea tree oil if you want to get rid of pimples overnight. It consists of antibacterial properties which fight against the pimple causing bacteria. There are two ways in which you can use tea tree oil to remove pimples fast.
You can dip a cotton ball in the oil and gently dab it wherever required. Let it stay for about 15-20 minutes and then wash it off. The other method that you can try is take a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and add few drops of tea tree oil in it. Apply this mixture as required and rinse it of after 20 minutes.
Now you know what gets rid of pimples, right! But make sure that you don’t have a sensitive skin. If you do, then please don’t use this method.

Source: durban.getitonline.co.za
Baking Soda
Using baking soda is another natural way to get rid of pimples. This ingredient which is easily found in every household is used to remove pimples overnight because it can exfoliate your skin and remove all the dead skin along with excess oil, dirt and grime.
Try this one day pimple treatment to remove those pesky pimples. Make a paste using baking soda and water or lemon juice. Wash your face thoroughly before applying the paste and make sure that your face is slightly damp. Apply the paste as required and leave it for couple of minutes. Use warm water to rinse off your face. Do this twice a day to see effective results.

Source: durban.getitonline.co.za
What Causes Acne
- Spicy food.
- Use of products that contain ingredient which clog your pores.
- Overusing of spot treatments.
- The ingredients present in your hair products.
- Smoking.
- Scrubbing your skin too hard.
- Picking at your pimples.
- Undue stress.
- Constant touching of your face.
- No proper after-care of your skin after a workout.
How To Avoid Pimples
- The first and foremost step in understanding how to avoid pimples is to keep your face clean. Make sure that you wash your face at least twice in a day.
- Next, use a good moisturizer and use it always so that you skin does not become dry and peel off.
- When you have breakouts, try to avoid putting on too much makeup. Try and use oil-free cosmetics.
- Use the right hair products since products since the wrong products can irritate your skin and block the pores.
- Avoid touching your face unnecessarily. You might end up transferring a lot of dust and bacteria on your face. Also, no pimple picking!
Here were the many hacks and easy DIY tricks on ways to remove pimples at home. Start from now and you could glow at the New Year’s bash!
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