You know what we see around? Many PYTs and women of all age groups rushing to the parlor for costly, chemically induced facials and face touch ups! While all that is fine, are you sure that the parlor folks know what they are doing? In most cases, they would be promoting and marketing costly branded products, and as commoners we really don’t know what is what, until eruptions, spots and acne arrive, messing up our face! Don’t let this happen to you, start from now and use the benefits of spices for your skin and hair, because they clean the internals and make the externals glow and bounce too! Yes, the old adage “You are what you eat” stands true here!
Let’s get started with Healing benefits of spices
Without much ado, let’s talk of ten spices and the benefits of spices, on your skin and hair too! Read on!
[Also Read: Health Benefits Of Peppers]
1. Cinnamon
Don’t we just love a dash of cinnamon in our teas, our cakes and cookies or Indian delicacies? But did you know, cinnamon actually is a medicinal spice that do away with sugar cravings in the body. The spice is also rich in antioxidants, which help fight the onslaught of free radicals, and also helps the cells in our body metabolize well.
Try a cup of cinnamon tea to harbor the benefits of spices from today!

[Also Read: Japanese Facial Massage]
2. Nutmeg
Since it is the festival time, and something sweet is always the norm now, nutmeg can help prevent the teeth from getting cavities, moreover, the antioxidants in nutmeg are known to be powerful enough to bring down inflammation, cancer and tumor cell growth by fighting off the dance of free radicals too.
A pinch of the spice in any of your facial mask is more than enough to keep the skin safe from the harmful UV rays of the sun!

3. Coriander
To promote hair growth, the use of coriander has been known to be very effective. You can consume the leaves fresh, or have it with a detox drink all day long.
The best way to have healing benefits of spices from coriander would be to add its powder (1 tsp) to hot mustard oil (1 tbsp), and apply it on the hair from root to tip for the night. Wash it off with warm water the next morning. Hair follicles would be nourished, and the combo would promote hair growth too!

4. Curry Powder
From vitamin C and E to plenty of antioxidants in it, curry powders have the power to fight the onslaught of free radicals like nothing else can. There are studies that show the use of curry powders in our diet can help ward off oncoming tumor and cancer growth, colon issues and stomach cramps too.

[Also Read: Saffron Face Mask For Younger Skin]
5. Thyme
Want more iron in the body? Iron is important to travel to every inch of the body and the skin, or else the oxygen levels would deplete and the skin would look dull. More iron from thyme is possible, and just a teaspoon of it consumed or used as a face pack with milk can help boost your hair growth and the skin would shine too!

6. Oregano
We love plenty of oregano on our garlic breads and pizzas, don’t we? But now let’s use oregano as a beauty gladiator since it allows us to harness the health benefits of spices for our skin and hair. Oregano is known to help bring in strength to the bones, vitamins and plenty of antioxidants too. Stomach flu too can be shown the door, since the anti-bacterial properties of oregano can help kill them all.
A pinch of oregano in your hair oil can help promote hair growth and prevent hair infection or scalp issues as well.

7. Fenugreek Seeds
Want your hair to grow long and strong, try using a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in your diet or in a teaspoon of warm hair oil. Soak the seeds for a couple of hours and use that water to wash your hair with. The process helps remove dandruff for good, and makes the hair oil potent enough to combat hairfall too!
[Also Read: Fruit Infused Water For Weight Loss]

8. Ginger
A cup of ginger tea helps soothe the painful cramps in the stomach, and when consumed daily, it helps bring down the pains of joints and muscles too. This is because ginger has a chemical in it named Gingerol, which is anti-inflammatory and nerve friendly. Ginger can also be added (a pinch of ginger powder) to you hair oil ( a tablespoon) to massage into the scalp, and to promote hair growth too!

9. Sage
Balding issues and you are worried sick about the same? Try a teaspoon of sage in your hair oil. Massage the two when warmed, into the scalp and from root to tip. You could also add a pinch of sage powder in your daily shampoos too, and wash it off in ten minutes. The concept is known to help prevent hair loss. So, sage is one of the best and with a lot of benefits of spices on hair too.
[Also Read: Indian Spices For Skin Care]

10. Cedar
Thin hair no more; use a pinch of cedar oil in your every day hair oil before massaging it into the scalp. The properties of cedar is that of a medicine, which helps treat and nourish dry hair follicles, and cedar is power packed with nutrients that promote healthy and very thick hair too.

11. Turmeric
A teaspoon of turmeric in your milk helps promote good bowel movements. When the insides are clean and clear of toxins, the outsides would glow and shine. You could also use a pinch of turmeric with a tablespoon of gramflour and water to form a face pack. Keep it on for half an hour and wash it off later. Glowing skin would be yours, and thanks to the antimicrobial properties found in turmeric, you wouldn’t have to worry about acne and pimples too!
[Also Read: Benefits Of Ginger]

So here were eleven spices with eleven benefits of spices on skin and hair. We hope you now are better aware than the rest!