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Must-Try Homemade Zit Zappers: 10 Home Remedies For Zits

by Fashionlady
Homemade Zit Zappers

Homemade Zit Zappers

Fed up of buying over-the-counter zit zappers that promise you the world but do more harm than good? We hear you pretties, which is why using grandma’s old is gold techniques still hold strong and word worthy, or should we say beauty worthy.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Zits

Let’s take a look at ten very easy zit zappers that zit zat zoom the pesky spots away with care.

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Homemade Easy Zit Zappers Solutions

Basil Tea

A cup of water should be boiled, to which a table spoon of basil leaves should be added. A ten minute slow fire brew brings the potion to strength. Store and cool for a while, then apply on the zits twice a day for a week!

Homemade Zit Zappers

Source: cloudinary.com

Lime Juice

Concentrated fresh lime juice, cold and nice should be applied all over the face. The vitamins in the lime and the astringent properties of the fruit, cleanses and nourishes the face with a fifteen minute daily regime.

Home remedy zit zapper

Source: servingjoy.com

Orange Peel

Dab a little water on left over orange peels and pound it into a paste. Rub the paste over the zit, allowing the vitamins and the antioxidants in the peel spring into action. Keep the paste on for ten minutes, thrice a week, once everyday. Zits, what zits?

Natural Zit-Zapping

Source: naturalcuresandhomeremedies.com

Fullers Earth

Applying a mix of curd (two tablespoons) and fullers earth (four tablespoons) as a paste all over your face, will keep the troublesome zits away. Fullers earth is known to remove dead skin cells and bacteria, grime and inflammatory agents too. You need ten minutes to spare using this pack for a flawless face to flaunt!

acne home remedies

Source: thegeneralgazette.com

Green Tea

Not only to slim and help slow down the process of aging, thanks to the abundance of antioxidant properties in left over green tea residue, the potion can be used as a face wash to combat bacteria, dirt and grime- culprits that lead to zits.

Zit Zappers Home Remedies

Source: iran-daily.com

Witch Hazel

With astringent properties to its name, the tea residue from witch hazel is potent enough to use as a face rinse. Use a cotton ball to dab the liquid onto the affected areas. Do this thrice a day and for five days in a week!

[Also ReadWitch Hazel for Skin Care]

home acne treatment

Source: panasonic.co.uk

Cinnamon and Honey

Half a teaspoon each of Cinnamon and honey, when made into a paste forms a DIY zit-zapper. Apply the paste onto the zit and blemishes, twice a day for ten minutes. Watch how the zits vanish overnight!

Apples and Honey

One big apple and half a cup of honey should be smashed into a paste. The face pack is a sticky crunchy and yummy one, so resist the licking and eating. Apply the paste on the face for half an hour and wash it off with cold water thereafter. Do this twice a week and wash well for results to show!

Acne Treatment at Home

Source: wordpress.com


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apart from helping us lose weight and cleaning our internal organs, apple cider vinegar helps do away with zits too. Dilute a cup of ACV into half a cup of water, and use this potion as a face wash everyday. Zits wouldn’t come around anytime soon, since the anti bacterial and anti microbial properties of ACV keeps the skin safe and healthy!

Homemade Zit Zappers

Source: nourishingjoy.com

Homemade Zit Zappers Recipe

One of the easiest recipes from grandma’s secret book of beauty is found in our kitchen. For this you would need coconut oil (half a cup), tea tree oil (four drops) and a lip balm tube!

Melt the oils on slow fire and let them blend for five seconds. Allow the mix to cool and then with the help of an eye dropper, pour the mix into empty lip balm tubes. Store it in the fridge so that it solidifies and use when needed.

Homemade Zit Zapper Recipe

Source: freepeople.com

Have fun flaunting your beautiful face!

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