Clothes and watches maketh the man, and a bag maketh the lady. In fact the purses we carry around as women tell a lot about who we are. Does your bag define you or you define your bag? Tricky question, it might seem? But in the heart of heart choosing handbags for women is not only about fulfilling your functional need of carrying things in a neat and safe manner, but also brushing up your ego a bit.
The one thing that might create a sense of anxiety and interest in a cosmopolitan woman is what type of handbag suits me. It goes without saying that a great bag not only completes an outfit, it also reflects the kind of fashion person you are.
[Also Read: Multiple Ways On How To Match Handbag With Outfit]

Choose The Right Handbag For Your Body
Yes, while you choose the right handbag for your body, things like how to stock credit cards, and phone might be the first thing on your agenda. But darling, you have to be proud of the ‘It’ thing as that will show the world how your arm candy, meaning handbags for women is the next most important thing to buy after lip gloss and evening dress.

Let us go and find the perfect handbag for you – from shoulder bags and messenger to clutch and backpacks. It will make you look anything between a sophisticated to a glam looking chick. Happy?
Arm-Carry Bag
Well needless to say that you are sufficiently fashionable and independent by nature. The beauty of the arm-carry bag is that it fits in the crook of your arm, which gives you a sassy attitude. And no harm in this, as it puts you at your confident best.
This particular handbags for women makes you look up to date with the latest trends, as then only would it give you a feeling of sophistication.

Tote Bag
Size matters to you. It means, you need a bag which is large enough to carry all your stuff. Stuff like hair ties to aspirin to band-aids. Goes to show that you are a planner by nature, and hence won’t like to get stuck without something you might need.

Messenger Bag
Ah, this indicates you are a typical on-the-go person. Rarely get stressed out, and like to put in the basic essentials, as well as books in your messenger bag – be it canvas or leather. Good to go, you are easy-going and laid back in nature.

Crossbody Bag
The crossbody bags culture means you are not attracted to the size quotient of a tote bag. What appeals to you instead is the comfort quotient of a messenger bag. Which is why, you prefer to have ample space to carry and accommodate your phone, wallet and keys.
[Also Read: What Handbags Do These Celebs Carry While Trotting The Globe]

Fashion Clutch
Clutch lovers are largely minimalistic by nature. They prefer to keep things simple and clean and don’t feel the need to go hands-on free since they don’t have too much to hold on to. Carrying a clutch makes the woman feel empowered, as if she could be going out on a hot date any moment. That’s simple living, high thinking.

Considering your super-active nature, and your love of travel, backpack serves as the perfect handbags for women. Since you are on the move, you are likely to feel the need of a large enough bag that can hold a lot of stuff and gives you the benefit of double-strapped shoulder support. Much like the tote-loving girl, you have a taste for comfort, though prepared you are for most of the situation.

Hope I was able to widen your information radar on what type of handbag suits me. The bandwidth is so vast that there is a handbag for every occasion. Drop in a few words and tell us how you found this blog on find the perfect handbag for you.