Home » Celebrity » Priyanka Chopra Showing Us How To Look Good In High Street Fashion

Priyanka Chopra Showing Us How To Look Good In High Street Fashion

by Fashionlady
Priyanka Chopra In High Street Fashion

Priyanka Chopra In High Street Fashion

If there’s something Priyanka Chopra is more passionate about, other than her work, then it is her shoe collection. Yes, you read that right! Rumour has it that Miss Piggy Chops has a wardrobe full of shoes and some of them; she wore just once or probably twice!

She’s known for her work (but then again, who isn’t?). With her birthday fast approaching, we thought we could do a style check on her. And also let the fact sink in that, she wears the best sheath dresses, has the best collection of Victoria Beckham and Hevre Leger dresses than any other celebrity and has innumerable pairs of Louboutins and Jimmy Choos! Just wow!!
Can we say Priyanka Chopra is the Queen of high street fashion?

Let’s start with our favourite!

[Also Read: Priyanka Chopra Looks Unfazed By Summer]

Victoria Beckham

While promoting movies, while having fun, or just while being herself, Priyanka was often spotted in dresses by Victoria Beckham. Dresses, that we have come to love! What can we say? Victoria Beckham does the best high street fashion

Exhibit A

Priyanka Chopra in Victoria Beckham

Source: bollywoodlife.com

Exhibit B

Priyanka in Victoria Beckham black dress

Source: twitter.com

Exhibit C

OhMyGod!! We just love this dress! If only it wasn’t so expensive!!

Priyanka in Victoria Beckham white dress

Source: moviezadda.com

Exhibit D

Priyanka Chopra doesn’t shy away from trying different style. We for once, are in love with the zipper and colour of this dress!

Priyanka Chopra at Girl Rising

Source: glamcheck.com

Exhibit E

Uff, how many dresses of Posh does she own? We are dying!!

Priyanka in Victoria Beckham blue dress

Source: actresshot-photos.com

Exhibit G

We thinks we can go till the alphabet Zee!! Gotta love this top! There is a thin line between sexy and provocative, but this is hands down sexy!

Priyanka at most stylish awards

Source: pinterest.com


Herve Leger

Talk about high street fashion and leave Herve Leger out? Impossible! Priyanka Chopra was spotted wearing Heath Leger dresses more than once and we fell in love with her dresses every single time!!

Priyanka Chopra in Herve Leger

Source: pinterest.com

All white everything

Loving the simplicity of this dress!

Priyanka in all white

Source: galleryhip.com

Sequin lovin’

What is a dress without some major sequin love?

Priyanka Chopra in Sequin lovin’

Source: southdreamz.com

Jenny Packham

Kate Middleton wears Jenny Packham and so does Priyanka Chopra. *cough cough* if Kate wears it, then it is definitely high street fashion! Love, love, love this dress!

Priyanka Chopra in Jenny Packham

Source: masala.com

Well, we can go on and on, but we thinks it time to wish Ms Chops a Very Happy Birthday!!

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