As one of the most traditional practice of Indian civilisation, Ayurvedic remedies have stood the test of time and how! They are packed with many health-beneficial secrets, and flaunting gorgeous and lusciously bouncy hair by using Ayurvedic herbs is no exception. Ayurvedic medicinal treatment for hair growth is a time-proven formula, which helps in detecting the problem from inside and eradicating it from the roots.
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Ayurvedic Principals for Hair Care and Hair Loss
According to Ayurveda, a person’s hair type is based on many factors. It is directly related to one’s body type and can further be classified into three categories; namely Pitta, Vata and Kapha. Each hair type comes armed with its own sort of distinctive nature, hence forming distinctive reasons for hair loss. Ayurvedic principles believe in the fact that hair feeds upon the nutrient plasma, which is derived from the kind and type of food you eat. Excess of Pitta Dosha in the body, meaning food items that produce a lot of heat tend to lead to hormonal imbalance in men and women, hence loss of hair. It also stresses upon the fact that lack of sleep, dandruff, over consumption of intoxicating substance, fungal infection, improper diet or diabetes are a few of the major causes of hair loss.
Today, let us delve deep into understanding the top 6 ayurvedic medicines for hair loss available in the market, which will help you in fighting hair loss effectively:
1. Ashwangandha – The Miracle Herb. It is one of the most vital antioxidant present in Ayurveda that can relieve you off the Pitta Dosha – root cause of all hair fall, according to Ayurveda. A 6mg capsule of Ashwangandha when consumed on daily basis is known to keep inflammation at bay, keeping your system clean and toxic free.
2. Bhringaraj – The Herbal King. Famous for its hair-enhancing properties, Bhringraj should be applied in a paste form over the scalp, before washing. It is a herb that is not so easily available and can be made by using store-bought dried Bhringraj leaves and 4-5 tablespoons of warm water. Apply this pack on your hair for a good 30 minutes and carry on with your routine of normal hair washing. The end result? Noticeably shiny, glossy and thick hair after a few washes.
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3. Fenugreek Seeds – The Seeds of Sumptuous Hair. For making this paste, you would need a few ingredients handy. Start by mixing together 15-20 curry leaves, 1 peel of lemon, 3 tbsp soap nut powder, 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds and 2 tbsp green gram. Now whisk the whole mixture together and store in a clean and cool place. Use this mixture as a shampoo and we bet you will be thanking us later for this homemade goodness!
4. Cuscuta Reflexa – Reverses Male Pattern Baldness. Alopecia or male pattern baldness is often induced because of hormonal imbalance and can be treated by using Cuscuta Reflexa – an effective Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine helps in increasing the follicular density of your hair by supplying enough enzymes to the body, which leads to hair growth.
5. Methi – The Marvelous Herb. Often used in many Indian households, the grind form of roasted methi when made into a paste adding warm water works miracles for hair growth.
6. The Indian Goose Berry – The Amlaki Way of Hair Growth. Popularly known as Amla, Indian goose berry is known to purify the blood by keeping problems such as indigestion at bay. Medically known as Phyllanthus Emblica, it is known for eradicating dandruff from hair. Extremely rich in Vitamin C, it is know to impart colour and textural richness to the hair. For this, just put in dried or powdered formula of amla in a bowl, add 2-3 tablespoons of water, a few drops of lime juice to it and use it in the scalp evenly. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash with normal water post that.