“Where there’s tea, there’s hope.” – Arthur W. Pinero
Used green tea bags, what to do now? Throw it in the bin! NAH! Can you reuse tea bags? Okay, so some of us use it as compost, and others save it for the next cup. Unless of course, you like your cup of green tea to be strong, you wouldn’t go dip-dip-dip all the way. While we are very well aware of the benefits of green tea for skin and health, not many of us know the after use of those green tea bags. So, here are 10 nice ways to reuse your tea bags, go ahead and read them all!
Soothe your eyes
Green tea benefits the tired eyes, dark circles, sunburn issues or bruises to the lids; keep a few used green tea bags in the fridge and place them on your eyes for 15 minutes. Voila, you’d open up those lids, feeling fresh as a daisy!

Source: lifehacker.co.in
Stings and bites
Mosquitoes Arrghhh! What to do now? Place cold used green tea bags on the spot bitten or stung, and you’d find the remaining antioxidants in green tea working its magic within seconds.

Source: topinspired.com
Hot compress
Pinkeye’s, fever sores, canker blisters? Use warm used green tea bags on the spot (warm enough for the skin to tolerate) and let the toxins be gone!

Source: rshizuoka.in
[Also Read: Best Ways to Have Green Tea]
Carpet cleaning
Before you say “what”, used tea bags can help clean your carpet. Sprinkle the dry leaves from the bag onto the affected spot and sweep it away when completely dry, or vacuum them off.

Source: mynicehome.sg
Flavour bathing
You’ve heard of aroma baths; now indulge in flavour baths using used tea bags. No more bath salts to invest in; place the tea bags over the water spout and enjoy your siesta. Soft skin for sure, we guarantee!

Source: onegoodthingbyjillee.com
Bye-bye bad smells
Have a cat at home that pees a lot? Dealing with the stink around? Used green tea bags can help. To reuse tea bags, place them in the litter box; food odours, urine smells and poop smells would be a thing of the past.

Source: wonderhowto.com
Give your hair some bounce
Used green tea bags are the best ‘leave-on-conditioners’. Dry hair would shine with just one rinse of the unsweetened brew!

Source: mostepicstuff.com
Polish wooden objects
Grab used green tea bags that are a little wet and wipe the wooden objects with them. Shining up is so easy we say.

Source: datarecoveryraid.info
Dinner stains
Oily and greasy dinner stains from vessels needn’t make your hands slog the night anymore. When you use used green tea bags, your problems are solved. Dip a few of them into the dish filled with water, and wash them off in one shot an hour later.

Source: sfglobe.com
Flavoured rice
While the rice boils and cooks, add used green tea bags to the pot and allow the mild flavour to settle in.

Source: blogspot.com
So, here were the 10 best ways to use or recycle tea bags, and now no more excuses of chucking them away.
Did you know, the antioxidants in green tea actually help slow down the ageing process of the skin, and it also fights the onslaught of free radicals; which when left unchecked can lead to tumour and cancer cell growth! Be wise, think of other ways to use used green tea bags, and let us know too!