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How to Feel Happy and Positive At Work

by Fashionlady
Feel Happy and Positive At Work

Feel Happy and Positive At Work
Happy employees are more productive, less likely to go on “sick” leave and are more likely to get promoted and go up the career ladder faster than their less happy counterparts. This is because when an employee is happy, he or she strives to give a hundred percent to the work. But sometimes this might seem easier said than done. Even if you start your Mondays feeling positive and raring to go, chances are that by the time its Wednesday your energy levels have plummeted and you are looking forward to the weekend.

Ideally, everyone aspires to be happy at work. But while some people achieve it, most others seem to be dissatisfied or highly unhappy. The first thing to do is to figure out the root cause; is it you or is it the job? If it is the job then there is little you can do other than to find a new job. But more often than not, the problems are self-created and can be overcome with some much needed changes in your work habits and attitude.

Follow these tips on How to Feel Happy and Positive At Work:

Never Skip Your Breakfast

Surprisingly, this is one of the crucial steps to be taken in order to be happy at work. When you skip your breakfast, your whole day gets messed up. You feel tired and drained half way through the day and are not going to be as productive as you could have been if you had started your day with a healthy breakfast. So make it a point to never skip breakfast.

Never Skip Your Breakfast

Source: wordpress.com

Personalise Your Desk Space

Personalise your desk space with some photos and other things. Having things that reminds you of your life outside your work can actually be a positive influence. Also, when you have a personalised desk, you feel a sense of belonging and are more inclined to give it your all at work.

Personalise Your Desk Space

Source: yorkblog.com

Stay Away from Gossip

The next time your colleagues are engaging in some juicy gossip try to refrain from joining them. As fun as it might be in the short term, you do not want to gain a reputation as a gossip queen or someone with whom no information can be shared because of fear that it will invariably get leaked. Such a reputation will definitely hurt your career prospects. You can still be friendly and chatty without indulging in gossip.


Stay Away from Gossip

Source: jeankelley.com

Learn To Pace Yourself

Overworking yourself may help you achieve your short term goals but there is a higher risk of a burnout. Many employees get disheartened and disillusioned when the company or the boss does not acknowledge their hard work. This happens when you’ve put everything you have in your work, with no time for family or friends, and then feel betrayed when your company does not immediately reward you. Realize that a employee who is consistently productive over a long period of time is more likely to get ahead in the career ladder than one who displays short bouts of productivity. So learn to pace yourself.

Learn To Pace Yourself

Source: intoday.in

Treat Yourself

When you’ve worked hard or had a particularly grueling month, indulge yourself by going for a massage. Give yourself regular treats to keep your spirits high and reward yourself for every milestone reached, small or big. This will keep you looking forward to the next challenge and get you revved up to tackle the future.

So if your work life is a vicious cycle of trudging through the weekdays waiting for the weekends, try incorporating these tips to change your attitude at work and be a much happier worker.

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