We, at FashionLady, are proud to announce our achievement of first milestone by earning more than 1 lac fan followers on Facebook. We thank our dearest ‘happy to inspire’ fans for making it work. The FashionLady team is with all flying colors for achieving 1,23,456 likes on Facebook!
We are the insane voyagers; a surreal medley of Wolverine and Snow White; rogue yet soft, intrusive yet harmonious, spontaneous yet rational and reckless yet composed!!
Over the past few years, if you would have observed there is a gradual downturn in print media readership. Instead, there has been a drastic transformation of traditional magazine and newspaper readers into the new age digital savants, who now prefer to consume news and information via digital media like mobiles, tablets and laptops.
With the advent of digital marketing, India has also joined the rat race, attaining the emergence of blogs in different verticals such as technology, finance, health, entrepreneurship, lifestyle, entertainment and not to mention fashion & beauty.
Fashionlady is the answer to the urge for fashion, beauty all encompassing Bollywood, Hollywood and everything that is related to fashion someway or other. This fashion blog can be referred to as an unprejudiced voice that represents women from all walks of life, including age, group, class and mass. It was never launched with any vague intention, rather the brand was conceived with a strong vision to familiarize women with the term “Fashion” in true facets.
We, at Fashionlady, work towards offering a perfect balance of unbiased product & style reviews, updates on latest trends and events, tutorials, tips and fashion-inspired stories to a dedicated elite group of readership. Our readers not only include designers and models, but every single person who has interest in fashion including students, home makers, working moms, socialites, online merchants, advertising agencies and trend makers.
Genesis of Fashionlady
With digital world promptly becoming complex, the requisite for genuine information and competitive intelligence is critical. The primary objective of their portal lies in the realm of fashion, including all verticals such as apparels, footwear, accessories, bags, beauty, celeb-inspired fashion & beauty tips and periodicals. We have a team of dedicated bloggers, who ensure to publish at least four-five stories each day covering different verticals that are apt to the readers.
What makes Fashionlady stand out among other fashion blogs is our candor and genuine posts, which are published with free spirited coverage.
Having e-commerce experience was a big plus
With already having an accomplished team of digital marketing gurus, who had in-depth knowledge in e-commerce was a big plus. The blog was conceived under seasoned mentors, who guided the team in all content aspects. The blog was therefore able to achieve new standards very fast. It’s indeed incredible to see a blog, which is hardly an year old, is now an almanac to which millions of enthusiastic fashion readers are looking at with pride!
The blog has grown at an unbelievable rapid space since its launch in April 2013 and is on roller coaster ride since then. The brand has witnessed a massive growth from a readership of 5000 unique monthly visitor to 1 lac unique visits per month and not to mention page views scoring up to 2.5 lac.
While 60% of readers come from India, the rest comes from over 120 countries across the globe, with strong strong audiences from US, Canada, Australia and UK.
Fashionlady, which has more than 1 lakh fan following on Facebook, has readers not only from India, but US, Canada, Australia, UK, some parts of Europe and Middle East as well. With what started as an innocent motive of sharing complete knowledge on fashion to the readers, became an additional boon for the brand. Our readers are no more limited to the Indian territories even though their domain indicates focusing on Indian audience.
5 years from now
We are trying to build a brand with a grandiose group of trendsetters and innovators. The element of personalization is missing in the e-commerce world, so we are aiming at bridging this gap in the coming years.
Just like Polyvore, who are doing a beautiful job in enabling their customers create their own fashion designs and customized sets and even NET-A-PORTER & ELLE UK, who have now reversed their trends by switching into editorial e-commerce, we are also planning to do something similar in near future.
Earlier content was pushed superficially at consumers in a way that was detrimental to product themselves, subsequently resulting in low click-through rates. The e-commerce websites were not assimilating the transactional layer with the content, thereby reducing the chances of traffic conversion. Even though content had always been a key player in the world of digital marketing, it was never ever so crucial as it is now.
This is the very reason fashion web stores are now bending towards the democratization of editorial i.e. rather than linking their product into someone else’s content, they now prefer to invest in their own content and paste it around the products in an editorial style.
Today, Fashionlady is purely a content-generated fashion blogging platform. We are hopeful of expanding our wings into the e-commerce soon and build a content-theme based platform, where merchants can beautifully describe their products so that even if readers didn’t want that particular product before, they’ll end up wanting it.
While FL is striking it rich with the right cords, even I am lucky enough to be an integral part of this Halls of Ivy!!
Thank you once again for your support!