In her short time in Bollywood, Sunny Leone has managed to wow us with her fashion choices. From dressing up for the red carpet to her casual clothing, it is obvious that she has good taste in clothing. Time and again she has proved it by wearing outfits that flatter her figure and make her look her best. Here’s our pick of fashion pieces that you ought to steal from Sunny Leone’s wardrobe.
[Also Read: 9 Iconic Looks you can Steal From Your Favourite Hollywood Actresses]
The Black and White Saree
We love everything about this saree that Sunny Leone wore to the ‘Big Star Entertainment Awards’ red carpet. The contrast of the white saree with a black pallu and a black blouse is offset beautifully by the bright orange border. Furthermore, the wide boat neck works wonderfully and Sunny left her décolletage bare, opting to wear a pair of earrings as the only jewellery for her ensemble. How would you style this saree if you owned it?
The Pale Blue Evening Gown
Sunny Leone looked pretty as a picture in a pale blue full length gown. With some glittery detailing on the bosom area and a wide waistband to cinch her waist, the gown was the perfect combination of demure and sexy. The colour is quite unusual as well, and not something we get to see very often on the red carpet, which is all the more reason to love this unique fashion piece.
Sunny Leone looked like a million bucks in this figure hugging LBD that showed off her curvy frame to her best advantage. It was different from the regular LBDs, as it was calf-length and did not show off too much leg. But that did not bring down its hotness quotient. With little see-through portions here and there, the dress more than made up for its long length with a tasteful style and cut. The bright red stilettos pop and gave just the right amount of colour to the entire look. Now this is how you ought to rock an LBD. You go girl!
The Pink Goddess Dress
The baby pink dress that Sunny Leone wore for her appearance on the ‘Comedy Night with Kapil’ show was simple yet ethereal. The fabric skimmed her waist and tapered at the bottom to create a very lovely silhouette. The colour worked so well on Sunny Leone, making her skin glow and look flawless. We love everything about this dress and how it looks so good on her.
The Casual Look
Wearing a hat, a black jacket and a nice pair of black leather boots with her jeans and t-shirt, Sunny Leone proves to us that fashion is not just about dresses and designer wear. She looks casual yet chic in this ensemble, with the hat adding a nice touch to her overall look. Notice how she wore a tee with some bling on it to break the monotony of all that black? Genius! When a girl can look as good in casual clothing as in high end designer stuff, you know she’s a true fashionista.
Wouldn’t you love to own these fashion pieces? Sunny Leone sure knows how to dress for her body type. She rocks both the Indian and the western look. We also love how she accessorizes just right, complementing her clothing but never overwhelming them with too many accessories. It’s little things like this that make a big difference to the end result.
Have you decided which of Sunny Leone’s looks listed here you would like to steal?