Fed up of the false promises made by those ads on television telling you which product to best use to whiten those teeth? We all are, and believe us when we say, we could be doing more harm than good whitening our teeth using over the counter products not knowing what chemicals and ingredients are being used. Yes, there are overnight whiteners to use, but how sure are we that the enamel and porosity of our teeth wouldn’t take a beating with such ways to whiten teeth? Keeping that in mind, today we would like to share five interesting ways to whiten teeth without having to use chemical based products you have no idea about.
Five Best Ways To Whiten Teeth
Flash those pearly white teeth in a week when you use these five simple and very effective home based ways to whiten teeth.
The Use Of Coconut Oil
With oil pulling becoming a rage in the beauty industry, we shall talk about how oil from coconut can help be the best way to whiten teeth. The fatty acids found in oils can help whiten the teeth by interacting with the enzymes and the human saliva. There is a molecule formed and it is an oxy molecule which helps bond on the stained teeth. This would mean that the free radical on the teeth is oxidized and a chemical reaction is created in turn which helps get the stains removed, when oil paste is used. What you would need to do is to gently rub coconut oil with your fingers on your teeth and swish a little in your mouth for half an hour. If you don’t want the taste of oil to linger in your mouth, mixing a teaspoon of oil with a pinch of baking powder and applying it to your teeth would help. Brush off without toothpaste later on and rinse your mouth thereafter with cold water. This would help clean and whiten your teeth.

Source: articles.mercola.com
The Use Of Charcoal Paste
Have you heard of various brands talking about activated charcoal in their teeth? The answer is simple, activated charcoal works and helps detox the oral issues. In addition to that, activated charcoal when used as a paste can help whiten your teeth too. What you need to do here is to mix a teaspoon of activated charcoal with a little water to form a paste. The paste needs to be applied on all surfaces of the teeth and left for ten minutes. Rinse with cold water thereafter!

Source: earthlyradiance.wordpress.com
The Use Of Baking Soda And Hydrogen Peroxide
Time tested and one of the best Tips on How to Whiten Yellow Teeth, we would mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide at home to make a paste that shines and whitens our teeth. Three drops of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda is needed to form a paste. Apply the paste onto the teeth and brush like you would normally. You can use this formula daily instead of using a commercial toothpaste. There is no sugar in this formula, which makes it perfect for those who watch their calories and diabetes.
[Also Read: Hydrogen Peroxide Swimmers Ear]

Source: naturallykandiilicious.wordpress.com
The Use Of Strawberries
The paste of strawberries would be great to use since it has malic acid. Malic acid is known to fight the stubborn stains such as red wine, coffee and teas. Mash two strawberries with a pinch of baking powder or soda and form a paste. Use a toothbrush to brush your teeth and scrub well for five minutes daily. Rinse with cold water thereafter and relax. Please remember not to use this formula more than twice a week, since malic acid can erode the teeth when used everyday.

Source: pinterest.com
The Use Of Bananas
Going bananas with beauty regime, here’s one that would help your teeth to shine. Banana peels are rich sources of minerals, which can help whiten your teeth. The minerals can be absorbed into the enamel and thus the whitening effects come through as well. Rub the peel on your teeth for a minute daily and then brush. Rinse with cold water and rub again. Do this thrice a week for a minute and watch the pearly whites come back.
[Also Read: Go Bananas With Banana Peel Uses]

Source: mindly.org
We hope you now use one of these five ways to whiten teeth fast and stop spending so much on the commercial products!