You don’t have to spend a bomb to look like a Bollywood diva. Take a look at the various Aditi Rao Hydari images circulating around, and you would notice how the actor plays with minimalism galore. She keeps to the look of the girl next door, in casual attire so chic, which would make you wonder if she’s real or not. She is! So here are a couple of casual Aditi Rao Hydari images, which you could learn a thing or two about looking minimal, chic and sexy in just about any daily wear!
Gorgeous Aditi Rao Hydari images in casual attire
1. Floral Tops
With Fall incoming, you still can reign in the season of Spring wearing floral tops. What the diva here flaunts is a floral top with a pair of denims and a neutral toned hand bag for company; accessories are minimal and the hair is left loose. Notice the striking effect of minimalism here in one of the many Aditi Rao Hydari photos we see circulating around?
2. Empire Waist Kurti Tops
To make the body look full or to create an illusion of height, you can wear empire waist kurti tops. This is exactly what the diva has done here with a netted sleeved empire waist kurti top in white and dark blue. The bright yellow Patiala pants are a striker to the eyes very pleasing, and the fishbraid hair is a must do to complete the look.
3. Chunky Charms
Once again, the gorgeous diva plays with minimalism galore in a strappy skirt paired with cuffed denims and a chunky neckpiece that hangs long. To complete the look, she wears her open toed heels and lets her hair run loose. Perfect for a summer evening gathering with friends.
4. Hot Pants And Stripes
A cool round neck tee inside and hot pants below, covered with an edgy summer coat in stripes and sleeveless that too, makes an amazing fashion statement for the diva. This is one of the coolest ways to beat the heat and humidity, and to look smashing too. Pair the same with shoes for the evening with friends over coffee.
5. An All Black Ensemble
To look super gorgeous in an all black number doesn’t take much work and effort. You need to know how to play it right, and this time the diva shows us how to do so. Paired with neutral toned sneakers for the feet, the actor wears an all black ensemble and carries a black crimped toned bag for the evening red carpet gathering.
6. Prints And The Girl
Prints and patterns are to be celebrated, which is exactly what the diva does here. A cropped top in solid hues, juxtaposes well with printed pants and printed coat for the evening out. Perfect with street styled suede shoes to go with!
7. Minimalism With A Saree
Black it seems is the shade the gorgeous lady loves, which is what we see here with Aditi Rao Hydari saree image. Pairing a full-sleeved netted blouse with a black saree that has shimmery touches and gorgeous embroidery, looks chic. The hairdo is done in an updo, that matches an elegant yet casual look as well.
8. Printed Tunic Skirts
Bringing back the good old sixties and the seventies, when printed tunic skirts were a rage, we see in one of the many Aditi Rao Hydari pictures, the diva wearing a printed white and black number to grace an evening gathering. What captures the eyes in the monochromatic look here are the orange heels!
9. Chinkankari Outfits
We have also noticed the diva flaunting a lot of ethnic styled casual wear, for example chikankari numbers and ensembles. As seen here, Aditi wears a white sleeved top and a gorgeous flowing skirt in chikankari, which looks perfect for a casual date out when the climes are too nippy and hot.
10. A Maxi Skirt
A one piece gorgeous printed long maxi skirt with a Chinese collar does justice for the Bollywood beauty- don’t you think?
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