Are you the one who easily sacrifices her ‘beauty sleep’ to cater to the hour’s demand of your hectic schedule? Well, if you thought that it would just mean some dark circles and puffiness around your eyes, you are in for a rude shock! Merely taking care of the dark bags is not going to take away the effects of missing on your sleep! Believe me; beauty sleep of at least 8 hours does pack a punch! For those of you, who are not aware of the devastating effects of lack of sleep, especially on your skin, the below mentioned pointers could be the eye-opener!
[Also Read: Beauty Benefits Of Sleep]

Your Complexion Goes For A Toss
According to a recent Swedish study, lack of sleep means a pale skin with red and swollen eyes full of dark circles. The study also states that the face looks looks sadder than the ones having a restful sleep. It’s only when you sleep that your body gets to flush out all toxins and dead cells to give you that vibrant glowing vibe first thing in the morning. Not sleeping, deprives the body, the opportunity to execute this vital function and you end up with an inflamed, dry, dull and lifeless skin. To escape these drastic effects of sleep deprivation, ensure you always wash your face at night and sleep atleast for 8 hours, preferably on a satin pillow!

The Balance Of The Body’s Essential Fluids Goes For A Toss
Care for other effects of lack of sleep? It makes your skin go seriously thirsty, which in turn makes its pH balance go for a toss! The consequence is a dry, flaky skin which is hardly attractive and appealing! It also increases chances of your skin developing an uneven tone and pesky breakouts! Thus, if you do not want your skin to look and feel like a desert, it’s best that you ensure adequate beauty sleep for yourself! Think of all the precious money and time it would save you in getting your skin hydrated and glowing!

Stress Level Increases Resulting In More Skin Breakouts
By now most of you know that the awful stress hormone cortisol messes with your skin health more than it does with your physical health! Cortisol production gets seriously hit when you sleep for a good amount of time. This gives your skin plenty of time to regenerate and flush out all toxins and stress which will automatically manifest as eruptions on your skin! Increased stress is a big devastating sleep deprivation effects on skin as the cortisol production in the body grows unabated! Thus, if you wish for a flawless skin with no bumps and pesky breakout, cut in the cortisol level naturally by pampering yourself with your beauty sleep.

Sleep Is The Best Anti-age Panacea
It’s all about cortisol once again! You definitely want your body to produce the optimum level of collagen, which is what gives you a firm and younger looking skin! Alas! Cortisol is the biggest enemy of collagen and loves breaking it down! You going without sleep means you are pumping up the cortisol level in your body and reducing the collagen production. Simultaneously, this high cortisol level will also break down the collagen already present and feast on them. Another mix in the dilemma is that lack of sleep leads to less production of the growth hormone which is responsible for the new cell production. Without it, your skin finds no new cells to replace the old and damaged ones present. Its effects on skin manifest as fine lines and wrinkles appearing in your skin long before they are overdue. Studies show those sleeping for five hours a day has twice as much fine lines and wrinkles as those sleeping seven hours a day. With the stats proved, you know your choice –right?
[Also Read: How To Fall Asleep Fast And Maintain a Good Health]

Losing Out On Anti-oxidants
Antioxidants are the skin’s best defense arsenal against all stress and abuse it has to go through! While you get lost in sleep, your body gears into actions and goes to boost up the production of protective anti-oxidants which becomes your life saver the next day! These antioxidants, along with the one you take through fruits and veggies or even skin care products work cohesively to combat and eliminate the free radicals and the damage that the skin suffers from UV ray exposure. Thus, the more you sleep, the more anti-oxidants are naturally produced in your body! You would be surprised to know that sunburn and other effects of sun can be naturally cured to a great extent just by adequately sleeping!

Now that you know the monstrous effects of lack of sleep on your skin, think twice before losing on your beauty sleep. What do you have to say about it? Please share your take on this.