Yes, everyone desires for a flawless and even tone skin. The tiny brown spots on facial skin may look cute when you are a kid, but once you have grown up you dislike having freckles on your skin.
Medically, freckles are sign of skin damage. They are caused due to the increase in the production of melanin in certain cells, because of which they appear as small comparatively darker spots. Indicating the fact, they are more common among people with fair skin, sensitive to sun exposure. Other than sun exposure, freckles are caused due to genetics or hormonal imbalance.
Sharing with you, are few ways and treatments on how to remove freckles and to get flawless and even tone skin. You may choose from cosmetic treatments or simple natural remedies at home.
Cosmetic Treatments for Freckles
There are many cosmetic treatments available for removing freckles such as chemical peeling, Cryotherapy, Fractional Resurfacing, etc. These treatments are efficient but are expensive and may have risk of side effects.
To lighten the freckles, microdermabrasion treatment uses tiny particles to remove uppermost layer of the skin. In order to fade out the freckles, numbers of sessions are carried out.
[Also Read: Beauty Benefits Of Potato]

Laser Removal of Freckles
According to the dermatologist, it is the most commonly used treatment for removing freckles. Look for a reliable and professional dermatologist and make sure those dark spots are not symptom of skin cancer. Once confirmed that they are just freckles, you can go for this treatment.
[Also Read: Reasons Why Your Skin to Prone to Acne]
Another way of removing those bothersome freckles is through prescribed retinoid or the use of retinol solution. It is an effective way to lighten or completely remove freckles.
The negative aspect of this treatment is that sometimes the retinols might lighten the skin around the freckles but not the freckles themselves, which will make them more visible.
To get rid of freckles fast, the above methods will help, but if you want to take a more natural but slow approach, then read on.
Natural Remedies to remove Freckles
There are many natural and completely non-invasive remedies that can be used to lighten freckles. These may not eliminate the freckles completely, but will make them visibly lighter.
1. Banana, Lemon And Mint
- Mash 1 ripe banana
- Add 2 teaspoon of crushed dried mint leaves and few drops of lemon
- Gently apply this paste on the freckles
- Let it stay for 30 Minutes
- Wash it off

2. Sour Cream And Butter Milk
In order to rid of freckles naturally, this is a good method. Sour milk and buttermilk can do wonders to get rid of freckles, credits to the lactic acid present in. It is a great choice for those with sensitive skin.
- Apply some sour cream to the affected skin (If you don’t have sour cream, use yogurt)
- Allow it to dry for five to ten minutes
- Gently wipe it off using a soft tissue or cotton
- Wash your face with buttermilk and then, finally with water
Do this once a day on regular basis to get results. This remedy may cause dryness. If so, apply a moisturizer after the remedy.

3. Honey, Turmeric And Yogurt
Another excellent remedy for fading freckles is by using this nature’s sweetness with turmeric and yogurt. Honey contains a special enzyme that helps to lighten skin pigmentation.
- Mix honey and yogurt equally and add a pinch of turmeric.
- Apply it evenly on the affected area (If you feel your skin darkens with application of turmeric, avoid it)
- Allow it to dry for a few minutes
- Rinse it thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Do this once a day for a few weeks.

4. Buttermilk And Potato
This is a simple and effective Ayurveda remedy, with absolutely no side effects. Not only it helps for removal of freckles but also makes skin lighten and supple.
- Cut potato into slices
- Soak potato slices in buttermilk overnight
- Next morning, rub the slices on the freckles for 5 to 10 min
Repeat this simple remedy for three times a week for the best results.

5. Onion
Onions can also be useful for treating freckles and brown spots due to its sulfur content that has excellent exfoliating property.
- Chop an onion into thick wedges
- Gently rub a wedge on the freckles
- Grate one juicy onion and then extract its juice
- Apply the juice on the affected area.
Follow this remedy twice daily. Continue this remedy until you see the difference.

6. Almond Oil / Castor Oil
Almond oil or Castor oil is yet another natural and simple remedy rid of freckles naturally and blemishes too. It will give you a flawless skin tone and make your skin more moisturized.
- Apply almond oil or castor oil on the affected area and leave it overnight.
- Wipe it off with a soft cotton ball and rinse face with warm water in the morning
Repeat this remedy daily until you notice some results.

Fruit Mask to Remove Freckles Naturally
If you still aren’t convinced on how to get rid of freckles, then this will definitely change your mind. Give this amazing fruit mask remedy a try to treat your freckles.
- Tomato
- Juice of Papaya
- Few pieces of Cucumber
- Few pieces of pineapple
- Blend together the pulp of one tomato and the juice of a small piece of papaya, and few dices of cucumber and pineapple.
- Apply the mask to the face, and wash off after 15 minutes.
Continue this remedy twice a week until you notice the results.

Be sun safe! Hope you find this article on how to remove freckles was helpful. Do share your results or suggest other tested and effective remedies on how to get rid of freckles naturally.