As we grow older, our faces change in a lot of ways. Just as in the picture, there are so many lines and creases that develop as age progresses. For women all around the world, this is a major cause of concern. No one likes to have a wrinkly face now! These deep wrinkles around the mouth, those crows’ feet, those smile lines and a saggy neck-all are the bane of a woman’s existence. One of the most bothered lines are generally the wrinkles around mouth, and you know a fun fact – it is also very hard to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth. But just like before, we have come to your rescue again!
In this article too, we will be talking about how to get rid of wrinkles around mouth. We will be covering both natural and medical remedies to tame down these pesky wrinkles around the mouth.
Let’s look at what we can do to reduce the wrinkles around the mouth
Change Your Lifestyle
One major cause of these wrinkles appearing more than necessary is because your lifestyle is not as healthy as it used to be. Lifestyle tweaks can go a long way on helping you get an overall and holistic fitness of health, mind, body and soul. When you start eating healthy, when you drink lots of water, avoid alcohol and smoking and also start some beginner level exercises, you will see that your body starts responding in a healthy way. The wrinkles around the mouth too start to disappear. That’s the magic of healthy eating! Small changes and tweaks can go a long way and help you to know how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth.
[Also Read: Do Wrinkle Fillers Really Work?]
Some Natural Remedies
A lot of what is available in the kitchen can be an effective and a natural way to get rid of those wrinkles around the mouth. For instance, aloe vera gel is extremely effective and helps to smooth those lines. You can apply it topically and help restore the production of collagen in your skin. The same works for grape seed extract too. These will promote healthy skin and remove the saggy bits and parts.
Massage the grape seed extract into your skin and start seeing the difference in just a matter of few days!
Wrinkles around Mouth Exercises and anti-ageing creams
This is actually an ingenuous way to get rid of the mouth wrinkles. A combination of mouth exercises and anti-wrinkles creams can go a long way in helping you get rid of wrinkles. There are a few strengthening exercises which when practiced over a period of time help to reduce the wrinkles effectively. In fact, in Japan there are even some appendages and mouth exercise equipment (they may look weird) which are super-duper effective in helping you banish those mouth wrinkles effectively. The picture below can help you with some exercises which will reduce those lines around your mouth.
Look at these Japanese mouth exercising toys – Yes, before you laugh out loud, these really work!
[Also Read: Natural Wrinkle Treatment]
Last, But Not the Least on How to Get Rid of Mouth Wrinkles: Cosmetic Procedures
Okay, this is the last resort and if nothing seems to work and you need results really quick, you can turn to Botox and Dermal Fillers. They inject certain material in the skin which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. They are expensive, but effective too!
In the end, it’s your call! You choose what will work best for you!