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Top 10 Collar Styles for Women: Up Your Choker Game

by Fashionlady
Top 10 Collar Styles for Women

If a man is judged by the kind of accessories he wears, a woman, well, she is judged by everything. By everything we mean, everything she wears comes into spotlight when it comes to presenting herself in a social gathering or official space.

Top 10 Collar Styles for Women

A reflection of her inner self, each detail of a woman’s outfit should be impeccably worn. And talking of details, how can we miss discussing the collars styles of her shirts, which should be ideally heat friendly, date appropriate and office approved too. So, get ready, sit straight, take your notepad out and indulge yourself in our fashion master-class where we will explain you the top 10 chic collar styles you should make yourself aware about today:

Different Types Of Collars With Names

1. Straight collars

Popularly called as the basic shirt collar, the straight collar is the most formal type of collar. Worn mostly for official purposes, this type of collar is typically made out of cotton and belongs to formal office wears and pairs impeccably well with a blazer. Straight collars made in chambray look good on casual tops too.

Straight collars Styles for Women

Source: iblogcloth.com

2. Peter Pan collars

This rounded-edged collar is known for its semi-formal appeal. They are typically seen sitting atop button-down blouses. This sort of collar is back in fashion, and when edging of the collar marries the lace or some sort of bling, then it makes for an irresistible combination. Channel the modern take of Peter Pan collar and strut around like a modern princess.

Peter Pan collars Styles for Women

Source: coolspotters.com

3. Detachable collars

Known for their round neck or V-neck charm, the detachable beauties are mostly available in vivid colours to give a boost to your overall look. Some might even make you use studs to fasten them to a shirt.

Detachable Collar Styles for Women

Source: blogspot.com

4. Turtleneck collars

Known for their high knitted appeal, these collars sit around the neck and are typically known for this turned down or scrunched under the neck appeal.

Turtleneck Collar Styles for Women

Source: etsystatic.com

5. Sailor collars

Linked deeply with the Unites States Navy image, the sailor collar is quite in vogue for their double square panel and middle V-neck appeal. Tie a loose scarf under this vintage collar to give a new-age style and class.


Sailor Collar Styles for Women

Source: img.allw.mn

6. Mandarin collars

Inspired from the typical stand up chenogasm collar, these Chinese-inspired collars are known for their standing charm. The centre front of mandarin collar might be squared or curved in shape giving the shirt a close and structured fitting.

Mandarin Collar Styles for Women

Source: blackcatembroidery.co.uk

7. Rolled collars

Rolled collars are known for their standing upright at the edge of the neck and the rest folding downwards appeal. The fall of the collar is similar to the roll line, hence the name rolled collar.

Rolled Collar Styles for Women

Source: thefashionpolice.net

Bertha Collar Styles for Women

Source: aff.ysi.bz

10. Jabot collars

Jabot collars are pure love for lace and old-world charm. They are designed in a way that the square fabric over the breast comes around like a ruffle. Nowadays available in a lot of detached forms, these stalwarts can be attached to any V-neckline or round neckline garment to give that extra oomph factor to your overall look.

Jabot Collar Styles for Women

Source: blogspot.com

Now that we have enlightened you about our top 10 favorite women’s collar style, up your choker game already ladies!

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1 comment

hasfa June 26, 2019 - 12:32 pm

nice work


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