When was the time you had an inner urge to delay the process of ageing? Am sure the feeling could be almost every day.
Yeah, the usual diet and exercise could delay ageing. But super foods have the power to halt ageing owing to the fact that they are packed with anti-oxidants.
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In the times of stress and survival, you need more of younger skin foods that keep your organs in good working condition and help you combat the problems that happen due to ageing.
Food For Younger Looking Skin Tips
I share with you top 10 foods for younger looking skin that will boost your health and reduce the impact of ageing.
1. Tomatoes
The prices of tomato might play havoc with you once in a while, but not its anti-ageing feature. This younger skin foods has lycopene which acts as a natural sun blocker, thereby preventing harmful UV rays from causing wrinkles and sun spots.
Tomatoes also have protein that keeps your skin supple. Have tomato juice daily if you want to fasten the process of anti-ageing.
2. Dark Chocolate
Next time you reach out for chocolate bars, feel assured of the good amount of anti-oxidants in it that help prevent damage to your skin cells from free radicals. Cocoa in dark chocolate has flavones that encourage blood vessels to function well.
Stick to having three squares of dark chocolate and keep in mind the percentage of cocoa in it.
3. Wild Salmon
Salmon is yet another younger skin foods you can consider in your diet. It is rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids that help retain the skin moisture, thereby making it soft and supple. Such is the power of this food for younger looking skin tips that it even maintains the natural oils of the scalp.
Ideally, you should have salmon in your diet at least once or twice a week.
4. Sweet Potatoes
Talk of top 10 foods for younger skin and there is sweet potato too. Rich in beta carotene, it destroys free radicals, preventing damage to skin cells. This beta carotene is converted into Vitamin A which helps fight signs of ageing. Have one sweet potato a day if you want to avail of food for younger looking skin tips.
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5. Honey
Yes, honey taken with lime and lukewarm water in the morning is a wonderful tonic for weight loss. But it is equally worthwhile as an anti-ageing food. Full of antioxidants, niacin, Vitamin B6, thiamine and calcium, honey is good to tackle declining memory, stress and anxiety.
6. Green Tea
Green Tea helps cut down pounds, but it is equally good as an anti-ageing food. The high levels of catechin polyphenols help prevent terminal diseases such as cancer and lifestyle ailments such as high cholesterol.
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7. Plain Yogurt
Next time you have dahi with paranthas, think of its low calories and protein richness that improve digestion. Yogurt promotes gut-friendly bacteria and offers phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin when taken in plain form.
8. Nuts
Cashews, almonds and walnuts make a super food when it comes to anti-ageing. Walnuts are high in Omega 3 and one quarter cup of it accounts for 91% of the daily need of Omega 3. Make sure you consume 10 to 15 nuts daily in raw form to avail of the top 10 foods for younger skin.
9. Garlic
Bringing down blood pressure and lowering cholesterol are not the only advantages of eating skin younger food garlic. It also has the potential to remove heavy metal from the body and in the process help you fight infections and cancer.
Whenever you eat garlic, you consume multi-faceted minerals like potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, iron, and zinc along with vitamins A, B and C.
10. Whole Grains
Extremely rich in fiber, you can count whole grains as food for younger looking skin tips. It keeps heart problems at bay and also keeps your weight in check. There is bread made for whole grain to choose from as also sprouted grain bread.
Hope the write-up enhanced your knowledge of top 10 foods for younger skin. Make sure you imbibe the same in your eating habits.