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Amazing Alternatives To Gold Jewelry

by Fashionlady
Alternatives To Gold Jewelry

When it comes to jewellery, gold is one of the most favored metals since decades. But in some cases, traditional gold simply does not work for a particular design. For this reason, a lot of gold substitutes are coming up to suit women’s preferences for jewellery designs.

Alternatives To Gold Jewelry

So be sure to adorn your neck and lobes to add the final details to your look. Whether you choose the stunning dangling diamond, or classic look of pearls, don’t forget to bedeck yourself with something special.

So let’s get started with a couple of gold jewelry alternatives you may be curious about for switching with gold jewellery.

Gold Jewelry Alternatives

Gold Substitutes to Try:

Try these alternative metals and reinvent your style! These jewelries are not pitted in comparison with gold jewellery. But they are another option to spice up your bridal look:

1. Silver:

Pure silver is too soft for other uses, so it is alloyed with several metals to increase strength. Here is an estimate of it-sterling silver is 92.5% silver and 7.5% of other metal alloys-particularly copper. As mentioned, silver is a soft metal, so its surface of sterling silver will get affected when worn out.

The sterling silver is a perfect choice if you are thinking of investing in several types of jewellery that you don’t intend to wear on a daily basis. If you are leaning towards sterling silver, then know that one of the best things about it is that it’s simple to find recycled sterling silver.

Silver is less expensive compared to gold and other precious metals. You can also try Argentium silver, which is a variant of sterling silver with a slightly higher silver content. It is also certified and nickel-free.

Silver Jewellery

Source: silverlinings.in

2. Palladium and Platinum:

Palladium has a white-gold exterior form and does not tarnish over time. It is hypo-allergenic and is lighter in comparison with other metals. Platinum is a rare metal and is expensive. But it is also durable and requires minimal maintenance. Both palladium and platinum are rare and not easy to find as silver and gold. But several jewelers who specialize in wedding jewellery use palladium and platinum.

These metals are also available as alloys with silver and gold. Both palladium and platinum are available in recycled forms.

Palladium and Platinum

Source: triads.co.uk, retailjewellerindiaawards.com

3. Gemstones:

Gemstones are preferred by most jewelers while designing and is one of the best gold jewelry substitutes. One of the best considerations for using gemstones in jewellery is its durability factor. Gemstones, like sapphire, are considered as a great alternative to diamonds owing to its hardness. Kate Middleton’s blue sapphire engagement ring caused a huge stir in sapphire interest but they’re one of the few gemstones that are available from distinguishable sources.

There are several color variations of sapphires, including the colorless sapphires which are quite similar with diamonds. The colorless sapphires are less expensive in comparison with blue sapphires.
Most jewellery brands work with gemstones to create ethical wedding bands and engagement rings.

If you have set your heart on a gemstone, then remember it is not as resilient as a diamond. But jewelers know the method of setting the stone and protecting it from wear and tear. Flush-setting a stone means that it is more guarded.

Gemstones Jewellery

Source: zivar.in

4. Pearls:

Pearl jewellery has become increasingly trendy in the jewellery business. Starting from delicate, modern pieces affixed with pearls, to metal work designs, all have pearl accents. Different kinds of jewellery, like studs, rings, and hoops are designed with a twist and nuanced with pearls.

Whether you want to wear pearls for festive occasions or on your wedding day, a modern pearl piece will always be a standout and timeless.

Pearls Jewelry

Source: amazon.com

5. Kundan:

Kundan jewellery with precious stone work is one of the most preferred in weddings. These jewellery pieces features heavy design. The artwork is most done on a gold base and the stone cuts are designed to dazzle from every angle! They often include minakari technique of enameling behind the stones in minute detail.

If you are planning to use kundan jewellery for your extravagant weddings, then invest in opulent choker kundans, scene-stealing mathapatis, and regal jhukaas to bring add-ons to your ensembles.

Kundan Jewelry

Source: southindiajewels.com

6. White Gold:

White gold is definitely bold and cool. And many brides are selecting white gold when it comes to selecting the color of their wedding bands. There has long been a preference for yellow gold rings, as it is considered a neutral color. But, the status quo is now shifting.

One of the reasons that have kept white gold as the number one choice for brides is that it is complementary to diamonds. To navigate around white gold, we believe there will be a trend this year for white gold wedding bands with platinum settings.

White Gold Jewelry

Source: bracelet.pociecha.us

7. Diamonds:

If sparkling brilliant set of diamonds are your first love, then you shouldn’t stop yourself from wearing them. Desk to date night, and even clubbing, you can surely work your diamonds daily. For instance, a modern diamond cuff can be paired with a pantsuit at your workspace. Or, wear your diamonds with a sparkling cocktail number.

Remember that diamond jewellery will never go out of style, and will see through day and night. From chokers to danglers, you can wear the most exciting diamond pieces this season with utmost ease.

Diamonds Jewelry

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

With the growing varieties in jewellery, there is no end to gold ornaments alternatives. All you have to do is to select a jewellery choice that suits your personal taste. Which jewellery alternative did you like the most? Do let us know in the comments box below.

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