When we are born, our first role models are our mums and grand mums. They teach you almost everything, from how to use a toothbrush to a hairdryer; they are your go-tos for every little or small inconvenience that you have.
[Also Read: Grandmother Fashion]
Grand mums are full of advices; it’s all upon us to make the best use of what we get out of them. Be it their homemade scrubs or their hair masks, I’m sure we have all resented it all those days but are eternally grateful to those sessions for the beautiful locks we have today. Oiling our hair, removing all make up before hitting the bed or simple solution like that for a clear skin, some of us follow those beauty regimes even till date.
This one is for all those grand mammas that have bestowed upon us their wisdom and their experience when it comes to beauty, we are grateful.
1. Curls without a Curling Iron
This is one easy and reasonable way to get natural curls in your hair when you want. Any used piece of cloth you have in the house, just cut them into thin strips. When you have wet hair, just roll up hair and tie a knot with the strips. Sleep on it and the next morning when you untie them, you ll have attained your pretty curls. No heat, no chemicals, just beautiful hair.
2. Vaseline
My grandmothers’ all time favourite were the Petroleum Jelly Vaseline. From chapped lips to dry skin to dry hair, everything was taken care of with one dab of Vaseline. It’s like a small box of wonder; all your beauty ailments can be warded off with just this one alone.
3. Silk Pillows
Normal cotton pillows are just pillows, but the silk or satin ones are a solution to frizzy hair. Cotton usually takes away the moisture from your hair making it dry; a silk/ satin pillowcase reduces split ends, too. A little expensive than a cotton pillowcase, its one investment you have got to make for your hair.
4. Coconut Oil
For hair or for skin, this one magic nut is the secret to my grandma’s shiny silver grey hair. Use the virgin oil or the bottled one, trust me this will help you get rid of dryness and flaking of your skin perfectly.
5. Glycerine and Rose Water
Mix in a bottle, partly glycerine and partly rose water. Every night before you go to bed, pour some on your hands and gently massage your face with this. Your skin will not only be fresh looking in the morning but will also feel softer to touch.
6. Toothpaste Beauty Hack
I know many advice you against this regime these days but I’ve found it to be the most helpful when it comes to pimples. Just a little toothpaste on the pimple (the paste and not the gel). Toothpaste contains calcium and anti microbial agents that inhibit any growth of bacteria.
Tooth paste also works well on small burns (the ones without salt content) and gives a soothing effect to the burns.
7. Eating Right
Everything in moderation. My grand mom always had a fixed diet plan; she would eat only how much she was required to eat. No hogging or eating out of temptation. She believed if you ate in moderation, your skin will be the one to benefit from it. Also you wouldn’t put on any extra pounds.
8. You will Smell like What you Eat
Pineapples, strawberries and apples. I have tried it too; you smell like them if you eat them when they are fresh and are readily absorbed by the body. Just a glass of fresh juice of any one of these will keep all the bad odours away from you.
9. Moisturizing your Body
No excuses with this on. Every time after a shower, a good moisturising session is what you owe to your body. Especially in the winter, a good lotion is very important. Dry skin is dull skin and looks unhealthy. She swears by it even today and checks me if I do the same. Grand moms, I tell you!
10. Early to bed, early to rise makes s a man healthy, wealthy and wise
She was right and I understand that today. Every night that you sleep at an unusually late hour, you will get up feeling lethargic and unproductive. Your entire day will go waste since you won’t be in the correct mood for anything. Hence, I decided to follow her, early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, for sure.
Most of us have inculcated a few of our grandmother’s beauty advice in our daily beauty routines. Let’s see what your grandmothers had to offer.