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Benefits Of Marigold Flower For Beauty And Well-Being

by Fashionlady
uses of marigold flower for skin

marigold flower for beauty

We’ve often seen the humble Marigold in full bloom, dancing vibrantly to the winds of summers, in gardens or maybe by the lakes. But how often did we think of the humble flower as a potent beauty agent? Surprised? Don’t be. Let’s show you marigold flowers benefits for skin, hair and our overall well-being!

[Also Read: Top 10 Benefits of Green Tea for Skin]


lets look at the different uses of marigold flower for skin

Benefits of marigold flower for skin

Source: pinterest.com

Home Remedies Using Marigold For All Ailments Known

  1. Marigold helps reduce inflammation in the intestines
  2. The flower when drunk as tea can help beat diarrheal and loose motion
  3. Marigold tea can help reduce fat cells in the liver, keeping the organ clean and healthy
  4. Worms in the stomach? Drink a cup of marigold tea to get them done away with
  5. Glandular swellings and herpes can be treated with marigold flowers
  6. Hepatitis no more, when daily consumption of marigold in tea forms is done
  7. Pedicures with a paste of marigold helps heal cracked feet and swollen legs
  8. The antioxidants found in marigold helps slow down the onslaught of free radicals
  9. Non healing wounds can be treated by using the paste of marigold flowers
  10. Marigold facials exfoliate the skin and brings about a healthy glow
  11. Pick fresh marigold flowers in broad daylight and juice them up. You could also simmer them in hot water for a cup of tea.
  12. If you want to savour them as tea, use only dried versions of the flowers, but for juice you could add honey and water with fresh flowers that have been picked and washed.
Home Remedies Using Marigold

Source: healthyfoodbenefit.com

More Marigold Health Benefits To Be Happy With

To make fresh juice using marigold flowers, we have provided you with one recipe. But if you like a variation for another day, here’s another recipe to savour!

[Also Read: A Cuppa Black Tea for Beauty, Health and Home]

1. Use the stems and the flowers of marigold to make juice. Give each part a good clean wash, and add to it a cup of honey, carrots and apples. The flavour from the juice would be heavenly for sure, but when drunk on an empty stomach, it helps with


  • Weight loss
  • Warts
  • Scabies
marigold flower benefits for skin

Source: pinterest.com

2. You could also use the paste of marigold as an ointment, and we’ve mentioned a way to do so, but here’s another version!

Chop a few marigold flowers into tiny bits and add to this three tablespoons of coconut oil. Make a paste of it and warm the same in the microwave, and use it for pain relief. You may also use the paste to rid the body of-

  • Nose scabs
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Eczema
  • Skin infections such as acne and more
Marigold Health Benefits

Source: pinterest.com

Would You Like To Have a Cup Of Marigold Tea?

If you would like to savour a cup of marigold tea, which is very good for women who suffer from menses pains and cramps, here is how to make a hot cup!


  • A cup of marigold flowers picked fresh and dried over a week
  • Half a cup of lime concentrate
  • Quarter cup honey


Bring to a boil four cups of water, to which the flowers are dry, and allow it to simmer for a couple of seconds. Remove from fire and strain the water, throw away the remnants. Add to this honey and lime as per your taste. Mix well and enjoy!

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1 comment

Main October 5, 2018 - 3:04 am

The marigod heath instructions is a blessing for the female.


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