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How Does Lipton Green Tea Help For Weight Loss

by Fashionlady
What Does Lipton Green Tea Do for women
Green tea needs no introduction. Lipton green tea for weight loss has proven to be the best with its natural ingredients which are chemical-free. Its benefits for the heart, immunity and stress levels overpower its minimal side effects. Read on to know more about lipton green tea help for weight loss

What Does Lipton Green Tea Do

No matter the profession you are in, weight loss and a slim figure is always high on priority. This is more evident in the case of women.

The traditional methods available for your weight loss mission are doing gym/workouts on a regular basis, eating food with low fats, minimal oil, and less of spices, and/or doing brisk walk in the morning time.
For the jet-setting modern woman who is multi-tasking, Green Tea is that wonderful method which delivers results in your weight loss mission.

And when you are talking about Green Tea, then Lipton Green Tea is that one brand, God’s chosen one, in fact, which has to be topmost in your shopping list. Let us find out more about this green tea brand.

What Does Lipton Green Tea Do?

The primary role of Lipton Green Tea is to help you lose weight effectively. On one hand, it increases the process of metabolism. On the other hand, it helps in reducing stress which is the main cause of slow metabolism. Lipton Green Tea is known for its healing and anti-oxidant properties, too.

Green Tea for health

[Also ReadChamomile Tea Benefits ]

Lipton Green Tea Ingredients:

Most of us get floored by the product packaging so much that we skip reading the ingredients. The Lipton Green Tea is a pack of joy. And why? Because it has 100% natural leaves and no chemicals, at all. And yes, it has catechins and caffeine that help you lose weight in a natural way. As they say, there is lot of power in simplicity. And Lipton Green Tea is ample proof.

Green Tea nurietion

How Do You Make Lipton Green Tea?

It is safe and simple to make, starting from a toddler to even grandmom. No mugging required. Here are the steps to go about making this light beverage.

Step 1: Take half a teaspoon of Lipton green tea leaves in a cup.

Step 2: Now boil about 100 ml of water and pour it over the green tea leaves.

Step 3: Allow it to brew for a small duration of 3 to 4 minutes.

Step 4: No need to add milk or sugar to the brewing green tea. Also avoid boiling green tea leaves.

Step 5: It is time now to stir and strain into a cup.

Step 6: Your cup of Lipton Green tea is ready to sip and enjoy.

Green Tea Benifits

Lipton Green Tea Weight Loss:

Well, the formula is clear and simple. You should ideally drink 2 to 4 cups of green tea in a day so that you can lose weight at a faster pace. And this is safe, and doesn’t need any prescription from a doctor or medical practitioner. Since Lipton green tea is a powerhouse of anti-oxidants, it tends to block the intake of calories into fat. It means the possibility of looking a baggy creature reduces, once you take Lipton Green Tea daily and religiously.

Well, he recommends 2 to 3 teacups of green tea a day (no mugs, please). This will be immensely helpful to your health.

It means you can consume Lipton Green Tea in cups 2 to 3 times a day, at times even 4, depending on your love for green tea.

Green Tea for health benifits

Health Benefits Of Lipton Green Tea:

Weight loss is just one of the many reasons why you should switch over to Lipton Green Tea. Here is a list of add-on benefits which would prove its potential.

  1. Heart: Lipton green tea delivers like all other green tea brands when it comes to improving the heart health. Researches conducted over the years reveal that green tea helps in reducing low-density lipo-protein level, which is a type of cholesterol that builds up on the artery walls. In the process, Lipton Green tea lowers down the risk of heart related diseases. But at the same time, you need to cut down on your intake of high calorie and oily-cum-spicy foods.
  1.  Immunity: Green tea, and for that matter, Lipton Green tea improves your immunity system and helps your body in fighting out with the diseases. The tea proves its point in fighting against cold and flu.
  1. Stress: Tired battling out the daily cup of woes – travel, office pressure, domestic duties? Go for a cup of Lipton Green tea, and you will find at ease with yourself. Lipton Green tea is a great stress-buster as it balances the hormones which cause and add on to stress. On top of it, it calms down your mind and helps you in tackling stress management. For patients suffering from depression, Lipton Green tea is a welcome boon.
  1. Taste: Yeah, we know that some of you like tea with milk and sugar. But when you go for Lipton Green tea, you will start to love the taste of this green tea brand. The taste is smooth and refreshing, and gives your taste buds a calming effect.
  1. Hydrated: As you know and have read, you need to keep your body hydrated at all times of the day – whether by drinking water or drinking green tea. And Lipton Green tea fulfils the needs of your body, happily and successfully.

Green Tea for health benifits for women

Lipton Tea Side Effects:

At the start of this blog, I mentioned the presence of caffeine in this brand of Green tea. So do not drink this green tea like a fish. Drink in moderate quantities, as excess of it can cause mild to serious problems such as restlessness, nervousness, irritability, sleeping problems, loss of appetite, upset stomach and nausea.

[ Also Read: Ways To Re Use Green Tea Bags – Let’s Go Green ]

These are the side effects of green tea you need to be aware of.

I hope, you will share this article on the benefits of Lipton Green tea in weight loss with your friends and family members, even pen friends. Sharing is caring, after all.

Images Source: pinterest.com

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Carol June 20, 2017 - 3:05 pm

How many calories im going to gain if i Consume Liption Green Tea?

Deepika Dewan June 22, 2017 - 6:55 pm

The Lipton tea bag as such doesn’t contain calories mostly. Although the other ingredients such as milk, sugar, honey do contain 9, 46 and 64 calories respectively. Remember that the milk we are referring to is whole milk here. So individual Lipton tea bags are almost close to 0 calories.

Sofia June 20, 2017 - 3:06 pm

Can I make Sweet Tea with Lipton green tea bags

Deepika Dewan June 22, 2017 - 6:55 pm

Yes, sweet tea can be made by brewing the ordinary Lipton tea bags. Here are the simple steps :

– Boil the water to boiling point.
– Add the necessary sugar to sweeten the content.
– Now, place a few tea bags (2-3) in a pitcher, and pour the boiled water into the pitcher over the tea bags.
– After a few minutes, remove the tea bags and allow the pitcher to chill in the refrigerator.
– When fully chilled, add ice cubes and serve.

Kaylee July 5, 2017 - 3:27 pm

How Long will it take to loose 8Kgs of weight?

Katherine July 5, 2017 - 3:28 pm

Can we use this tea for diabetes?

Deepika Dewan July 10, 2017 - 3:01 pm

This answer should come from your doctor. As they will need to advice it based on parameters.


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