In a shocking incident, Smirti Irani, a former television actress and Union Education Minister of India found a hidden camera in the changing room at a popular store in Goa. As soon as she spotted the camera, she called for help and filed a FIR against the store.
The minister says that the camera was strategically placed and could clearly shoot what was happening inside the changing room. The store has been sealed by the government and is facing charges.
[Also Read: Smriti Irani – An Inspiration for Every Indian Woman]
We are just as appalled as Ms Irani, and to be frank, we are outraged. We must thank Smriti Irani for being so mindful about her surrounding and helping so many other women who had fallen and could have fallen prey to the store’s lecherous activity.
As our part, we are listing below few tips which can help y’all identify hidden cameras in trial rooms.
- Be very mindful of your surroundings and always trust your instincts.
- Before changing, survey the room carefully and try to see if anything is out of the place. Check decorated items for hidden cameras – flowerpots, lampshade, ring holes of curtains, smoke detectors etc.
- If there are any statues in the room, carefully survey the statue for any hole.
- If at all the changing room has sofas, armchairs or cushions, be sure to check them for hidden cameras.
- Spot any wires which you see are out of place and see where they are leading to. Big stores and malls have plastic casing to all their electric wires. So wires hanging around is definitely alarming.
- While you are surveying the room, listen carefully for any small clicks. Motion sensitive cameras make some click noises when the target moves.
- If you have access to the lights in the trial room, turn them off and see if you can spot any red or sharp light coming from any corner or unsuspecting place.
- While the lights are off, use your phone’s flashlight and scan the mirrors for hidden cameras.
Now, what if, God forbid, you do find some hidden cameras? What will you do? For all you know, the entire store could be involved in this activity. Or it could just be some workers. Remember, in cases like these, you can’t trust anyone!
1.Stay calm. Act like you haven’t noticed any camera. You don’t want to alert the observer. They might just disable and delete the footage!
2.Inform the authorities. Not the store authorities but official authorities – Police.
We sincerely hope these tips help y’all to learn How to Find Hidden Camera in a Changing Room!