Who says that yoga is meant only for creating a perfect balance between our body and mind? It can help you a lot in sculpting and molding your assets and turn you into a true ‘hot bod’. No, I’m not going to talk about how you can carve your upper body into a perfect shape. Rather, let us talk about ‘yoga butt’ today. Yoga asanas are really effective in strengthening and toning up our gluteal muscles, which eventually gives firmer, higher and rightly-proportioned butt. It is nothing but your own body weight that makes your lower body look fab with yoga!
Sounds interesting?
Check out the yoga poses to tighten buttocks, below:
1. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
This is a part of the well-known Sun Salutation sequence and is the perfect butt lift workout. It is known to be one of the most effective yoga poses for firming up the booty.
- Place yourself on the floor with your hands a little ahead of your shoulders and your knees right below your hips.
- Spread your palms out and keep them parallel to each other. Your toes should be turned under.
- Now, breathe out gradually and raise your knees off the floor.
- Take a deep breath and pull your tailbone out from the rear of your pelvis and squeeze it into the pubis.
- Also, raise your sitting bones up and pull your inner legs into the groins.
- Breathe out once again, while pushing the upper parts of your thighs back and spreading your heels on the ground. Keep your knees straight yet unlocked at the same time.
- Narrow down the anterior section of the pelvis by making the outer thighs firmer and moving the upper thighs a little inward.
- Plant the bases of your index fingers on the floor, tighten up your outer arms and raise the remaining section of your hands up slowly.
- Push your shoulder blades towards your tailbone and widen them gradually. Make sure that your head is lying in between your upper arms instead of hanging in the air.
- Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes and then return to the starting position.
[Also Read: Yoga For Pregnant Women]

2. Three-Legged Down Dog Pose (Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)
It is a simple variation of the previous yoga pose, which can be practiced to achieve the similar results.
- Start in the downward-facing dog pose.
- Raise up your left leg in the air, slowly but steadily, and bring it in line with your spine. Your shoulders must be parallel with the ground this time.
- Hold the position for 5 respective breaths and then relax.
You can also appear taller and firmer by using yoga, particularly with this asana.

3. Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana 1)
In this basic yoga asana, we need to work mainly on our glutes, which helps in toning our butt perfectly.
- Start in the downward-facing dog position.
- Take a step forward with your right foot and push the left foot back at an angle, while pressing it slightly against the floor.
- Lift your arms up together so that they frame your face. Also, point them towards the ceiling.
- Hold the position for 5 consecutive deep breaths and then swap the side.

4. Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana 2)
This is a more effective version of the previous pose, which not only gives a firmer and perkier booty, but also strengthens the entire core.
- To start with, follow the first two steps of the warrior 1 pose.
- Open your arms slowly to make an angle of 180-degrees between them (stretch your right arm toward the front part of your body and left arm toward the back).
- Also, widen your chest and hips as you open your arms.
- Bend your right knee a little forward to align it with the ankle.
- Take 5 deep breaths and change the side.
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5. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
If you want to get a tight sexy back through yoga, you simply can’t ignore practicing this highly popular asana. From your core to your thighs to your glutes, it can tone up almost everything.
- Stand straight on the floor, while keeping your feet together.
- Bend both of your knees a little and drop your hips as well as tailbone gradually. Make sure that you bring the weight of your whole body into your heel this time.
- Raise your arms up together and let your palms face each other.
- Your shoulders should be relaxed enough and your eyes should be fixed to the ceiling.
- Hold the position for 8 to 10 seconds.

6. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Last but not the least; practice this well-known asana regularly to work on your core as well as back muscles. You will definitely get a stronger and tighter butt over time.
- Lie down on the floor on your back.
- Lift your knees off the floor by bending them slowly.
- Keep your feet flat on the floor at a hip-width distance from each other. Your arms should be placed at the sides of your body.
- Now, take a deep breath, press your feet and palms against the floor, and pull your tailbone out in order to raise your pelvis off the ground.
- Squeeze your abdominal muscles and try to bring your shoulders a little close to each other.
- Hold the position for some time and relax.
[Also Read: Gift of Communication Comes From Regular Practice of Yoga]

So, these were some yoga workouts for a better butt. Go, get into yoga and give your bums a sculpted makeover.
Good luck!